Reviews for Sunshine and Promises
gcls14 chapter 1 . 2/8
I love it! More pls!
Vamphorse chapter 1 . 1/28
This was very good. Very well written.
hikarijade13 chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
This was amazing. As soon as I read the summary I thought 'that sounds good' and I was definitely not disappointed. It was a great blend of emotions and physical intimacy. I'm not too keen on Ben having a nicknamehe's so serious and intense that it doesn't sound right. At the same time, using it made the moments Rey calls him by his proper name stand out more.
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
That was emotional and intense. The whole time I was expecting an unhappy ending but I am very pleased to be wrong.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
Of course I made it to the end! This was beautifully written. The angst and self loathing between these two was perfect, painful, and so pleasing to read! I think you made the right call making the scene a little less explicit than some of your other work. It was a very emotional scene to read and holding back the way you did really did it justice. You have such a talent for writting complex human relationships, you make them feel realistic. Love is messy and I adore that you never shy away from showing that part in your writting. In short, I completely loved this!
ToughSpirit chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
This was a very emotional one shot fic. So much happened in such little time. All the deep hatred Ben felt for himself because of his forbidden love for Rey really struck me. I also loved the nature of their relationship, how they can get each other so angry but still want to stay near each other. This was really great to read.
kdobrole5 chapter 1 . 11/19/2018
Omg I wept. This was so sad and sweet.
Also, “Benny”? So cute I almost died.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
Ok, you sneaky thing, that was unexpected and wonderful! I'm not gonna lie, I nearly ran for my life when I hit the word "cousin", but what can I say, you're a fantastic writer and I really like you, so I gave it a shot. And I love what you did with their relationship! Making them not actually biologically related made me go, "Ooooh! So...ok, then..." (and thanks for not making Rey under age, either, btw), but I also strangely enjoyed his moral struggle? Like, he knows it's technically all right for them to be together, but they've grown up in the same family and have always been expected to relate as cousins, so he feels dirty and guilty and wants to protect her from himself...and something about that said such a lot about him that yeah, I kinda loved his struggle. And their whole years-spanning relationship was just really beautiful. So sweet to think of them understanding each other so much through it all. I also love the way you described his attempt to grab hold of the darkness in himself and use it as a very palpable shield...that's our Kylo right there, with Ben getting shoved down deeper and deeper all the time.

So yes, this was a great read! Definitely made it to the end. :)
Shestoolazytologin chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
I definitely made it and what a good read it was! I'm not sure if you'll continue this or not but I would definitely read it if you wrote more :)