Reviews for 1) Sometimes Goodbye's the Only Way
Falconress chapter 3 . 3/1
Wow. How- wow. Great story!
Codename-SN chapter 3 . 10/25/2019
oh gods my poor baby they don't /deserve/ jason none of them do and honestly, it's kind of sickening how much the murderers and villain's life take priority over jay's and like sure, i may be more angry because it's /jay/ but to be frank, if your "good and morally right" actions are letting hundreds and thousands of innocent souls suffer and die just so you keep one deranged killer alive maybe you should rethink your fucking priorities
jason should never have to put up with this my sunshine always deserved better (i also just recently saw some people hate on robin jay cause writers made him annoying i guess? and basically urging him to go die so he can become red hood? and you know what those people can fuck the right off and never come near my son ever again jesus christ what is wrong with these people)

oof sorry for going off i just have a lot of feelings ffjfjsajsajfk i'm just gonna go cry now cause oh my god
Mama May-Eye chapter 3 . 2/6/2019
I don't see it marked as completed, so I'll plead. Please more of Jason and Mama Talia! Also, poor Jasonthe comic writers do him dirty a lot.
Golden Bearded Dragon chapter 3 . 1/31/2019
Wow, this story had me bawling.
Shirokokuro chapter 1 . 1/19/2019
I'm going to be honest: I'm surprised this story isn't more popular. You have a strong grasp on the characters you're working with and you execute your story with AMAZING figurative language!

On that note, I want to set aside all thoughts on this story for just a second to compliment you on your writing style. You have a very graceful, smooth way of stringing together thoughts, hitting on those small, existential-like ideas that you then convey to the reader. (The Red Riding Hood metaphor, for instance, was nothing short of spectacular.) There's a certain poeticism about the way you write that's very charming and very rare-the kind you can only achieve by being very dedicated to writing as a craft; you've done an astounding job on that front.

With that being said, I would like to offer one thought that might be good to keep in mind going forward. It seems to me that you like to have things very dialogue driven. Even outside of speech, your text still orbits your characters' emotions, cynicisms, and internal dialogue. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that way of writing (I'm usually too far the opposite, in fact, where I try to describe everything and it loses focus after a while n-n'' That's why I appreciate your writing so much!). However, in only depicting the characters' thoughts, we lose track of the setting. Setting is what keeps us grounded in your world and the events occurring within it, and that would maybe be something to work on just a little bit. For instance, I knew while reading that we were, for example, in Waller's office or Crime Alley, but I wanted to be able to see them better, you know? I wanted to see the ironic family photos Waller had strewn up around her desk, to feel the pang of hurt Jason would get upon seeing that even someone as cold-hearted as Waller still had a family to go home to, and I wanted to see that one burnt out lamppost in Crime Alley because nothing ever gets fixed there; it just rots. You know what I mean? You did that a few times with mentioning the CCTV in Jason's room or how that nameless agent was chirping in his right ear (I really enjoyed that latter one-really showed how done Jason was with all of Waller's nonsense.), so that's the type of thing I'm talking about. I guess what I'm trying to say is that setting and thought aren't at war with one another and that if you blend them into one it will make your already wonderful writing just that much more impressive.

But anywho, you shouldn't take that as any slight on the way you do dialogue, because that was all very charming and sweet (especially Kori talking with Jason and how she hugged him-I was just fangirling with happy feels at seeing Kori happy and Jason just...well, he was happy inside, I'm sure.) The "No, no. Kori, shoo!" had me in stitches because I could envision that reaction so well, and then that emotional whiplash the instant Damian and Jason started talking to each other. Woo, that was awesome. Do I dare mention "TeLl AlFrEd I mIsS hIm" AHHHHHHHHH DON'T DO THAT TO ME NOOOOOOO TOO MANY FEELS. Great job on hitting me right where it hurt and milking that emotional impact. (And your chapter title is clever and feelsy and poor Jason ;m; I feel so bad for him!)

Really well done, Kat!
Halloween Fangirl chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
This was so awesome and I loved the mama bear Talia there. So good!
Jane238 chapter 3 . 9/26/2018
So, I don't know if this is gonna have a sequel or not, but holy hell I'm crying right now and that was *amazing* and beautiful and how on Earth did you capture Jason so perfectly?! And Cass and Talia and Alfred, who had like, 10 lines, was just so fantastic! Anywho, that was lovely, and I hope I can find more similar ones that you've written too :)
Abby6666 chapter 3 . 9/26/2018
Guest chapter 3 . 9/26/2018
The biggest flaw in Batman's philosophy is that by him refusing to kill off the criminals, many innocent die at the hands of these villians

Counter Productive much?

The Joker's killed over two thousand people men, women, children, his own henchmen, he once gassed an entire kindergarten class, took out a boy scout troop with poisoned cotton candy, boiled a baby and made the father drink the soup

an irredeemable, mass-murdering abomination who can never be stopped nor reasoned with

Indeed, Batman doesn't even work as a deterrent to crime as his the is no risk in facing him, even if you raped and killed every child in Gotham Batman would take you in alive, protect you from the capital punishment and probably throw you into Arkham so that you could do it to another city within a day given how well Arkham is guarded.

Batman's code is comic-book fine, real life flawed

Gotham City Impostors

As you know we are dedicated to honoring Batman's nobility through our words and deeds. Of course just as batman can afford fancier and more expensive gear and gadgets than us, so too can he afford to take a more honorable approach to crime fighting. his is the righteous path of blunt trauma and painful but nonlethal contusions ours is the more efficacious path of cordite and home brewed explosives.

Why fight crime when you can kill it

And besides if you read the actual comics that this game is based on you would know that gotham descended into total anarchy and batman was no where to be found. The citizens of gotham had no other choice but to gear up and fight back



Thaum/aturge/Thaumtech/Mystechnician/Ipsissimus/Iatromantis(psi/psy-entist/enser-super science/zcience sorcery-sorcer/zorcer/xorser(Force)-sourcentist-High/er/est Science) Metamutagenic Mystech Metaphysicist Metaphysicsian, Mad Doks, Wyrd Mek/Tek Boyz(Mekanica-machine)psybermancy/Warmage/Thaummaster/Master/Mistress Myth[Energy-fundamental forces of the universe/matter-solid/liquid/gas/plasma

Hephaestus guns/lasers/invisible jet

Might Beyond The Mirror Nikos Aegeus

Phantazmagoria/Micro Mega Giga Yocto Yotta Exa Atto Neo Nippon/Old Kroy

Questing Queen/Sheeda
Zatan “Zate” Xatan-double trident/two sword size
Xatana, X-666-Kandy Kane

Zenpool 2099

Kilgore arms commercial/Mandroid

Berserko, Samurai Jack

Beast Man/Mer-Man Evilseed

Ring-enhance physically and mentally/tower of muscles/super intelligence (chimera-kaiju(imaginators)/plague/bots/armor/gadgets/)/mystic martial arts

Hit-Monkey/Mojo Jojo

Mark II Sentinel giant robot/X Collapsible suitcase sentinel/XI all terrain/XII nanobot sentinels/XIII tri Sentinel

nanoseeds/ Spore-Spawn/Swamp Thing (Parliaments/red/green/gray/black/metal-machine)/Jade/Black Orchid/Poison Ivy

Flying cars that don't need gas and last forever, computer that never need to be upgraded or plugged in

Generators that last forever infinite supply of energy, Energy/plasma weapons, flying cars, teleportation as well as space travel

benevolent Symbioids, loyal men of iron/DoomBots/Havokoids/Luthor War suits Hulkbusters Destroyer armors, Dread/Dream/Shine Knights ala Angelus Warriors

Neo Marz
Urth-opposite of earth's orbit
Akania/Neo Genesis: East and west of earth's orbit

Urthium, urthite, urthstone

Biomancy (bioroids)-White shadow Glow/Radiance Angelus/Darkness summon anything imaginable copy replicate infinitely mix and match light/dark gray prism (rainbow)/grayshades yinyang zinxang (Taijitu-Wuxing-Bagua)/Tomoe shadeshine/shineshade half angel/half demoness archangel half metal half organic some black some white wings kymira kaiju golem (imaginators)[Celestial Paragon/Archangel/(Saint)/Demon Lord/Arch Devil(Daemon Prince)](Dwarfs, Giants, Beastfolk, ogres trolls, Krork-Maestro/Leader/Doc Green/Doc Samson/Green Scar/Sakaarson/Nul “Breaker of Worlds” as well as Hobgoblin/Demogoblin, Eldar become Azurai organic Amazos/Brother Grimm Warhammer Fantasy Elves, Angel/Fairy/Genie, Gnome, archgremlin/imp-antifairy, replicae (genetic diversity different races and genders) perfect human (captain America/Nick Fury/Cable) clone, enhance (cybernetic brains) completely under thrall Symbioids Justice Titans-Supermartian/Rann/(Skorp Von Warstar)Adam Strage-John Carter/Flash Gordon, Wonderhawk, Aquaorion, Alakazam-Captain Marvel/Shazam/Zatara-Doc Fate(Wyrd)Mandrake, Bat-Lantern, Zauriel, Superdemon, Squad Superman (Earth 14/33/13)
The Monk
Flesh/genetic golems under thrall cybernetic brains

Kryptonian Werewolf/Egyptia Latverion/Angor/Slovekia

Dezdemona Hell/Heaven/phyr/gem
Kozmozaz Empyrean Azgardia Archsaint Morpheus 'Deus Rex' Merovingian
Saintgard/Saint/soulphyr/St. Ivory/Halosteel
Trinity Equilibrium Ultraviolet
Captain Comet/Ultraa


Xout Dragozaur

food/fortress shmoo and all/omni fauna/flora/mineral equivalent trillions/infinite planets/universes, multiverses/dimensions- Worldscape/Heroscape
Post Scarcity

Motherbox App-Molecular assembler-omninanoforge/oven/replicator/matter compiler/cornucopia machine/universal constructor

Sentry super soldier serum/Titan Venom/5-U-93-R pill/Exobyte potion, Vrykul bless every follower with it

Whiteshadow Triklops Jack o'lantern-Brainiac/Despero/Leader

Tree Dazzler
X-Mas Jack o lantern rocket ship tree forest Ents Tree Lords Warhammer Magic Tree of Nowhere

nanoseeds/ Spore-Spawn/Swamp Thing/Jade/Poison Ivy

One organic, one cybernetic, one half and half

Sentinel X Shogo

Latveria is one of the most advanced nations on Earth, but most of the landscape looks quaint and medieval—because Doctor Doom likes the quaint medieval look.

Wakanda, home of the Black Panther, goes even beyond Latveria in some versions. Someone might stumble on what looks like a harmless and primitive—at best Bronze Age—African village on the edge of the country and mistake it for an easy target only to discover the apparently decorative stone statues are shooting plasma bolts, armed flying drones are being launched from a wooden hut, and the spears those loincloth-wearing warriors are tossing? Rocket-boosted self-guided smart missiles with high explosive armour-piercing warheads. Techno organic jungle

Minor villain/heroic ally Arkon and his city Polemachus would count. Arkon is loincloth-wearing, sword-wielding barbarian who rides giant lizards, but carries thunderbolt-shaped energy spears that can open dimensional portals and be hurled for powerful energy bursts. The city he rules, Polemachus, is something out of a Frank Frazetta/Roger Dean album cover with such weirdtech as mind-controlling machines, but they somehow never develop atomic power (Arkon had to kidnap and brainwash Earth scientists to get the secret of developing nukes. The Schizo Tech elements get furthered as Arkon often goes raiding Earth and other dimensions for the opportunity to steal what technology Polemachus doesn't have, and his people have a highly developed use of sorcery and magic besides their own native science

White Lion (M’Balla): King of the African nation of Dakana, gifted with peak human strength, speed, and agility as well as a brilliant technical mind

daka: Crystals found only in the African nation of Dakana, able to channel various forms of energy. Sometimes erroneously known as “Dakana diamonds.” Dakana: African nation ruled by the White Lion and producer of daka crystals (cf. “Diamonds of Dakana” in Atom

Marvel Manga-verse, T’Challa is still King of Wakanda and when calling upon the help of the God Qamatha, he can transform into a Were-Panther. His appearance in the Were-Panther form is of a large humanoid panther in ancient Egyptian clothing. He can also call upon Qamathas's power to change himself into the Falcon. In this form, his appearance is heavily influenced by the ancient Egyptian god Horus. In this reality, his magical abilities are prominent as Dr. Strange notices his magical trail.

T'Calla in his Thrice-blessed Armor, wielding the Ebony Blade. T'Challa possess specialized Thrice-blessed Armor and Light Armor for specific Thrice-blesses armor functions the same way as Iron Man's armor, and is also enhanced with Magic abilities.


Doc Croc/Afrikaa

Zawavari-witch doctor of Wakanda

Ayesha, Queen: Immortal queen of a hidden valley in Africa and sometime foe of the White Lion.

Black Jackal: Dark costumed assassin and foe of the White Lion with ties to the Egyptian death cult of Anubis (and through them with SHADOW and the Serpent People).

Ghostmane: Shaman foe of the White Lion and would-be usurper of the throne of Dakana.

Leopard King, the: African super-criminal who attempted to conquer central Africa in 1962 with an army of “Leopard-Men” until stopped by the White Lion and UN intervention

Silver Hyena (Dr. M’genda): African doctor and humanitarian bitten by a were-hyena and infected with its curse. The Silver Hyena is a humanoid with black and silver fur and a hyena’s head. It can mimic other voices and its laugh can induce fear, rage, and other emotions.

Grayskull She Ra/Dawn
Hordak Hordes Uruk hai

Serpentor/Snake Eyes spliced clones

White Shadow hordes of clones/different genders/races enough genetic diversity with white shadows completely under thrall

Hydra-Nick Fury clones
HAMMER-Captain America clones Militant
National Force American Panther, 88
Alex Wilder
Elisa Sinclair
Monica Rappaccini
Head Case

League of Assassins clones of Bruce Wayne

Uber-Woden's Blood-halo effect


Wrath-William Mallory/Elliot Caldwell-Jezebel Jet
Scorn- Andy Mallory/Clyde Anderson
Sin Tzu-Queen of Fables

Poison Ivy

Tom 'Kamandi' Tomorrow' Thundarr
Shuffle(deck)/dice coin
SmokeShoxSteel-runic mystech phyrphazerpowerchainsword Shakalaka Badabingbangboomdoom

Teenage Shadow (Kent Allard) guns, knives, sword cane/umbrella/magic staff
Guest chapter 2 . 9/26/2018
Those in charge pacify the people by making sure they are comfortable. The villains at the top realize the dangers of a 0% Approval Rating and attempt to "buy over" the people in the most effective way possible: by improving their quality of life.

The government ensures a stable, if not always comfortable status quo. Simply put, there is peace in a sense and there is enough food to keep everyone alive. If the government is toppled, mayhem will ensue and nobody wants that, even if things may eventually become better—and there's no guarantee that they will.

The Devil you know is better than the Devil you don't. Sure, the people in charge are bad enough, but take a good hard look at who will take their place, look at all the others lurking out there—at home and abroad—waiting for the chance to take over—or worse, stage a civil war over who gets to grab the reins of the power vacuum, with attendant cross-fire. NO THANKS

I hate making villains buffoons and strawmen, if not lovable or sympathetic at least in cause, even if horrible they should still be impressive

Bruce's at least physical and mental equals Wrath-William Mallory/Elliot Caldwell, Prometheus, Owlman, Sin/Zin Tzu, Constantine Drakkon, Onomatopoeia, Leader of Kobra, Ra's al Ghul's League of Assassins/Society of Shadows (the people he went to for training) David Cain Lady Shiva, Alpha etc, Men of Death Shellcase, Detonator etc, Claws of the Demon, Kyle Abbot; All Caste, Hush, Black Mask, Catman, King Snake, KGBeast, Deadshot, Zsasz, and Professor Strange, Nobody-Morgan Ducard, Kyodai Ken, Red Claw, Bane, Slade

Bats has never beaten Slade without the aid of his sidekicks and even then after being distracted for like a second Slade escaped and left his sword as proof he could kill him whenever he wanted

Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong should be Sin/Zin Tzu's apprentice, Scorn- Wrath's apprentice, Cricket ten year old master assassin

Insider Bruce’s Red X-like ID-amazo like armor
Paladin alternative Bruce Wayne like Cowboy Punisher
Clone/spliced with Deadshot/Terraman/Serifan cosmic cartridges/Jonah Hex/King Faraday/Slam Bradley/Tommy Monaghan/Terry Sloan/Sgt. Rock/Rick Flag/Sarge Steel/Matches Malone/Lefty Knox
Calamity his protégé
White Canary, Twelve Brothers in Silk, Marque, Annalea

Always wanted the Wilsons a happy family Rose Adeline's kid also, Slade an agent of Checkmate on a Taskforce X with David Cain, Cluemaster, Deadshot, and Sportsmaster perhaps Calculator seeking redemption to make their families proud of them, I ship Rose with Jason "Red Hood" Todd, I think Red X is Grant and he could be with a reformed Blackfire, Wintergreen their Alfred, Rex the Wonderdog or an equally powerful wolf named Tarot

If not the first than Joey is the second best hand to hand combat expert the Titans ever had before he joined the Titans he worked for his mom doing freelance espionage/mercenary work for the U.S. government

Slade does have a code of honor he spends most of his time off panel going after terrorists and the like, he doesn't act against U.S. interests unless his family is threatened he does love them very much, the show made him a bwahaha villain and sadly the comics followed suit though he did state making his children hate him so the Titans would trust them and give them the home he couldn't

You could make the argument Batman is a manipulative fascist at best and a paranoid psychotic a hair's width away from his enemies at worst, Penguin once reformed because he'd fallen in love (for real) and Batman's constant paranoia about him reverting to criminality is what eventually leads to him being sent back to jail, when the worst thing he'd done was violate his parole by mixing with criminals (inasmuch as he started a factory which was giving ex-cons a genuine, second chance by offering them a chance to earn an honest living)

the Calendar Man special had him reform, then Batman showed up in his apartment and snarled "I'll be watching you every moment of your life" so he went back to committing crime.

And he also kinda drove Harvey Dent back to being a criminal because he instantly suspected him of being a murderer

A certain amount of ruthlessness, ambition and desire for wealth is needed to get ahead in business. Ambition is about human achievement it’s only when this is taken too far (completely unfair to employees, consumers, or the environment) that’s it’s bad

Alternatively, utterly ruthless out of a fanatical dream to use his company to remake the world in the image of something he holds dear, for the greater good. Or alternatively he HAS to keep anything functioning or otherwise doing anything worthwhile because the alternatives are worse for everyone

he can and does make lots and lots of even more money with mundane means

Most corporate executives are simply businessmen who do their jobs, without overreaching or using unethical methods.

The man knows how business works, learns from others who have succeeded, and doesn't mind playing a bit dirty to achieve his goals.

The local/state/federal government's obscenely complicated regulations make it impossible for him to profit in the first place.

The person begins to start making quite a bit of money, so his even larger competitors make a "donation" to the re-election campaign of a powerful Senator. Said Senator then pushes for a whole slate of regulations that make it impossible for said person's business to continue making a profit.

The person's business becomes a great success. However, because he hired non-Union labor (he wouldn't have been able to afford Union labor, only bigger corporate competitors can), the Unions finance an Astroturf protest outside his business calling him a monstrous exploiter. The firestorm of public abuse drives him to sell his business to his competitors, thus reducing competition in the industry and resulting in every consumer paying much higher prices.

The person's business actually does fully succeed and make him a multi-millionaire. The amount of work said person had to do in order to get there means said person has very little leisure time to actually enjoy the wealth; said person is Married to the Job and hence has very few relationships
...So he devotes his life and fortune to serving the community, giving back to the impoverished classes he was once a part of

If someone had the insight, ability, and the guts to kill Hitler

The Authority are one of the few superhero teams who acknowledge that the massive collateral damage from their battles can and probably has caused civilian casualties. The general understanding is that it's an unfortunate but necessary evil, since allowing their enemies to rampage unchecked would cause even more death and destruction. It's also worth noting that they try to limit the damage when possible, such as evacuating civilians and fencing in the combat zone, and are frequently on hand afterwards to help with the emergency services dealing with the aftermath.
In post-apocalyptic wasteland, working closely with civilians to protect them from outside threats, risking their own lives when half of them had been Brought Down to Normal, and generally being very human and relatable
The team started out as extremely violent against potential world-ending threats, and was perfectly willing to kill thousands of invading superhuman terrorists, or cause extreme collateral damage in doing so. However, this is no different from the actions of regular soldiers, as they were extremely benevolent in other respects: such as helping to clear up the disaster zones after any conflict; feeding and hosting millions of war refugees, or victims of other disasters; protecting them from militias; freeing them from tyrannies through much less human casualties than a standard military could manage (through outgunning scare tactics); reforming supergenius criminals to help their research for cures to various diseases or life-improving technologies; and overall genuinely making the world into a better place. However, later writers who didn't like the themes arguably severely flanderised and tried to twist around the more idealistic notes that Ellis and Millar introduced, so among other things the team was tricked into "overthrowing the government of the US, and briefly taking over" (rather than, say, China, which would make far more sense)

Raven has the biggest bosom of all the girls, hips as wide as her shoulders and her shapely legs, she can fight at least as equal to Starfire and she was trained by the Warlords of Okaara, they've trained some of the greatest warriors in the DCverse or even Wondergirl, and Lady Legasus

I always wanted Raven with Goth Boy him like Captain Marvel with Rorek and Malchior his dragon familiar or have them some kind of amalgam like Dante or virgil from Devil May Cry with guns, sword, guitar that makes lightning storms, magic briefcase/backpack/Santa's magic sack/bag cloak (White Shadow-camo/night camo) pull anything from, but black clothes or like a good teenage Dr. Doom/Lord Havok master of sorcery and superscience or from hidden kingdom that avoided White Martians' ancient experiments and thus stronger, tougher, and faster than Kryptonians like Vartox/Paragon as well as inherit white plasma on par with the Starheart/Shazam's magic lightning or Prince Stygia like kid Eternity, or a teenage Shadow (Kent Allard/Lamont Cranston) or Spider (Richard Wentworth) but like Edison Rex’s Eclipse I or Shine- Good teenage clone of Darkseid when he was still human looking spliced with Drax the Infinity Man and Highfather and Yuga Khan

Sunstone/Fortress of Solitude(Kole)/Wonderdome/New Themyscira/Thalarion/Mythlands-Cosmopolitan, Multiethnic/Omniethnic/Citizenry of the Empire of the Silver Snake/Zerox/Skartaris/Nth Metal/Mother Box-Element X
Guest chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
War World

The villains even ones with godlike power may fear Joker but they are in awe of Lex Luthor

I like to think Lex like Adrian Veidt in Watchmen can go toe to toe with any non-powered hero develop his own fighting style and workout program in addition to being scientific/business/political overall Renaissance man, that his white suit as powerful as his power armor

I also think he should have nanotech that makes him like the Darkness or Spawn, robots like his power armor, Doomsdays and Bizarros that are stronger, smarter, faster, better looking than Supes hordes completely under his thrall

In the comics Mercy is an Amazon as in Wonder Woman can go toe to toe with Supes and she has a partner Hope I like to think they're from the Citizenry space Amazons ruled by Wonder Woman's aunt Astarte with guns as powerful as green lantern ring

As president Luthor eliminated the national debt, brought unemployment to almost zero, it was HIS leadership that got us through two alien invasions and even the heroes admit without it we would have fallen

Only through Lex has there ever been an instance where humanity unites and thrives in the cosmos

Until the citizens of the DCverse say they'd rather have Lex solve the problems of the world instead of super powered people punching things they don't deserve the cancer cure and etc

Lex Luthor goes out of his way to be a friendly, personable boss to the help, from his janitor to the guy who owns the newsstand near his building to Alfred Pennyworth when he meets Bruce Wayne, Lex is actually a very complex character, he appreciates honest, hard work, since he himself comes from a working-class background (he’s from Metropolis’s Suicide Slums, it was his inventions and leadership that made Metropolis a city of tomorrow that got Metropolis out of near fatal poverty), and he's not lying when he says that he has the ultimate well-being of humanity in mind HE should be the one in charge, but as long as he has that, he does try to make those under him live better lives. Lex has a good understanding of how economics work, so he knows that his financial empire is supported by average joes working blue-collar jobs

Humanity's fate should be in the hands of humans

Ancient humans were the settlers of Rann, Thanagar, and Krypton, life began on earth

Superman undermines humanity's worth and accomplishments

A civilized man accuses specific individuals of specific crimes felony and fraud otherwise people should mind their own business this does not mean we ignore things that aren't evil but are nevertheless dangerous

Everyone should be given powers and tech it's idiotic this isn't done the heroes care more about getting off on playing Mr. Son of God, strutting around going who’s got the bigger cock than actually improving the lives of the people

God made man Sam Colt made them equal

When you can dodge bullets, outfly missiles, and swim across the surface of the sun it's only a matter of time before you start thinking you've better things to do than save the world for the two hundredth time

In Kingdom Come The “Newbloods” spent their whole lives in terror of these villains, they see the older generation as ineffective

The "Newbloods" obviously took it too far but as they say they did save lives (some villains do need to be stopped permanently they keep breaking out of prison (Arkham is state of the art the most infamous denizens are just that good at escaping and they WILL kill in the dozens, hundreds, and thousands, some ARE that much of a threat to the people if not the heroes and it just seems sickeningly aristocratic) and butchering innocents the only reason they haven't put down the Joker I can figure is that the DCverse is the type of place someone like the Joker would break out of Hell and probably bring an army of demons to do his bidding) and they had new worse villains like the Slaughter Brigade to deal with, this is probably why the older heroes didn't step in until the "Newbloods" crossed the line, in a dark world heroes can be dark, but after they kill the villains, they have to stop if they still want to fight each other go to the middle of the desert not cities

Don't get me wrong lethal force should be used if and only if all other means are exhausted or unavailable to save lives or stop villains, I certainly don't want them slitting the throats of every single thug they come across (you do that you stop being a hero and become Frank Castle) if only because it could be an undercover cop doing his or her job

I hate how the heroes act like school bullies I get it when it’s sickos who enjoy killing people, the child molesters, the thugs too stupid to understand anything else, and crime lords even the ones who properly manage the implacable illicit businesses of city life (Illicit businesses are an implacable part of city life all prohibition does is make criminals rich), they’re probably still thieves and killers so keeping them on leashes is probably smart, but when they do it to the likes of Luthor and Maxwell Lord I almost understand doing things like dropping an atom bomb on Gotham to kill Batman

Not easy balancing liberty, prosperity and social stability, all anarchy does is leave us at the mercy of every thug and psychopath, great for mighty warriors not so much for the average man

People want fatty foods, loud music, regular sex, and flickering television images more than they want justice

I will always prefer villains who at least have a point and frighteningly may even be right about everyone being better off under their benevolent dictatorship (of course make education great so the common man does know what is best for him and his children's children and democratic republicanism can work) like Ra's al Ghul if the environment isn't brought into balance no matter the means or cost the future for the human race will be worse than any dystopian fiction and will lead to the extinction of the human race not through misadventure but suicide through stupidity or Lex Luthor who as he says if he was calling all the shots could end famine and cure cancer and he could his mind is capable of anything perhaps give everyone ultra high-tech nonpolluting technology and maybe even superpowers (without the White Martians ancient experiments all humanity would be like the Kryptonians or Daxamites) lead humanity and the rest of the universe to unimaginable glory remember Red Son he united all humanity and led us to a golden age that lasted millions of years, no poverty, disease, war, crime, terrorism, or environmental problems and science and art advance

A lot of villains seem unaware that if they used their mind and/or other talents for legitimate business causes or the government could be far more profitable than any crime spree

When you live in a world of such technology and people with four digit IQs why in the nine hells haven't you solved the world's problems of poverty and disease, everyone should be given tech (Sunstone/Fortress of Solitude/Wonderdome) and powers

Of course vigilantes can be sanctimonious hypocrites judging others and letting themselves go unscrutinized condemning others when they do the same thing for less reasons I think it is disgusting they don't share their scientific breakthroughs (of course inventors should be well compensated) with the scientific specifically medical community or their skills with law enforcement agencies far more good than beating up thugs and psychos fight crime at its source ignorance and poverty. I realize due to rarity and complexity mass production may not always be possible or at least cost effective and due to difficulty not all could take brutal training but a little bit could go a very, very long way. A hero doesn’t just save people a hero teaches the people to take care of themselves. The ability to think of future generation when calculating pragmatic utilitarianism is what separates us from the animals. The world is not the way it is because of thugs and psychopaths, corrupt businessmen/politicians (which contrary to fiction are the exception not the rule) but because most people are too stupid to know what is best for them the extreme left and extreme right get caught up in their ideals and refuse to acknowledge brutal facts of reality no real world understanding of the extreme complexities of politics, economics, technological logistics, and how they’re all interconnected in the long run. People want everything right here right now the whole world just handed to them on a silver platter think just by complaining something will happen without a tangible plan. Such a plan will require a lot of long, hard, boring work all day every day for generations.

There will always be some exploitation, the best and brightest will elevate themselves over the common man, it’s nature, best for the species, it improves the standard of living of the human race as a whole, as long as they don’t kill anyone or otherwise actively oppress, free trade and enterprise is the only thing that has ever led to long lasting meaningful peace

I'm glad the government has Suicide Squad, Cadmus, Checkmate, the Elite, Amanda Waller, and the new female Spy Smasher, Cameron Chase I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting accountability from superheroes, having checks and balances on these living breathing weapons of mass destruction seems quite reasonable to me one will go left when they should go right and innocent people will die it WILL happen, not saying black ops don't have their necessity they can be used as a force of good

Have you heard of The Boys

Say you’re Harry Truman, do you drop the bombs or do you drown the home islands in the blood of U.S. Marines BATMAN has no answer to that question

Sometimes the greatest good for the greatest number just means the least amount of suffering

Sometimes you have to cut deals with the lesser evil

Vetinari, The Ankh-Morpork Thieves and Assassins Guilds