Reviews for Rekindling
kazikamikaze24 chapter 5 . 6/4
I like the story despite how much it jumps all over the place. Can't wait for more!
NazgulBelserion chapter 5 . 5/4
Haha I like it he has a Gilgamesh type of personality hope he stays how he is
Guest chapter 5 . 5/2
Thanks for the update
just a look chapter 4 . 6/29/2019
Ok, i understand better now but i still don't like it
Grell... I will not says how inappropriate it is to see him here, because I'm sure Will would have already found out about Arturo.

I still don't understand how the grim can just says "oh your a shinigami" just because it's a zenpakuto.
But I like the end of this chapter.
Just a look chapter 3 . 6/29/2019
it's a little strange. Wasn't she "seen" by other just before ? Than why would Cadmu think her a shinigami and not a civil with reiasu ? The same goes with her look, she doesn't have a uniform after all. And if she is a small fry like he seems to think she sould not only have it but also shouldn't take a rest at a ice parlor.
Even if he says "officer" wich is above a small fry, it's still suspicious.
He isn't the brightest here. And she too,
Why did she go to him, shouldn't she have sensed him ?
Seriously, you didn't need to make that scene for her to go to hogwart she would go anyway because she's always with Arturo and the start for Horcrux search could also have started in hogwart with "exploring and accidentally finding come-and-go room".
If it's just for her to become a grim reaper, i still think it could have been done differently.
I have really many things to say but english isn't my mother tongue so i will just finish in saying I don't like this chapter
just a look chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
Good one !
I love that last sentence of Fenix
Lazymanjones96 chapter 4 . 5/20/2019
Interesting stuff looking forward to more
Hashirama 1710 chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
why does he know them? the other Espada I mean
is this 3rd phantom Arturo?
Kilare T'suna chapter 1 . 9/25/2018
Oooh. This is something. Looking forward to next chapter