Reviews for Colors in Autumn
Vigatus chapter 34 . 1/31
Thank you for the great story.
flowerchilled chapter 17 . 8/3/2019
Gee for someone who holds the crest of love, sora’s real stupid about it huh
flowerchilled chapter 10 . 8/3/2019
Lol this is just the plot from 13 going on 30 now not that that's a bad thing! I just think it's funny
skymont chapter 34 . 7/27/2019
first of all, paris is a wonderful city indeed. too bad i was only staying for one night when i went there.

well how should i start? i knew that you wouldn't force sora to stay back home because that would be too childish when they're very mature already at this point of the story :p i wasn't expecting the part when taichi jumped right away to the airplane tho. dang, i wish i have enough money to do the same lol.

and i like how you wrote the proposal part in a very... humble way? i don't know how to describe it properly. we all know that these two would ended up together anyways (who are you kidding?!) so i thought the long, extravagant description of proposal was not really necessary. thank you for keeping it simple yet making us very warm.

aaand of course, thank you for the fic! been a very nice ride reading this story, perhaps i can compare it to a nice slow driving in a warm morning. of course it's upsetting to come to an end, but good job and i hope you will post another stories when you have time and ideas. i'll make sure i hit the follow author bottom below along with the favorite story. (psst, if you need a bit of challenge, how about crackpairs? i had multiple favorites lol)

as a token of apology for late reviews, i have something for you. not sure if i can send it via ffn but i'll see what i can do after this.

can't believe this is the last time i'm saying this. stay warm (at heart), noct!
skymont chapter 33 . 7/27/2019

apologize for the very very late review! i actually read this when i got the alert, but again, i was having a hard time to sit down comfortably and type a proper review.

(trying so hard not to type a mere stupid tai again, but he deserved that!)

i pretty much enjoyed this tai pov chapter. i wanted to say "you should do it more often" but then i forgot we only had another chapter left (nooo!) :( well let me know if you made another fic with his point of view, i'll fly right away.

thank god no left phalanges were harmed during this chapter lol. ok, shall we go to the next one? i hope i don't get teary because even sora had promised not to cry on the goodbyes.
Lin Lu Lo Li chapter 34 . 7/25/2019
Hi. It'a. shame that this story comes to an end. It really made my heart shrunk when they said goodbye at the airport. I glad they could make it trough the distance. It was special the engagement, but what I loved the most was Davis and Kari's wedding. I' gonna miss this story...
SoraxKairi7 chapter 34 . 7/25/2019

So I read this last night but then I read it again now since it was the last chapter and I'm glad I reread it. At first I thought, okay, she wanted to wrap things up, this chapter felt like s lot going on and a little rushed, but upon reading back, somehow my opinion changed. Idk how that makes sense but this chapter was so wholesome and a great way to end it. Still, a lot went on but it was entertaining and heartfelt and you could truly see how close everyone was to each other.

Ok Tai flying across the world for her, I had a feeling he may but I was hoping he would just move there, lol. I guess Sors going back and forth every other month was a fair arrangement, but at that point I would just pick one place. Sounds tiring. But I guess she has to be in Paris sometimes. I kinda wish they didnt have to consider breaking up. A lot of people, especially those in the military do long distance and it is possible. But for some I guess they just feel like it isnt.

Lol Kari's water broke at the wedding. And Tai making jabs at Davis in the delivery room was hilarious. Davis calling Kari waifu fits so well, too. I lol'd

Matt is such a bro. I like how he is always honest with everyone. Little does he realize how freaking stubborn he is too

So they actually bought a house. And YES! The proposal! I like the way you did it. It was a big deal but it didnt feel like one. Kinda just something you knew was coming but you're still just as happy for it. But I will say, as someone who works in the jewelry, that heart shaped ring had me a little confused. Is it a red diamond? Those things are expensive AF! Dang dude. Not a big deal lol

Overall I really enjoyed this story. Aki got what she deserved, Sora has her dream job and the love of her life, same goes for Tai, etc. TK is doing fine, hell, even Joe is gonna be a dad. I would read a fic about Joe taking care of a baby. I think it'd be hilarious. Haha!

If I had any critique, I would say the emphasis on being warm and cold, although a big theme, may have been a little too much. I think it lost its effect up until the end for me (sorry, dont kill me!) Until Tai felt it in the second to last chapter. Trust me, I've written entire stories then gone back and wondered, why did I write that? I could have done this there, etc. But either way, this was such a great story to me. :)

I know you said you may be taking a break but of course I look forward to new installments! Especially Taiora. Hehe.

Til next time!
SoraxKairi7 chapter 33 . 7/24/2019
No! I don't want her to leave!

Love that last sentence - 'what it truly meant to feel cold.'

I can't remember which cookie scene you're referring to. Is it the episode of Matt's concert and Sora made him something?

Lol Aika slapping Tai on the back. And he so needed it

They're both the most stubborn people ever is right. Why can't Tai just go with her? I know he got promoted and all but he's charismatic enough to get a job in France, right? Lol
NezumiHanHan chapter 34 . 7/21/2019
Ok, I wanted to write this many chapters ago, but I decided write it now, I mean, in the finish.

I love your story. I didn't love. I love it. The way as you write, the way as you represent the characters, ALL is amazing. I found this story when was on chapter 22, and I read the 22 chapters on one night and was wonder. I really love your stories ('cause I read another story), have emotions, a warm enviroment, really nice characters personality, and, of course, the little M moments.

I feel a little sad because this is over, but as the same time, I feel happy as the way this finish. I hope you follow writing Taiora stories, because, you have the touch (I do not if your are going to understand that I want to say, because I speak Spanish), whatever, this is AMAZING and I'm not going to stop say, you are amazing too. Was beautiful to find a charapter that hate the cold as way as me, specially Sora (because she is my favorite digimon's character). Well, that's all. You're increible writer, so, I hope you still writing. Bai bai.

Stay warm you too. C:
Named After Irony chapter 34 . 7/21/2019
Oh my... What she doesn't say people is that not only do you need tissues for this chapter, but something to munch on or a JMH. Otherwise, you might not have nails after reading this final chapter. I cried, I smiled, I had to stop twice and put my emotions to right so I could finish it. (After procrastinating for over half an hour... drumming up the courage to actually open the darn notification.)

Chicky, you are so good with descriptions and all the little details... It's what makes your fic so personal and an absolute emotional joy to read! Your personal touch to this fic had me coming back to re-read the first four chapters, (even though I wasn't too sure at the beginning, I'm not the biggest Mimi fan after all _) and I absolutely 100% fell in love with your story and all of your OC's. There is so much love in this story. In all forms: friendship, lovers, sibling, girlfriends, best friends, knuckle-headed-friends, guy friends... You name it and it's in this fic. Colors also did something I'll never forget: It provided me with an amazing new friend!

*I'm not crying, You're crying!*
makeyourlifehappy chapter 34 . 7/21/2019
you start the chapter so well, not too rushed, and not too slow. also being it a rainy day fits soo well to how everyone must be feeling in that moment.
i was fighting with my tears when i read Tai saying "my sora" because YESSS OF COURSE SHE IS HIS SORA! and the fact that she's leaving just killed me. it was just so obvious that he wanted to beg her to stay.. :(
i really thought she would change her mind but when they actually parted before the security check i was like.. what?! she's reeally leaving?! and he is not runnign after her?

it was SO cool from you to include their crests! i squealed. i really did lol.

i am not going to say much about the conversation sora had with matt before she left. i just love him and i loved him saying "Just because something is hard, doesn't mean that it won't work out". i could not agree with him more!

and then you just turned everything upside down. YOU HAD ME FREAKING CRYING OUT OF JOY! aaaahhhh my heart! i could literally seeee the whole scene in my head.
"i would chase you down if you ever ran" YES. EXACTLY WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR!

i have to be honest i actually thought Tai would be like "hey i'll stay with you bc my company has some place here in paris as well" so my happiness kind of fell when i read that they actually tried a long - distance relationship. but only for a second until i came to the part that is actually worked. guess if anyone can do that than it's them.
also... colors in autumm? what a wonderful name! and what a great way to include your fic's name into the story.

...there, in the middle of the room he knelt down. THANK. YOU. SO. MUCH! yessssss. when i read that everyone's gathered in the house i was like ok either he'll do it while everyone is around oooor... it won't happen now. i am so happy! my babe's finally got their happy end!
it is a masterpiece. i am so happy i got the chance to read and follow you throughout this. you are a hell of a writer, always say the right things and actually make the readers feel something. this is so percious and i can't say enough how big of a fan i am. you handled the characters great, worked amazing with all these hints and just tied (tai - ed ? lol i remember you saying this) everything together. you did an amazing job, you really did!
i hope to read more from you soon.
SoraxKairi7 chapter 32 . 7/19/2019
Y u tryin to hurt me tho
SoraxKairi7 chapter 31 . 7/19/2019
AH KINGDOM HEARTS YES TAI JOIN US also why isnt he joking about the main characters name being the same as Sora's and the really close name to his own sister's lol but I digress. Thank you for including that and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this xD guess you could tell I hadnt read it yet

All these hints! Tai better propose soon! Hes even calling dibs on future baby names! I think he hid the ring in one of those shoes. My brother hid the ring in his own shoe, a place she would never think to look. Hah. The whole spider act was a good one. I'm grossed out just thinking about it

Bringing everyone together again was nice. I really hope TK will be okay. Lol forgot to mention about Davis messing up his name. Such nostalgia and when I read that I heard Davis' voice.

Another great chapter!
SoraxKairi7 chapter 30 . 7/19/2019
I am do late to this
You need to take three weeks and watch ALL of GoT. Just saying. I totally did not do such a thing...

I was surprised to see Yuki, of all people. And then she goes and nearly ruins the engagement? Also I was worried about Kari when she was trying to fight her being pregnant and all. Dang. Hope everything will be okay with the baby.

Lol I work at a jewelry store, and any time tries guessing a ring size they are always, I mean always wrong. In fact, one guy just thought she needed 1/2 size up, but she ended up needing three sizes. Lol. Good job Sora for making his life easier.

And just little things, like Tai making tea for her before she got home. How sweet.

Wonder what will happen in Sora's job too.
makeyourlifehappy chapter 33 . 7/18/2019
first of all... that last phrase just KILLED ME! my poor baby is so in pain o my gaaaaawd. COME HERE I'LL GIVE YOU ALL THE LOVE YOU DESERVE!

i honestly hate to see him like this. but i have to say YOU WROTE HIM SO WELL! you really did. wow i could literally feeel his pain through the whole chapter. but at the same time he is so frckin selfless and pushing her to something he knows she dreamt about for so long although it's killing him inside.

(- side note: loved how he acted towards Aki and how he said " it wasn't." i had him right before my inner eye. )

it was so amazing to see Tai's and Matt's friendship during this chapter. i loved how Tai turned towards his best friend because... who you're going to when your life's falling apart.. your bff. i also can't say it enough.. you are writing Matt sooooo well. i loved their bickering and Matt being the great friend he is. he said all the right things and it just felt good to know that Tai has someone who supports him like Matt does. i adore them both! and their bromance is so amazing.

oh and. YES HE FINALLY GOT IT. daaaamn i knew he wasn't the brightest lol. but really? being so clueless? he's so cute!

though i fear what will happen from now on.. i can't wait for your next update.
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