Reviews for A Soldier’s Tale
Daedleuss chapter 1 . 6/30
I just finished reading this story. I know it has been several years since you started this but are you going to continue it. I find that the story has good bones/structure to it and quite frankly there are not enough halo/mass effect crossover stories
Guest chapter 3 . 6/6
jojoboy914 I love your work the si/oc story are so good my favourite story's are the dark titan and the Avatar: The Power of Thunder and the lot of reviews is put in for a good job done but can you make si/oc dark/grey storys when oc can be a villain who build his powerbase in the chaos of the world here are some ideas to help build some ground for the story worlds.

:invader zim story si/oc irken who half the tallest size and is planning to takeover irken empire with a fake mission to be the earth invader and slow start his rebellion p.s he has a harem with gaz , tak , tenn, zita, miyuki.

:harry potter story to replaced The Snake in the Lions Den story si/oc is dark/grey muggleborn wizard who is in house Slytherin and two years before harry potter and planning his rise to power in the wizard and the muggle worlds with magic and cunning oh an hes a Metamorphmagus with the mind of petyr Baelish and with influence magic to build a cult of followers with some followers be in the harem.

:Spartacus: Blood and Sand with si/oc as the young brother of Quintus Lentulus Batiatus who like his bother want house bartiatus to rise higher but he went takeover and use Spartacus rebellion to eliminate few rival competitors romans and to gain a few woman to add his harem like the loyal Naevia who fall in love with him Seppia childhood friend and Lucretia.

these are the story ideas I hope you like them and think about it.
sloksingh45 chapter 3 . 5/19
Please update
sloksingh45 chapter 2 . 5/19
Please update soon
sloksingh45 chapter 1 . 5/19
I like it please continue
Daedleuss chapter 3 . 4/7
Really great start definitely please continue with this
jocoleman2017 chapter 1 . 12/24/2019
Hi please update this story.
jensen6 chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
Keep up the good work. Maybe introduce the flood as a Reaper super weapon or something.
SmileyRiley007 chapter 3 . 9/10/2019
im enjoying the story so far hope u continue it in the future.
Griphon212 chapter 3 . 8/7/2019
Some interesting points I do have a number of issues however.
-The Spartan project was an act of desperation, the UNSCs Government was on the verge of collapse. Numerous characters point out that kidnapping, isolating and training Child Soldiers is not a heroic thing to do. There is a reason that most countries wait till a person is 17-18 before allowing them into the military, we generally frown on countries that don't. The MS universe is largely peaceful, you have given no reason for them breaking Geneva Convention level laws.

-AIs are a massive no-no in Mass Effect as in "If your Government does this the rest of the Galaxy will go to war with you" level of no-no. The last time some bright spark thought they had AI down they lost their planet, Galactic power and created a massive threat to the known Galaxy. Again no reason given for this literal war crime.

-The Mjolnir suit is literally unwearable to anyone not a Spartan, it would not be even in the prototype stage if the Spartan Program had not even been started.

Again your story has alot of good points and it will be on my favourites, but I would beware shoving things in from the Halo universe without proper justification. They literally break Galactic law in ways that would have humanity at war with the rest of the galaxy.
stylo1 chapter 3 . 5/19/2019
there is far to much wrong with your plot, the mesh of halo and mass effect causes so many problems i dont even know where to begin, but its also the smaller things like an alliance academy on the citadel. the citadel holds what 30mil ppl? say at most 5-10mil humans thats just not worth making an academy for never mind the fact that the races dont trust eachother to have their militairy might so out in the open for everyone to see
alucard84 chapter 3 . 3/27/2019
Seams really interesting sp far im looking forward to reading more
HUNTER with bad grammar chapter 3 . 2/27/2019
love the chapter and cant wait for the next to come out as for spartan suggestions i have two from halo legends and one from reach that i always thought deserved some more attention and be a bit more flushed out daisy-023, cal-141 and Catherine-B320
anyway i cant wait for the next chapter and part of me hopes the flood is in the story
Rios chapter 3 . 1/22/2019
Is dear young v going to have an armour like master chiefs or is it going to be customised
Like having an energy sword built into his gauntlets or something like that?
STRELOK474 chapter 3 . 1/22/2019
Great story! Please continue!
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