Reviews for Harry Potter: Humanity's Last Hope - - - Reboot - - -
ak chapter 1 . 7/12
bonne fic!
j'attends avec impatience la suit. :)
SpockST chapter 1 . 1/1
I think this “reboot” is cleaner than the original. I would hope that in any future adventures they learn from their mistakes and perform any dimensional shifts in deep space, far from any planets to crash on. I look forward to the further adventures of Harry and his band of misadventurers as they ever so slowly learn proper procedure.
DontMindMe chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
Ok next time make your chapter into chapters on here as it makes life easier on readers who want to read a chapter then go do something,

Also you say this is complete but is left on a massive cliff hanger and I could not see a sequel.

In addtion is not so much a remake as a different story all together with some similar plot ideas.

I enjoyed the sstory as there too few the HPSG and HP Star Trek that are as long or reality thought out as much.

My only big request is you finish your stories before starting new ones and leaving your old unend stories in the wind.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2019
Was that future date Star Trek?
Caincrux chapter 1 . 12/11/2018
Meh, too easy.
KrisB-71854 chapter 1 . 11/30/2018
At first, I could care less about Hermione's comment about Tom going after wizarding priests. We don't know enough to make a decision. If they gave rise to AD and his teenage lover, well, I could see valid reasons for Tom hating them. Also the entire bad orphanage experience might have turned him off.

I enjoyed the school bit. I really liked Harry slapping down the Ancients and Ori and binding them to their plane.

Not so sure of making a religion with Harry as god. That just feels icky. I can handle Harry being god level, but I just don't see him wanting an actual religion or worse worshipers.

overrating the governmental system, should be
overriding the governmental system

Gotta love your Prophet Luna.

He ascended to a new level. Um, of course, the Atlantis computers won't have a clue about his DNA.

Those folks are utterly nuts. I don't know if I'd want to send my kids to them... Then again they are different and new so might as well give them a shot.

destined though as should be
detained though as

The only reason that I see for them wanting to go back home is to have access to the gods/ancients. Um, I sort of was mixed on the zombie world. I didn't actually mind them stopping by to fix things behind the scenes. It's rather unknown who made the disease or how it happened. I'm more surprised that they were giving out that much tech. O.k. it wasn't really advanced tech. It was more survivalist orientiented, but it was more than I expected.

I did like the idea of teleporting the dead. Rather than sending them to the desert they could have put them just high enough to burn up on re entry from the upper atmosphere.

They were freaked that there were only 100 million left. Snorts. That's more than enough to rebuild. If it was under a million than I'd be worried, but they could still survive.

I'm more amazed that they stuck around so long. they could have setup everything to be fully automated so that they don't have to really manage anything right off. Then they could have gone to explore other worlds or terraforming other planets and seed them with leylines and such.

Returning home wasn't important. Checking out the remains of the advanced natives is actually far more important.

Here is a big question. Why haven't they built some smaller ships with star gates attached? They really didn't have to bring the entire city. They could have sent a scout cruiser. Its the carrying around all the eggs in one basket thing.

Also, I'm sort of surprised that they didn't try introducing magical planets and animals to that Earth.

In your setting, the ley lines and magic seem to be byproduct of the local ascended ancients.

I'm sort of mixed. They take pride in the ancient tech like they developed it. The SW tech in many ways vastly outstrips theirs. Oh, they could do the same sort of things if they put their mind to it... But they'd be both too lazy for that and with the motto, but we don't' want to.

I've always viewed the SW setting as sort of silly with the Jedi/Sith wars. Everyone else there would have been better off to setup gene scanners to kill off all force sensitive's. They'd have tons of thriving civs if they took that one simple measure. It was the force/magic that was the main cause of the fall. Imbalance. Snorts. Just an excuse. They were always balanced. It was just that the size of the wars finally got too large. They were previously of a size where they could recover from.

Heck, with the remaining tech, it looks like they should have been able to rebuild. Oh, but then the force couldn't have just let them all die as an object lesson to our explorers now...

Thinking about it. The SW force folks had the same sort of ancestor worship as the magicals do. They had their ori/ancients. They jsut got more involved earlier on. I'm wondering where this attitude that they were beyond war is coming from. They were born in the shadow of a war, and lived through another. They damn near started another with their attitude of recruiting students.

I sort of want them to have to go against the ME repears or Halo flood. You know just to give them a proper bad guy. The goauld just aren't in their weight class.

I read the comments. I have to agree with Joe Lawyer now that I think about it. If they didn't have a local civ to be hiding from, they shouldn't have needed more than a week or two to build their solution to do the background fix for the locals.

I'm mixed on the seeding the star gates. I can understand some of the other it seems like you were doing basic terraforming seeding. That I could agree with. There was no one known in the galaxy other than Earth. The Star Gates are both a good and bad thing. If they were going to spread them around it would be better to make them space based and some what challenging to get to in each system.

The SW stuff seemed being put in to have a massive tech grab and alien morality lesson.

Joe had some good points that Harry and co seems to have forgotten that he is the uber god and their patron not Hecate. Hecate was there only to quietly go grab Harry.

I think that you missed a plot point some where. I'd have almost been fine with the remaining unbound Ancients meddling /erasing the knowledge that Harry is uber god level now. He still tech is, but has forgotten mostly about that. He was uber god level. He isn't any more and doesn't want to be.

I'm iffy on the entire hand of magic guiding them bit.

I'd actually sort of like it to be an aspect of uber god Harry guiding their travels. Mortal Mage Harry has sort of made to forget about uber god Harry in one way or another. His entire group is worshipping Hecate. Actually thinking about it, that's something Harry would much rather happen. He wouldn't want them worshipping him. If he can pawn if off on some one else that has already been in the role of receiving magical worship. That's a much better solution for uber god Harry to avoid notice/worship.

I have little issue with the walking dead setting. I'd rather Harry not have super ancient city ship when stuck in the setting. I'd rather fresh MoD or starting to get the basics of his powers and doing a dim hop into that setting by accident. Once there he has his first real duty as MoD.

Giving him a SG ancient cityship is like shooting fish in a barrel with a plasma cannon for fun.

I'll also agree with Joe that the entire oddness with Neville and Draco recieved far too much screen time. I'm sorry, but I don't buy those two ever in a relationship. Far too much bad blood. Hannah and Neville no issues with. George and Tracey no issues. Draco being gay? No real issues with.

The main annoyance was that hung like a horse Harry one had one slight mention of sexy fun time with his triad. The rest of their interaction was zany slapstick Luna. We do know that they got knocked up and raised some kids, but it was a rather background thing. Heck, I'd have rather see more George and Tracey without George's humor.

They are what in their 40-50s now? Do they have any age extending magic/tech. The ancients should have something to do basic life extension.

There is a part of me that would like to see uber god Harry's hand in things rather than it being Murphy, Q, or Magic.

So are they sticking around ST or did they just make a stop over for a tech raid? Now, here they'll get to see a human civ that was influenced by aliens to act like the alterans/nox. They are vastly out gunned and have many empires that could cause them issues.

It's not remotely their issue though. Harry just wanted them to move the ship some where out of the way with the safer hyperspace drive before checking with the wormhole one. Instead, the computer randomly does another jump. They fall to another world.

Is it wrong that I sort of want you to send them to X-Com?

I loved your crackish Luna. You need to have Daphne and Hermione fleshed out more.

Something to think about adding. The entire Draco being in a relationship with Neville should be part of a Luna vengeance plot.
Aria DeLoncray chapter 1 . 11/22/2018
Loved this!
Nate chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Bluesnowman chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Very good work
doraemax chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
Heh, you really liked the Walking-Dead 'verse, it seems? pity we didn't we get to see various zombie-franchise crossovers (e.g. Highschool of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, etc etc...hehe).

Looking forward to where you'll take this. Perhaps we will get to see crossovers to Nanoha-verse, Marvel-verse, Firefly-verse, among others. I am particularly interested to see what the coven will contribute in the Andromeda-verse, or even Farscape-verse. Maybe they can even jumped to another Star Wars-verse, KOTOR period perhaps.
tpx1 chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
good reboot
please continue!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2018
O.o this Harry is Total psychopath
fraewyn chapter 1 . 11/9/2018
Love it!
Face Yourself chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
I... I think this is the first time I've favorited a story on this site in over a year. Absolutely hope to see a sequel.
Azaira chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
Thank you for the reboot. Loved the original, love this one more.

I can't wait to see where you take the next one. Maybe you could put them in the middle of Halo? I think it would be rather humbling to stumble across the remains of the Greater Ark.
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