Reviews for SPN100: And The Moment's Gone
MissScorp chapter 20 . 6/24/2019
Hi there! I like how this touches on the fact that Sam and Dean haven’t been hunting together in a long while but fall right back into the rhythm when they are confronted by the ghost. It’s like riding a bike for them. A routine so engrained in them that it comes naturally. Not sure that John mandates they set aside the family BS, stop the ghost (or whatever they’re hunting), and then go back to fighting but whatever works, right? heh

That Dean is the happiest he’s been in a long time is a bit sad. It’s a reminder he’s been abandoned by the two people who mean the world to him. Course, John didn’t abandon him like Sam. He’s just away hunting the thing that killed Mary. He still contacts Dean. Until that moment, Dean has had zero contact with Sam. No letters, no texts, no calls, nothing. He had to go get Sam when John stopped getting in touch with him. For four years it’s been like this. Now, he has Sam back in his life and they’re hunting while looking for John. It’s the family reunion he’s craved.

Another nice piece!
MissScorp chapter 19 . 6/22/2019
Hi there! Aw man the feels here in this piece :/ See, this is what makes Supernatural: the feels. The show punches you in the gut one minute and completely exasperates you the next. It’s a roller coaster ride you love but hate because of certain moments that just gut you inside. That’s this piece. It has those moments where you just end up gutted. Why? Because it hits you in the feels. Dean has a few memories of Mary that he clings too. That he cherishes. Her hugging him is one of those moments. He can remember how she feels, how her hair curtained him and shielded him from the outside world. She’s this safety net, this comfort zone for both little Dean and adult Dean. It’s something Sammy doesn’t have since he was a baby when Mary dies. He doesn’t know that comfort or security.

Ah but then you remind us that the boys did have a bit of a motherly figure in their lives off and on. Is Ellen like Mary? No. She’s a different woman altogether. Dean notices the differences (not just in their height) when she pulls him to her. She’s not as gentle as Mary and her hair doesn’t blanket him as Mary’s did. However, there’s a familiar feeling with her: one of belonging. I’d even say it’s a feeling of acceptance since Ellen knows what he is and doesn’t judge him for it (Just rides his butt whenever he does something stupid). It’s a maternal connection that sparks memories that Dean keeps locked inside. A reminder of what he had and what he lost and what he’s fighting to stop another kid from losing.

Really lovely piece!
MissScorp chapter 18 . 6/17/2019
Hi there! Ah the Sam up and split bit. It’s a constant in Dean’s life. Sam has walked away a plethora of times after an argument with either John or Dean. We also know he walked away when he figured everything was his fault and that everyone be better off. No matter how often he walks away, Dean always tries to find him. I love the nod here to how smart Sam is and that he’d have covered his tracks well enough that a savvy tech guru like Ash can’t find him. However, this also shows how attuned to his brother that Dean is. He knows that this is what Sam will do. I instantly thought of the episode where Dean is trying to Sam and tells Bobby there’s nothing about his brother that he doesn’t know. There’s a few things he doesn’t know, but for the most part, he knows Sam like the back of his hand.

I thought Ellen was the perfect voice to use here. She offers the right blend of motherly concern as Dean is freaking out over Sam’s up and vanishing by telling him essentially that he will turn up at some point. We also see how this is a situation she has experience in because of her own relationship with Jo. Only difference is that Jo sends an occasional postcard telling her where she is. Sam won’t. Another reminder about how Sam tends to walk away and stay away until Dean finds him.

Couple quick pointer(s):

I think a word is missing here: ((“and I've trying to call you for the past half hour—"))— been?

((“Sam's too smart; he's have switched cars by now..."))— I think he’d works better here?

And here: ((Dean says, gritting his teeth.)) seems like we’ve head-hopped. Ellen can’t see that Dean has gritted his teeth. I’d take that out and just go with ((Another growl comes from the engine as he pushes the Impala to even greater speeds.)) since she can hear that.

Another good piece!
MissScorp chapter 17 . 6/12/2019
Hi there! Aw the repeating everything they hear stage! It’s a frustrating stage for sure. You wanna say something really naughty to get them in trouble but it runs the risk of getting you in trouble if you get caught saying it. Dean handles the situation perfectly by saying something that he knows Sammy won’t wanna repeat lol it still gets him scolded but doesn’t earn the real rebuke he might have gotten if he either gave into temptation and strangled his brother or said something really bad.

I love the play here with dialogue. Having Sammy say things like ((“For the mi-yunf time, twit topying me,”)) shows his age as still being quite young. It’s possible his lisp is from a missing tooth which just adds to the charm of this piece. He’s a little kid following his big brother around and repeating everything he says because he wants to be just like him. Well, at this time, anyway lol

Another good piece!
MissScorp chapter 16 . 6/12/2019
Hi there! LOL poor Sammy! I skipped picture day because of a few teenage calamities so I can totally identify with his misery! I think this is a chapter many people can identify with. Hell, adults suffer from acne. It’s a persistent problem that sometimes requires medical intervention. However, it’s a death sentence to a kid. His lamenting over that pimple and how it will ruin his photo for the yearbook is really so adorable. It’s teenage angst at its finest. I love how this shows how badly Sam wants to be part of the normal things of life. Going to the same school for more than a few days or weeks, making friends that last through high school and beyond, joining clubs, being in the yearbook. The stuff other kids got to do because they didn’t have a hunter for a father.

Dean is totally the typical older sibling here. It’s a pimple in his mind. Not a huge deal. Far as he’s concerned, it’s a waste of time being worried about it because they likely won’t even be there when yearbooks come out. His blasé attitude is a reminder that he’s been dumped in school after school because of their nomadic, hunter lifestyle. He doesn’t focus or care about this school stuff. He’s only going through the motions because John basically forces him too. So, he orders Sam out of the bathroom so he can shower and get dressed. He might not care about school but he does like looking good for the ladies ;)

Another good piece!
MissScorp chapter 15 . 6/8/2019
Hi there! This piece is short but does such a great job of showing the differences between Sam and Dean. Dean likes having fun once in a while. Booze, food, and chicks are his go to ways of unwinding. Not so with Sam. Sam is more serious minded. He’s focused on the hunt for the thing that killed Jess. The irony here is that he’s just as obsessed as John... but is still pissed at John for his obsessiveness. It’s a nice way of nit only showing how much like John that Sam is but also how Sam can be a bit of a hypocrite. He can obsess about things and it’s okay. However, when it’s Dean and John, he busts their balls for it.

I also like the contrast between the brothers in what they’re fixated on. Finding who killed Jess is first and foremost on Sam’s mind. It’s his focus. Finding John and making sure he’s alright is Dean’s. Dean is wanting to make sure his Dad is okay. That he’s not in over his head somewhere or in a hospital even. Sam isn’t really fixated on John or paying much mind to his being absent. To him this is just par for the course. John just being John. Some could say his motives are a bit selfish since he’s not worrying about his Dad (or even Dean) at all. I don’t know if it’s that so much as Sam is still immature and hasn’t forgiven his Dad for being a drill sergeant. He hasn’t accepted yet why John was the way he was. We know he does eventually... but just not yet.

Another great piece!
MissScorp chapter 14 . 6/8/2019
Hi there! Oh, man, the episode where Dean dies like a bazillion times :/ Much as I hated him dying, I did find it hilarious how he died: ((Blown away. Hit by a car. Crushed under a desk. Choked on a sausage. Slipped in the shower. Bad taco.)) He even died once by golden retriever! I mean, Dean did not die the same way twice. He pretty much ran the gambit of ways that a body can die before Sam pulled the plug on things and confronted the trickster screwing with them. The expression of time plays on that idea of Time of Death. You literally can hear a clock ticking in the background. Sometimes he might die in twenty-four hours. Others might be in fifteen minutes from waking. Sam never knew when so it made stopping Dean dying problematic. He might save him from one way but there was always another way to get him.

I like this is from Sam’s POV because we get to see how much of a strain this is on him. He’s watched his brother die fourteen times. All from stupid things that shouldn’t have happened. Pianos dropping from the sky, choking on a sausage, even electrifying himself are all things that can be avoided. They don’t happen normally. However, Sam accidentally killing Dean could happen. A gun could misfire or Sam could accidentally stab him with the demon knife. Something Sam fears. So when he says ((“You don’t quit that, I’ll kill you”)), he knows he’s tempting fate. And he gets the hell away from his brother to avoid being the fifteenth cause of death. Because killing Dean is absolutely the biggest fear that Sam has.

Another great piece!
Guest chapter 23 . 6/2/2019
Ouch that hurt. :'(
MissScorp chapter 13 . 6/1/2019
I really like how you contrast high society against the lives of the Winchester clan. They’ve never had this sort of luxury really. Food is often quick grab things they eat on paper plates or with napkins. Tables are often their laps since they’re eating in Baby while on the road to a hunt or while investigating a situation. When they do sit down to eat it’s in hole in the wall places where class levels and social etiquette aren’t a major priority. Booze comes in bottles or shot glasses. Conversation is about what they’re hunting or whatever is going on in their lives at the time. They’ve never played croquet and could care less about the best places to play at.

Dean considering them the realest people in the room shows how fake that high society can tend to be. They worry about things like clothing that looks ugly, fancy wines and foods, and putting on fancy airs to impress the rest of their gathering. Sam and Dean pretend so they can stop whatever is haunting whomever or whatever. Their pretend serves a purpose. It’s not like high society who pretends they’re decent people because they give to charity. His ending line about not caring where a salad fork goes is appropriate because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter for him. That demon knife is important not only to his and his Sam’s survival, but the hoity-toity set, as well.

Another great piece!
MissScorp chapter 12 . 6/1/2019
Ha, John doesn’t *think* that Dean got his attitude from him but we know he really kinda did since he admits how much he copied from his Dad (clothes, women, booze, music) and how much he tried to emulate him, too. Dean just tends to act that way all the time. John can get quite belligerent, bullheaded, and biting with his words when he wants. We know that is a big part of what happened between him and Sam before Sam left for Stanford. So, the denial is strong here, methinks ;)

I really like the fatherly frustration that tints this because it says John wants to chide Dean about doing things like laughing in the faces of the monsters trying to hurt/kill him but he can’t quite bring himself to do it because he’s recognizing it as Dean’s way of coping with all the crap they see. It’s how he keeps the darkness from winning.

I also like how you subtly work in Sam here through John. Sam is the more cautious and reserved one on hunts. He tends to approach silently, more cautiously. He only gets sarcastic if he’s really pushed or if he’s trying to distract the monster in question. It works to show the differences in Sam and Dean and in how they both have elements of John in them (some good and some bad, like we all do).

Another great piece!
MissScorp chapter 11 . 5/22/2019
Hi there! Ah this is such a bittersweet piece :/ it really shows how much Dean has lost over the years. Lost Mom at four, Sam is away at college for four, in Hell for forty (or four Earth months), and now four years as hunters are coming to an end. Four just seems like bad luck to him. With good reason. Four hasn’t been good to him.

This piece does a real good job of reminding us about Dean’s abandonment issues. He’s been left by virtually everyone who matters to him in some form or another. The one that hurts most is Sam. Sam is choosing to walk away from him. Same as he chose to walk away when he chose attending Stanford over remaining with him and Dad. Sam left him for Ruby, too. It’s a pattern that has repeated itself over and over in his life. It’s little wonder why he wants to go back to Hell. Being torn apart on the rack probably hurts a lot less than having his brother abandon him. Again.

Another fantastic piece!
MissScorp chapter 10 . 5/22/2019
Hi there! I really love how you capture Bobby in this piece. His ticks and quirks and his unfailing wisdom that he passes onto Sam are all so wonderfully done. He knows that hunters need to be a little crazy to do the jobs that they do. They see the kinda stuff that cops, firemen, coroners, and the military see. They fight things that normal people don’t even think exist. They cope with what they see by drinking too much, gambling, and even carousing. It’s the only way to handle what they do without putting a revolver in their mouth.

I love his phrase about how they’re ((“mad with grief, mad with pain, mad with anger...”)). It sums up a hunter’s life so well. There’s little happiness to be found in their lives. They’re always dealing with death in some form or fashion. They have to kill things. Often those “things” are people they know and care about. Friends, family, and even lovers. It’s a world of never ending trauma. Something Bobby conveys to Sam, along with the reminder that those who don’t come off as crazy are either liars or not hunters and that those who are have to stay sane long enough to not get killed.

Another great piece!
MissScorp chapter 9 . 5/22/2019
Hi there! Been a while since I sat to read this! It’s like returning to visit with old friends. In this case, the old friends are Sam and Dean. I love how this reflects the duality of Sam. There’s part of him that hates elements of his job: the lying, the credit fraud, and the federal crimes they often commit (like grave digging or impersonating homeland security). However, the other part of him acknowledges that they have to do those things to help people.

John’s lessons about there being times where you have to commit a wrong to perform a right is very strong here. Sam wants to find a way to do things that doesn’t involve lawbreaking but people are dying and he doesn’t have time to waste on trying to find a better plan. I think this also shows him still struggling with John’s lessons and wanting to prove him wrong just to show that Dad isn’t always right. Which Sam hasn’t managed to resolve at this point, as we know. It’s something that hounds him well into later seasons.

Dean tying his tie for him is also so utterly adorable. Something Dean can do but which he can’t. Something Dean learned, maybe from Dad (or Ellen or even Bobby) and that he mastered but Sammy never did. It separates them from each other and shows them having individual skills and achievements. Plus, it’s just adorable as I said heh

Fantastic job as always!
TheConjuringMind chapter 20 . 5/4/2019
Excellent description of this moment from the pilot episode. So much was said with so little words. Great job.
MeAzrael chapter 7 . 4/10/2019
Reading this and knowing what's in store for the Winchesters in the future gives this drabble a whole other perspective :-) And Sam's deductive skills are pretty well even at that age. Plus: You've put "Lord of the Rings" in it, which is always a good thing, though I loved the line about Grimm's fairytales being a hunter's journal even more.

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