Reviews for Snapshots From A New Strangetown
Guest chapter 15 . 8/14/2019
Hey! It sure has been a while, huh? I missed reviewing your fics, and I'm glad I'm finding the time to start doing it again, one at a time.

To start it off, in "Just Friends", dinner with Circe and Erin was a perfect disaster. There's a fantastic mix of silly and serious moments, from Loki and Circe bickering over who ended with the short end of the stick, to Atom wanting to dance on the table, to Circe's breakdown, to Pascal's confession. What a rollercoaster!

"Taking the Fall" feels very domestic in many ways. Loki 2.0...only Loki could be so narcissistic to keep going with the clones! This part of the chapter made me giggle, and I also enjoyed the tour in Pascal's home, with all his weird installations and changes. Lazlo getting bikes for the twins was such a plot twist, and so was Loki's cover up for Vidcund's story. It was very loving of him, and I wasn't expecting that.

I really enjoyed the flashbacks arc. Each of them gives more depth to this story, and everything feels more consistent. Vidcund's gave a lot more insights on what happened with Lazlo, Pascal's loneliness on his brothers moving on while he stays at their iconic house, the way Vidcund feels about Loki and how it all built up, and most notably, how everyone around him perceives his relationship with Loki.

In Circe's flashback, I really like how the expected absence of Xanthos then converted in feeling like she was never gonna be enough for Loki, just like she was never important enough to her dad. I liked that she said that to Vidcund as well, as if to feel better about her own sense of impotence.
Also...Jeb. What an absolute jerk, I've hardly felt as repulsed by a character in just a few paragraphs, haha. So glad he got what he deserved.

Something I really liked about the flashbacks is how you justifyied certain behaviors the characters have as adults through childhood events, memories, trauma etc. Pascal's feel of inadequateness is very similar to Circe's, though handled differently by the characters, and it stems from a similar relationship they had with their fathers. There's also this interesting pattern of wanting to stand out, though they express it in different ways. They are very similar in that sense.
There were a lot of sweet moments between the two, and Pascal's fear is very understandable.

I loved seeing the Nobel Prize scene from so many points of view, and Loki's is no exception. He clearly has lots of unresolved feelings and issues, and once again, Circe was right in her words to him. He's vulnerable and can't expect other people to solve his problems for him.
Hahah, the Beaker castle sure isn't a great place for raising children. It was fun to briefly see Meredith, what an interesting take!

Loki's dreams sure are...something. Family Feud was such a fun chapter! The respirator, the laughing gas, the final resolution, I loved it all.
"You'd rather me be ugly than deceased?", iconic. I also can't wait to see how Pascal and Circe's situation unfolds, whether she remembers the kiss or not, and same goes for Vidcund and Lazlo's problems.

Overall, I'm really liking it so far! I know this just started as a series of snippets but I can see it has been taking form, during this last half of it. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
SYW chapter 8 . 3/3/2019
And here I am again!
I'm delighted by this chapter, it has so many things I love, and tons of plot twists I wasn't expecting! Honestly there's so much going on here. I'm really curious to learn more about Vidcund's unresolved issues with Lazlo, as it's something I never considered due to their in-game big friendship. It was such a surprise to see that was the two of them that argued, at first I thought it would have obviously been Pascal and Vidcund!

As per usual, I love the in-game references. The various sims pointing at the flames, Circe calling the payphone as she's leaving the lot etc.
I also had a good laugh with the "There are only so many plastic surgeons to go around.", dissing Loki's peculiar features is always funny.

The bit where Circe shows up at the Beaker mansion blew my mind. I remember in one of the previous chapters how Erin called Loki trying to them him something, and of course I thought she was pregnant, but now it all makes sense and honestly, what a fun twist! I always adored the idea of Circe and Erin together, and now I'm also curious to see how Pascal will take it, once he tells her about wanting to date her!

Overall, despite not having any siblings myself, I love reading about unity and friendship among some, and I loved how Vidcund explained the concept to the twins.
SYW chapter 7 . 1/21/2019
So good to finally see you back! I missed reading your stories.
The Strangetown Mall Catastrophe was so entertaining, I loved the absurd events here and there, Loki's small exchange with Pascal, Tycho asking for a mother (so sweet!) and Loki again not remembering that Atom likes robots, despite how everyone knows that. Loki's encounter with Circe was such a blast, I love how whenever these two meet, there's always so much tension. Atom asking for a packet of mustard was so unexpected, and I had a laugh when Loki said it had been totally worth it.

My favourite part of the Sleepover Party is how you get to see everyone's different personalities in it. The various cameos in it were such a great touch too. Jason and Vidcund would absolutely get along thanks to their common interests, and I can see how Loki could be jealous! I also like Lola and Kristen together, so Kendall was a pleasant surprise too. Ajay as a clown was the most unexpected yet fun twist! Tycho and Atom's little moment was adorable too, and so well thought out! Children talking about their insecurities regarding their families...blessed. The ending was very bittersweet, and I felt bad for Loki, who through all of it, was the one who did his best in this chapter, yet couldn't realize it.

Misery was such a heavy chapter compared to the vibe this story has had so far. Vidcund's siblings trying to reach him in any way they can, to the point where his brothers decide to trespass in Loki's property. While I can't completely relate to Vidcund's loss, the sense of thinking "I fucked up, it's over." and locking yourself up for God knows how long is very familiar to me, and I think many things can get very emotionally overwhelming to the point where it gets hard to function.
The ending however, was especially lovely (Loki grabbing a hammer to 'get rid of the evidence' was absolutely priceless by the way.) and Loki and Vid naming the twins thinking about eachother's passions was so romantic.
I can't wait for next chapter!
SYW chapter 4 . 10/26/2018
You have no idea how happy I am to see you've turned this into a series of oneshots!

These new chapters were a blast to read, you always manage to bring out the unexpected in things. Circe's entire wedding was disastrous yet amusing. I don't even know where to begin to be quite honest. The invitation. Brian's super long last name, Circe's equally long one.
"AND NOT LEAVE YOU FOR YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND ON OUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY" I felt was really iconic both for the fact it made me crack up but also since later on, she basically tries cheating on Brian for her ex...husband, on their wedding anniversary...if we may call it that. 0 years, but still ;)

For some reason, whenever I read about Pascal and Circe together, I always do a double take, I always seem to forget that he was also interested in her when they were teens, and I've never seen anyone explore their relationship in depth. That sure sounds interesting though.

The bit in which Loki is observing the wedding decorations is so bittersweet, I loved that! I adored the way you captured their post-breakup relationship here, from Loki knowing Circe to the core and understanding this just isn't her, to Circe's...'aggressive' techniques, to him despite not having any romantic feelings for her anymore indulging and taking pride in how she'll never be able to replace him. Classic Loki.

Now onto the Halloween chapter. I honestly got a more than a little emotional for how cute this was. Bias aside, this has to be one of my favourite chapters of yours, it's so domestic and heartwarming.
Poor Vidcund! Missing out on all the fun, he probably spends all his time worrying, when the twins are out with Loki. How does Vid even trust him...he can barely take care of himself.

The costumes! I'm melting, so precious and brainy. I'm particularly fond of the 'super twins' phrase. Really adorable. Too bad Loki didn't agree to let Pascal take the twins with Tycho, I hope the kids manage to meet someday! I'm Curious to see your interpretation of Tycho :)

I'm jumping back and forth with this but how cute was that bit in which Ceres mentions they went as their dad the previous year?
NICE MASK...I lost it. I love Loki's interesting face, but I also love dissing him whenever I get the chance, so I really felt spiritually connected with that woman (speaking of which, was that Jenny? Or no one in particular?)
Karen making an appearance again fhdsjkfhskdjfh feels good. Feels organic. Since there is no more Beaker-Curious rivalry, Loki really jumps at the opportunity of making new enemies, doesn't he?

I previously mentioned how much I love your portrayal of Circe, since I feel like it's the closest to how I envision her as well in terms of behavior, yet the bit in which she meets the twins managed to surprise me for how engaging and complete it was. I loved how she recognized Ceres' costume and just...said nothing else to the kids, with her usual cold demeanor.

Atom literally jumping at the discovery that aunt Erin has a robot! Precious!
The ending was so cute...and hilarious. I can't believe how much I enjoyed these chapters, they really made my day :D