Reviews for Promise
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
I enjoy reading this! Don't give up on writing this. I really do hope to see more soon!
TheCarlosInferno chapter 1 . 12/3/2018
My only complain is that this is not a M rated story
GrimaxNaga chapter 1 . 11/29/2018

It seems difficult to judge in a single chapter but the concept can be a good idea or even innovative if you manage to rewrite the stories and produce interesting intrigues of these crossings.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
Interesting! I like the idea of this. I just might give this story a chance! Not that I never wouldn’t! It’s just your first story: Promise, didn’t...appeal to me. No offense. I just couldn’t make heads or tails in other words. Lol.

I digress though. Keep this up. I’ll be sure to follow this.

Also, I think you’ve inspired me to write down a story of my own. One that focuses mainly on Valla however. PM me if you’re interested in hearing my idea.