Reviews for Harry Potter Champion of Valhalla
radindusan2 chapter 6 . 3/27
...great story will it be more chapters?
dennisdaugherty1962 chapter 6 . 1/2
Please update soon I love this story
ghostcrab311 chapter 6 . 12/12/2019
Glad to see it back in action! I hope your own difficulties have diminished. I look forward to seeing the meeting with Harry.
ChildofWar chapter 6 . 12/11/2019
Take all the time you need to guarantee you’re at 100% before even starting to think of updating this anymore! I’d rather you be sure you’re at 100% than you not be, and have more complications arise cuz you didn’t wait a bit longer. All in all though, it’s good to see that you’re still around and kicking!
aidansidhe chapter 6 . 12/10/2019
If only Luna and Pansy would swap in the pairings. I would never inflict Ron on Luna...
steve.moore.9081323 chapter 5 . 9/29/2019
Interesting story different from Canon
Looking forward to more
coco29 chapter 5 . 11/22/2018
I like the story and am curious where it goes.
I wonder if Astoria gets a big part (sister reborned valkyrie so is she somehow?)
I hope you reconsider the RW/LL pairing and DG/BZ both I dont really like, so I hope your reconsider.
ghostcrab311 chapter 5 . 11/16/2018
When I was a kid, for all intents and purposes, I had D’Aulaire’s books of Norse mythology permanently checked out of my school library. I am reminded of that now. Cannot wait to see Valkyries unleashed on Hogwarts. Haha!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/15/2018
Harry is british so wouldn't he use meters to describe how long the basilisk is?
Fast Frank chapter 5 . 11/15/2018
Will Dumbledore blunder into a mess? We eagerly await the answer.
Fast Frank chapter 4 . 11/15/2018
A bit of a strange chapter, but I suppose it had to be that way to get the Parkinson and Greengrass fathers involved. Otherwise, a Valkyrie named Pansy would be supremely snicker worthy.
Firemnwnb chapter 5 . 11/15/2018
A few errors it's ICW not IWC, Wizengamot not Wizingmot and fix any other errors
akasanta chapter 4 . 11/12/2018
Very good story!

Hope for a new chapter soon. :D


MMax chapter 4 . 11/12/2018
getting the various girls together from all? the houses are awesome to be a great force. They may train to get even better than they were in the dreams.
MMax chapter 2 . 11/11/2018
I am glad that Ginny is not going to be a bashed character that everyone hates. The movies did Ginny a misfortunate of portraying her as a fangirl with a huge crush on Harry and nothing else.
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