Reviews for The Yule Ball
sbz93 chapter 4 . 5/28
intresting story, hope you find the time to finish as your so close to the end
dragons9 chapter 4 . 1/29
This is good...I cant believe that Dumbledore, Ron, Hermoine, Ginny and Molly are dking this to Harry...I do like Astoria...well now they get married and live in Potter Manor...hope Sirius is with them...cause i love a Sirius/Harry bonding
Izzy astoria chapter 4 . 11/2/2019
Why all astoria '/ harry ff not alot and alaso not complete.i love read their i love drarry .i so like read draco being bad guy
Rebmul chapter 4 . 6/6/2019
its a shame daphne is sucha bitch in this she is one of my favortie pairings for harry I look forward to the marriage being revealed
George1892 chapter 4 . 5/29/2019
Not a bad story, could do with going through a spell checker to clear out some minor mistakes. Not a big fan of prophecies to be honest, I think the chapter would be better without it.
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 4 . 4/16/2019
end of this this story in another 10,000 words.

Good, because Ron-Hermione betrayers, love potions, and Dumbles going(internal thoughts, as Harry rushed off) wax mustache black hat cartoon, is not a very good foundation for a long story.

Trelawnry prophesy update, is even 3x more unintelligible than in canon.
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 3 . 4/16/2019
Getting letter from her mother, which in total, had less horrific future intentions revealed, than the "2nd year ... (who) ... quietly left the common room and headed towards the dorms."
Which I mistakenly thought, was to inform Astoria.
Especially considering " youngest Greengrass ... epitome of a Slytherin ... alliances, friends and even blackmail on most of the Slytherin students around her year.", even if that seems pretty detailed intelligence for Lucius to have, about lives of kids in Slytherin.

So the 2nd year seems superfluous if the 2nd year not telling Astoria.
A not overheard scene, with same Draco rant, nearly equivalent.
No action resulting from eavesdropping, makes the eavesdropping superfluous.
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 2 . 4/16/2019
she knows the dark lord is back. (Not back yet if "back" timing on canon timeline.)

I did tell father, I had no choice. You know the Dark lord will return. How can you be so stupid to side with him it will get you killed".
(Now, not back, yet.)

Of course accepting the Yule Ball date, loudly, in Great Hall, is lol pretty non cunning to keep her relationship with Harry discreet.
Heck, an expected finking, would be Draco whining to daddy Lucy, who then complained to pureblood bigot Mr. Greengrass.

The bitch I mean witch had that god awful smirk on her face again. ... had told their father she had grassed (?) on her. "You told ...((fury continuing or growing, estrangement taking hold, makes since))

GPumping Daphne for information.

"so…so what should I do? I like him, ((asking advice, confiding in Daphne, WHO informed their father, NO, doesn't fit. This is the stuff of BIG falling out, estrangement. Daphne top of Astoria's shit list))

wasn't his girlfriend ((thought in chap 1, she threatened and extorted a bf-gf relationship: " you are interested in me and a relationship")) and she certainly was going to be after her family told him that they couldn't see each other.

((Mr Greengrass: "I really resent you fanfiction authors, making me a pureblood zealot, or worse, a deatheater. I'd rather you just killed me off in, the distant pasr, with my epitaph of NOT deatheater, not a pureblood zealot, loving husband and good father. If need be, invent an OC brother or uncle of mine, getting to be head of the family because of mt death, letting him be a Voldemort supporter, damn git.))
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
3rd and 4th paragraphs pretty efficient Astoria bio, Daphne, parents.

Seems pretty necessary, a rejected Draco is going to take the Harry-Astoria badly.
The "imagination ... running wild ... visions" Draco his date, kinda wtf hallucinogens Harry took.
If made him wait overnight, as a nightmare, more credible than awake "visions".

are I am taking a risk by attending with you. ((Inserting she turned down Draco, she could mention...)) want to make sure that you are asking me because you are interested in me and a relationship or I'm a last resort((your phrasing opposite what you likely intended here)) for a date to the ball, because at this point I can turn the incident in the hall into a prank against you and make you life a nightmare for the foreseeable future. ((You've suddenly pulled worst of Hermione, Molly, & Ginny, and put into Astoria persona. Like crossing past strong & independent feminist, into controlling shrew harpy bitch land, looking for milquetoastable, henpeckable emasculated boyfriend to dominate.

"Harry Potter you will finish that sentence this instance" it was at that point Harry realised that he was currently having a conversation at wand point.

OTP, but at least ...sigh ... so far, she hasn't done a hot tempered Daphne(like some fics sadly have), and punched or slapped Harry.

Before one date, extorting a gf-bf dating relationship: "interested in me and a relationship".

OTP "at wand point":

pureblood arm candy.
(readers get it, but seems a bit slang muggle vocabulary coming from pureblood Astoria.)

To each their own. Good start, but later harpy Astoria parts without edits, spoiling what could be much better fic.

She IS sticking her neck out.
One reasonable alternative. She propose they "date" a bit in secret.
(Harry could suggest some meals shared, in kitchens. Or even boldly, sneak off from the castle, or Hogsmeade, for a low risk(being spotted) date in a muggle city, or elsewhere(countryside, tiny town...) The less blackmailing version of "be my boyfriend or else", being she propose, only if they hit it off, dating him worth the downsides, THEN she'll go with him to the Ball. Otherwise, she'll help him find a date (a non Slytherin of course).
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 4 . 4/2/2019
Guest chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
Basically I'm for any story that gets anyone away from the festering ferret. That being said, I sincerely hope your writing style has a great deal of room to improve. It is way too melodramatic for my taste. It sort of reminds me of the old black and white cartoon shorts we used to laugh at where "Dudley do Right" rescues the damsel "Sweet Sue" when she was tied to the railroad track by "Black Bart" and the train was racing down the tracks to finish her off. Short version: You are too predictable.
rb2312 chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
Nice chapter

always like it when it turns out dobby has bonded with harry. Just neglegted to tell him.
(Like to think he did this in cannon too)

Hope they can carry out their plans before they can be stopped.
as for Astoria being booted out of the greengrass family... donnot think she will mind. Especially if she is a potter by the time it happens.

Looks like a cetain drunken fraud had another real vision
Brockster550 chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
It was good thing Harry and Tori started leaving when they did. If it wasn't for the invisibility cloak, their plan to leave wouldn't have gone too far. Using love potions to make sure Harry stayed 'infatuated' with Ginny? Ron and Hermione betrayed his trust. Nice chapter, looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/10/2019
Good job
minerdude chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
This is a good story, even though I hate it when Hermione is working against Harry
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