Reviews for An Eye and a Puff
AbyssusTheDarkNightmare chapter 3 . 12/12/2018
Curse unseen errors... Anyway by "star allies feels to climatic" I meant that with the final wave of dream characters and the final portraits, we know have a reference to nearly every 2D-2.5D kirby game from his origins all the way to the game itself, and that final portrait, Kirby waving "seeya!" as the music seemingly stops for good. It hurts to know that we might not see most of these characters we've grown to love for a good while. (Also Void is the greatest fusion of final bosses i've ever seen. Referencing Zero, Dark Mind, Magolor, Marx, Drawcia, Sectonia, Star Dream/Heart of Nova, and of course Void Termina)
AbyssusTheDarkNightmare chapter 2 . 12/3/2018
Star allies feels too climatic... Als B