Reviews for Stubborn Love: Lost In The Amazon
Writingiscoolbeans220 chapter 3 . 6/4
The man isn't supposed to call Shadow 'Sombra'. technically, he still should have said Shadow's actual name. That's how languages work. This is also how i know you've used google translate...
dxle chapter 25 . 5/9
Holy snippet! A sequel! Never expected it happens and take your time editing and updating! Will look forward to the sequel!
zella5752 chapter 25 . 5/9
Yay can't wait for the sequel
GuardianDragon98 chapter 25 . 5/8
Heehee, embarrassed Shadow is adorable Shadow. I'm looking forward to seeing these two adorable hogs' first date ;)
MapleLover chapter 24 . 3/28
This was such a roller coaster of emotion! But it ended so fucking amazingly! I was so worried he’d choose to let Shadow remember the hedgehog he’d been, but if that would be the case, Shadow would be living with the guilt of one more loved ones death. You are an amazing author! I hope you continue writing.
dxle chapter 7 . 11/15/2019
This chapter almost made me cry... What a great story!️
SharkBait1027 chapter 24 . 10/12/2019
This was just beautiful I cried so much very good job
hihi chapter 5 . 1/31/2019
sorry for like the sudden spelling error here but im currently on chapter 5 but i cant help but feel a bit uh bothered by the spelling of El Dorado. the EL part signifies the “the” part of the place and it isnt meant to be connected with “Dorado” i have a feeling you probably fixed that in future chapters but again its just been bothering me since El Dorado was mentioned,,,, sorry
Captain chapter 24 . 1/24/2019
It was an amazing story. I'm glad that Sonic is alive and well.
Shadzzy8a chapter 24 . 1/24/2019
Una historia bellísima
Captain chapter 23 . 1/22/2019
You know? I was on the verge of crying for a moment.
It was beautiful.
GuardianDragon98 chapter 24 . 1/24/2019
He lives! Sonic lives! I'm so happy :D Thank you for taking me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions through your story. This story is amazing. YOU are amazing :D
GottaGoBlast chapter 24 . 1/24/2019
This story was so well done. I'm sad that it's the end, but it was a great read.
Pamitydesu01 chapter 24 . 1/24/2019
I loved this story! It was a rollercoaster of emotions both for me and for the characters, really interesting! I’m so glad about how things ended, but also a bit sad, I’m going to miss this story and jumping of excitement whenever there was an update. Great job!
CeruleanWind chapter 24 . 1/24/2019
It’s the end! Aww... but at the same time, I loved every second of it! I am sure glad you wanted to adopt this story from me. I will definitely be re-reading this many times. Excellent job, and I can’t wait to hear another story from you soon!
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