Reviews for The Element of Surprise
Hope Meijer chapter 1 . 3/2
I was looking for a novelisation of the films and saw ‘The Evolution of Claire’ whilst perusing - wasn’t sure whether to buy it or not (as unfortunately there’s no ebook option) but now you’ve inspired me to go for it! And even without having read it, it definitely casts a different light on the date as you say!
Siena Jackson chapter 1 . 3/22/2019
I love this and definitely would like to hear more!
Elise-Collier chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
My favorite part of this little story (second part...please?) is the prequel bungalow scene and how you found a perfectly in-character explanation for Owen’s JW line of “what do they want now?” Additionally, I can totally see Claire pretending to relax not far from her office.
18lzytwner chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
An interesting look into Claire and Owen. Well done!
Tamoocow1991 chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
I swear to God you write the best stories. I have no doubt, since reading TEOC and seeing deleted scenes that this prequel is, in my mind at least, EXACTLY how everything went down. You're so talented. Thank you for sharing!
akaJB chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
I noticed that line in JW too and thought, huh, that's interesting, because when Claire goes to his "bungalow" and the whole interaction between the two in the movie, it felt to me like they had been friends for a while (and the employee handbook seems to potentially back that up - although I'm trying not to take anything outside of the movies as straight canon).

I haven't read EoC and have no interest in it, personally. The bits I've gleaned from others mainly just frustrates me - as it makes Claire way to young (in my book) for her position and portrayal in the movies. I prefer to think of her and Owen as being similarly aged to the actors. But, I like that you made this completely accessible for those who haven't read.

Loved "The right mix of ambition, obsession, and childhood trauma, I guess.” Great line for Claire, although wondering if she's thinking of the EoC as childhood trauma or if something else happened (in which case, poor Claire).

I can totally see her taking work and hiding out pretending to be relaxing.

I think it's an interesting take to have Masrani be trying to protect her from having to deal with the raptors. I wish we had seen a bit more of their interactions. They seemed really comfortable at the paddock, but on the same hand, he didn't know she knew Owen Grady, and he hadn't seen the Indominus before, so he can't be around much. And in the control room later it's very clear that she very much easily defers to him, and I don't know that an operations manager would. It would be her job to push back. So many questions. :)

Are the post-its asking for a date on the agreement a nod to the employee handbook?

Oh, and you brought in Karen! I enjoy reading people's take on Karen. I really liked her in your trilogy you wrote after JW.

I *love* your line about the distance of the ferry. The travel stuff in the movies is just completely nuts anywhere anyone has to travel. Huge pet peeve - but I laughed when I read it here. Thanks for acknowledging that.

Ah, the itinerary planning... I so wish we had more details on how that date went down. :) I like the idea that she's building an itinerary to protect herself - so he doesn't have time to take her to the raptors. But it's also too bad that she doesn't feel like she can trust him to either tell him she doesn't want to go or that he wouldn't' do that on a first date.

That ending leaves it so open. Two shot?
Claire-Grady143 chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
I’m a huge fan of the book and you’ve tied the book and movie together perfectly! I honestly don’t think it could have been done any better.
Vianey Santana chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
Whow ,estoy enganchada,recuerdo la escena eliminada de la que hablas y me gusta el análisis qué haces al escribir la historia,me encantaría leer la evolución de Claire,pero lamentablemente no tengo acceso a la novela aquí en México,así que disfrutaré enormemente este fic