Reviews for With a Girl
1228248 chapter 1 . 2/3/2019
This is definitely my favorite of your work.
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 11/5/2018

So, I’ve read all nine of the stories you’ve posted in twenty-four hours. Cut back on describing the characters by their accents, particularly when Scotland doesn’t exist in the world they’re from. Most importantly, actually put some thought into what you write and post. I know this is your attempt at humor, but the humor – it’s honestly not funny in this one. I guess the best way to put it is, the execution of the joke – the why any said the joke they did doesn’t make any sense.

If you’re not yet thirteen? Try holding off a bit particularly since you’re not even supposed to have an account. Believe me when I say not only will your writing will improve, but it will also become a bit more mature.

If you are thirteen or older – I think your main issue is rushing things. I’m not sure if I’ll be the only one to notice, considering the fact we just got nine stories for a single pairing all at once, but we’re also talking a very small fandom with less than two-dozen stories. You’ve pretty much managed to write almost half the stories there are at this point.

Plus, I am honestly curious to see what kind of story you could write if you didn’t spend such a short time to write what you did. You spent less than a day working on nine one-shots, yet most writers spend at least one day working on a one-shot if not a few days. Everything you’ve written – it’s first draft quality, but all you’re doing is jotting down a basic idea. There’s a quite a bit more to writing a good fanfic than just jotting down an idea.

I’m not saying you’re a bad writer. It’s more of – you’re not giving yourself a chance to shine, but to get the really awesome reviews – you really need to put more effort in.