Reviews for These Hands Could Hold The World (But It'll Never Be Enough)
Miley chapter 1 . 7/11
Why u mak meh cri
IndiAcidSnake chapter 1 . 7/9
Maxine chapter 1 . 5/15
My heart is aching.

Once, Tony never wanted a kid. Then he had one- Peter. He died. Kind of. And Tony had another one- Morgan. She never met Peter. But Tony wanted Peter back.

All Tony wanted was to get his kid back. The universe wanted everyone else back. Tony knew that by trying to pull off this time heist, he could die. Morgan could lose him. Pepper could lose him. It might not work and he might not get Peter back. But he wanted Peter back.

So in exchange for both his kids' safety and his own happiness, he died to save Peter. To get Peter back. His kid.

Saving everyone else was just kind of a bonus on his part.
Waarst chapter 1 . 3/29
First of all, I have to mention Iron Man 1 happened in 2010, not in 2008.

Second of all, HOW DARE YOU AGHSHSJZDNA. I CANT STOP CRYING RN. I cant breath omg this is too much for my weak heart. I didn't expect the ending to be like this. And reading this after ENDGAME made me feel more depressed. God, I want to curse at you and thank you at the same time. This is so beautifully-written. Amongst all other "5 times and 1 time" IronDad fics, this is one of the best, I'm not exaggeratinf.
Target-Run-And-Done chapter 1 . 3/19
This is so emotional and good and omg it maade me cry
, I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THiS you betrayed me and I’msad
ROASTBEEF-12 chapter 1 . 3/6
how am i supposed to read when its all blurry with tears
sillysammijo chapter 1 . 3/3
Okay I did not expect this to make me cry, despite what other reviews stated. Good work with the feel goods... you know till that last bit :p
SpiderFanWrites chapter 1 . 1/18
This is such a good story. You're an amazing writer and I hope you make more stories like this! The end was so sad tho T-T
Seriously, poor Peter.
macytayyy chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
Heart. Wrenching. That last one gave me the FEELS!
JilyOdesta chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
I never cry at these but damn i just started crying for a full on 10 mins so THANK YOU not
neyma chapter 1 . 9/3/2019
Gods, this made me cry like a wuss. Why would you end it on such a sad note?

Superb writing, although at times a little too mushy. You channeled the feelings so well in this, Im a little jealous. :)

Thank you for the story.
NitrogenNitrate chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
I’m reading this before class and I’m bawling my eyes out in the classroom. It’s so beautifully written
Carolina36 chapter 1 . 7/1/2019
I was listening to this fic as I was making dinner for the fam and can I just say if it turns out bad I'm blaming you. I was crying my heart out over the sink while watching the veggie. I soon as I was done I grabbed a box of tissues and listened to the rest. I'm deeply hurt by your story but dont get me wrong it was very well written. You should keep going can't wait to read what you put out next. 5 stars would read again
TheBookworm854 chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
That last one hit hard in the feels. I may or may not have teared up a bit.
Flaming Beauty chapter 1 . 5/9/2019
Dude you totally called it. Reading this after endgame literally pulls open my wound. It hurts, it’s good but can you make it better and bring him back in your fic? Please? Great work regardless
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