Reviews for What Makes Us
mayablake1313 chapter 23 . 8/16
Looking forward to the next chapter. 3
Milly Kanzaki chapter 23 . 6/23
Please, please, please, please! I need the new chapter! It was 3 months ago now! My poor heart can't take it anymore!
Milly Kanzaki chapter 10 . 6/7
Oh my God, thank you so much for a beautiful story, please write more and let me read this awesome fanfic. I can't understand why only have it 136 reviews. Sorry if my English is not very clear, I can read it, but I can't write it.
Argin chapter 23 . 4/25
Ok, I have read all the chapters in one and a half days... i really love the way you write, and i will love continue to read this in the future...! Thank you very much for this story!
DOAWOTA chapter 23 . 4/18
he does not believe you stop lying hermione
Amariel chapter 23 . 4/17
That was simply cinematic! Take care and stay safe
magicbustrip chapter 23 . 4/17
First of all- finally a new chapter. Thank you so much for that!

I really love this story, the whole idea is unique and catchy. The way you describe situations, characters even feelings is truly beautiful. Its so easy to get hooked and altough one might think or wish, that something is finally happening between those two, one still got the consciousness that its morally not right. You don't drag it out, you simply follow your thread and it just feels like thats the way its supposed to be. Often the author tries to drag out the inevitable and as a reader its sometimes grueling to follow the lead- but as I said- you don't.

so thank you for this story, keep writing and stay safe !

p.s. sorry for the somewhat strange expressions, englisch is not my first language :)
Angelicsailor chapter 23 . 4/16
simply gutted yet again.

Remus inches steadily closer to the truth.
bunnyobelenus chapter 23 . 4/16
OH MY GOD THIS STORY IS KILLING ME! The emotional drama I feel from her is nerve wracking. I feel so sad for her. She's in a catch 22 situation.
hattermadalice chapter 23 . 4/16
I can't figure out how this is going to resolve itself, but I am loving the journey. Thanks for another wonderfully written chapter.
caprubia chapter 23 . 4/16
AH. I'm so glad that her feelings are still there and she accidentally said it. I love how both Remuses questioned her immediately with "Did I tell you that?" about what his mother said. The first time it just showed how wonderful Hermione was about loving Remus... then the second time show how intimate that her relationship was with him.

It's so crazy because it feels like Hermione has been unhappy for such a long time! But words wise, it hasn't been that many and only about 10 chapters.

I seriously can't figure out what you're going to do to make it Remione (again) without Remus cheating on Tonks. I'm holding out for bringing Remus to her timeline. I can only imagine how depressed he is now that he's truly alone - James, Lily, and 'Peter' are dead and Sirius is in prison. Maybe he's especially motivated to find Hermione.
chubbycherub chapter 23 . 4/16
This is killing me! LOL Still loving it, though.
Noticed chapter 23 . 4/16
Wonderful as always
alogan0213 chapter 23 . 4/16
Awwww Hermiones torturing herself. I feel so bad for her. I wonder if Remus has a feeling something more is going on...
Guest chapter 23 . 4/16
bwwwaaaah, i am eagerly waiting for them to get together.
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