Reviews for The Twilight Brigade
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 2 . 12/7/2019
Another good chapter!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
An excellent start! I like how this has begun! So am I correct in assuming that this takes place FAR in the future when Fairy Tail and the other great Guilds are now just a forgotten memory?
ShugoYuuki123 chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
Did I send in an OC before? it's been awhile that I feel like I did but am not sure
Malfel chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
Yeah! Glad to see your continuing
Sunsetdh chapter 2 . 11/21/2018
I really enjoy the way you took the time to introduce each OC in this story - it helps me keep track of them better and giving them histories together or stories in general makes it interesting. Of course, your style of writing, grammar, and etc. has to do with its success, but generally I think you executed it better than in White Dullahan. Personally, I believe that only introducing a few OCs at a time will help prevent informative chaos.

On a different note, oof the OC requirement/description thing is long D but it’s smart to do it this way as it limits the amount of OC requests and creates a more in depth character. Writing characaters is also enjoyable for readers when it’s this detailed- it’s like writing a story but with guidelines. Anyways thanks for the update and doing so much for us readers!
DeathTheManiac chapter 2 . 11/21/2018
While there wasn't much going on in this ch I would like to say that the characters themselves have been well made.
pine swiftwings chapter 2 . 11/21/2018
I really enjoyed this chapter. It was well written and I'm certainly intrigued to see what will happen next. I'm especially curious to see the different characters magics in action.
ShugoYuuki123 chapter 2 . 11/20/2018
Liked the interaction between the OC's. And for your questions 1.) right handed and 2.) Doesn't use honorifics. Looking forward to seeing what happens next :)
RedMoonRabbit chapter 1 . 11/19/2018
SO COOL! Really, that was my immediate reaction :D Late review I know, but I found this days ago and was meaning to review but never got around to it :/ Better late than never xD

I'm excited thinking about where you're going to take this - it's such an exciting setting you've decided on, and I adore worldbuilding so confronted with this I'm just O.O you know?

As for the content, I think you're a talented writer! My favourite part of the chapter is how you handled Honest Ogre's Market exposition scene. I think Asher's my favourite so far, just for the bit where he scolds his tools :D Also the nice kebab man.

I really doubt I'll find the time to get you an OC (I don't want to reserve because I know I'd take an inordinately long time and that'd make me feel bad :P) but, I wish you good luck~ This looks ambitious. Judging by the amount of detail you require in your form, the amount of information in your ANs, and the quality of your writing here it'll be amazing :D
San child of the wolves chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
Wow this is so cool! I really like the detail and that you're explaining things too! I'll gladly send in a character to this. May I reserve a spot for the Twilight Brigade? It will take me a bit to properly get a really detailed character up.
MyDearWatson chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
Wonderful start to a new story! The world you have setup is very unique as I haven’t seen it done before. Already the characters appear colorful and dynamic, so I hope that continues going forward. I like the system you’ve build with how the guild runs, and I like the connection with the military as well. I’m very interested to see where this goes!
ShugoYuuki123 chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
Welcome back was surprised to see a new story from you, but glad since this story idea seems interesting and not one I've read before. I will be sending in an OC soon which will take awhile with the amount I need to fill in. Other than that I look forward to seeing the story progress and the OC's that will be introduced :)
Sunsetdh chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
Honestly, I was extremely surprised when I found that you had posted another story, but not that I'm unhappy. I'm pretty excited for this new story, it's an interesting AU that I haven't really seen in the Fairy Tail fandom, and the fact that Fairy Tail and other guilds are only 'fairy tales' in this time period puts the context in a different perspective. Anyhow, would it be possible for me to use the same OC as I had in your other story? Of course, I'll make (many) edits to it and adjust it to your character sheet, but just making sure.