Reviews for Bad Days
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
I think another idea should be Adam telling the other Ducks and how they react to it. Then, Varsity somehow finding out probably by overhearing or something and maybe get more information about Adam to use to their advantage.
really.need.a.hobby chapter 1 . 11/8/2018
Yay! I'm glad that you're enjoying writing for the fandom; I always look forward to your contributions.

No prompts here, but I just wanted to let you know that your stories are being enjoyed, and I look forward to reading everything else you come up with!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/7/2018
Nice work, it's great to see another story dealing with their friendship. Also, an Adam and Jesse friendship is good too. So for my idea, why not imagine Jesse in D3 attending Eden Hall with the Ducks and being the only Duck who still considers Adam a Duck, help him through his problems, and knocking sense into the Ducks? I do love the Ducks, but how they treated Adam in D3 was just wrong and part of me thinks he should not forgive them easily, six including him were Ducks for four years while the rest of them were Ducks for two years. It was as if the six original Ducks in D3 all forgot Adam was on the team longer than some of the other Ducks and Charlie forgot he was the first Duck to welcome him to the team and gave up his spot for him, so I just wonder how things would turn out if Jesse was in the third movie?