Reviews for Maddie, Madoue, Madness
Faery66 chapter 6 . 7/13
Hope to read more soon.

spirouFr chapter 6 . 7/7
KimmyWSmith chapter 1 . 4/9
I love this story re-write. I think it is amazing and emotional. You have captured a lot here.
Imafantotally chapter 6 . 11/23/2019
I really love the fact that you included Jenna in the ‘know’! Awesome story!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/12/2019
Please, update. This story is too good not to be finished
Guest chapter 6 . 7/15/2019
I love that Jenna is actually in the know! I always hated that they kept her ignorant in, Elena brought vampires and the other supernatural into their house. It was her responsibility to make sure Jenna knew so that *she* could keep herself safe, but she didn’t and Jenna died because of it. So I’m glad Jenna is actively taking care of herself! Also, I adore how you write Jenna’s character and she is hilarious, so I’m really hoping she doesn’t die in this! Other people I’m not so attached too, but I want Jenna to make it! Either alive or as a vampire if that happens, but I hated how she was killed as a result of Elena’s negligence and self-centeredness. I AM glad that your Elena seems different! I love that she’s not so wrapped up in Stefan that she places him over Caroline’s safety! She seems like a much better friend than on the show. Also love how Maddie cares about Jeremy.

As for Maddie and Jenna’s plan, vervain is just verbena, right? They could plant it literally around the entire yard! And they could like soak lots of vervain in water in spray bottles and then spritz it like perfume on their skin (especially their necks and wrists) and hair! And on the off chance that Elena or Jeremy do invite Damon inside, Jenna and Maddie could drop vervain flowers in milk jugs, orange juice containers, etc. so if he drinks anything, it will hurt...and if THEY drink it, their blood would hurt him.
elidear chapter 6 . 6/12/2019
great story! can't wait to read more
Nikahlee chapter 6 . 4/3/2019
Is that really the end or is there more coming?

Also, I am enjoying it so far. I love the idea of Jenna not being clueless about everything. It may seem odd, but that is my favorite part of this story so far.
Avathar chapter 6 . 4/1/2019
This is such a good story, I absolutely love Maddie shes a wonderful character with her hidden madness only occasionally showing and her and Jenna becoming a vampire hunting team is brilliant. I can't wait for more this is a brilliant story.
Kenzi chapter 6 . 3/2/2019
I absolutely love your OC! She’s the perfect balance of a little crazy and relatable. I love that you’re including Jenna! I can’t wait to see more from you!
jgood27 chapter 6 . 2/19/2019
Love this story and cant wait to read more
The Battling Bard chapter 6 . 1/14/2019
This story is so entertaining! I love Madeline's relationship with Jenna (hope you're not going to have Klaus kill her). Brilliant, update soon.
Excited Reader chapter 5 . 1/5/2019
OH MY GARLICNESS I AM IN LOVE! Maddie is SoOoOoooooo cool! And I love how when she was worried she just drugged Caroline so she wouldn't go back to Damon and get hurt, I cant wait for Elijah!I also love the bonding between Maddie and Aunt Jenna, plz continue with this story and all of its vampire-awesome-ness. I love your story and hope to see new chapters soon. !
Thornsilverfox chapter 5 . 12/15/2018
Lmao, she knows, she used the garlic after all to confirm he wasn't a vampire. I'm seriously in love with Madeline right now. Also I think it's amazing that Jenna knows so soon, it cool that Madeline was able to confide in her regarding her telepathy. Super excited to see the progression; Also looking forward to her meeting Elijah and their opinions of one another. I'm also curious to know how she'll react to Katerina, and her resemblance to Elena. I can't wait to see what you will come up with next.
Alies16 chapter 5 . 12/14/2018
Tell me that in the next chapter she will finally get over her denial. I'm really worried for her.
I was wondering how she could have gotten Caroline to stay inside when she was compelled, I never thought that she was going to drug her! Nice move! Elena reaction wasn't really nice, though...
Every new chapter she looks the part of the bitchy and irresponsible one in the household. I like it. I've never been that much on Elena side. She made one too many stupid choices.

Couldn't she just shup up about Sebastian?! Why did she have to bring him up!? I strongly dislike Elena. I'm a convinced member of the Maddie should slap Elena's team! Or Jeremy should; once he's over drugs...

Oh, look! When desperate look for older sister.
Ok, I like when my own lil' sister does it.
But why couldn't she trust Maddie more? I'm starting to thing that there must be a reason as to why she is so conceited...

Would Liz really be so mad with her all things considered? She drugged Care to save her, not like a rapist would.

Wait. What's that about the octopus? I don't understand. Help me! Explain, please! It's Maddie that should have been an octopus or Elena?
Did I tell you that I love Jenna? Because I really do. She is amazing.

And thank you so much for teaching me a new word! I've never heard of 'thingummy'. It sounds a bit funny. And yes Maddie, Damon is like Yoda. Or maybe we should say that he is like the Emperor xD.
Can you please tell Maddie that yes, vampires exist and they eat garlic?

Wonderful chapter and title as always! 3
See you in the next chapter, I can't wait!
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