Reviews for Simple Things, Honest Souls
jc the oddball chapter 9 . 6/30
I'm ok with crows voice, maybe a bit more sparingly but even then it's still not bad
Duskfern chapter 17 . 6/24
Hell yeah, Ruby being a bad ass taking down overgrown killer wasps (even if the poor pup ended up getting hurt she isn't helpless, that goes to Yang and Weiss) but now I'm honestly curious, when Blake does eventually show up (and I'm not saying you should make her any time soon, it's your story after all) how would Ruby react to seeing another faunus? Would she react like she normally does to strangers? Or will it be a little different cause this new stranger has kitty ears? (cause we all know how dogs loooooove to bother cats to no end of their curious doggy energy) I'm pretty sure she'll be tense though, knowing Ruby's friends withe schnee and that'll definitely not sit well with everyone's favorite feline. But my best guess for this upcoming encounter will be rocky. On a more serious note, I love each well thought out plot and development I've been blessed to see while reading this amazing story and I hope to have the opportunity to see more, no matter how long it takes for the next chapter to come I will be happily waiting for what you have in store next, though it's probably gonna be half battle intense, half scolding Ruby, and half everybody treating everybody.
Devashish Karatolios chapter 4 . 5/9
I feel stupid now cuz I wasnt expecting faunus ruby, even tho it said in the summary. This is a pretty good medieval AU, even if it isnt the best ive ever read.
RadBman21 chapter 5 . 3/25
Oh. My God. You made Yang a savage in both fighting and in logic through this chapter.
(Cue Crowd blowing up in Hype)
Unknown chapter 17 . 2/28
I just finished binging all of this and I gotta say how great it is. Im loving all of it an absolute ton. Thank you for writing it and I'll be here reading as long as you continue
Raion Shinz chapter 17 . 2/29
Oops delete that last one I posted by mistake. phone bullshit.

what I was trying to say was Atreus was constantly having a reoccurring fever so now I'm suspicious of you with this ancient voice's emergence...

Raion Shinz chapter 17 . 2/29
Y'know I was playing God of War 4 the other day andxAtreys
TiberiumSnow chapter 17 . 2/24
Great chapter! Keep up the amazing work!
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 2/24
Yup, i would have ditched her ass with how she is acting.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 17 . 2/23
Mission complete. Now the hard part. Getting out. They're almost there. See you next chapter.
JubilantPottery chapter 17 . 2/22
Just wanted to say thanks for the chapter and that the story really is something special, well worth periodic updates :-)
Cun chapter 17 . 2/22
Yesss fluffy Ruby is back! I'm curious what you have in store regarding her whole Silver Eyed Warrior thing, if anything. Seems like you're hinting at something with this battle focus thing, hmmm. But maybe it's connected to her voice? God, imagine her actually saying Weiss's name or something.

So yes, excited to see this back, love your stories!
januarykatedejesus chapter 17 . 2/22
Yay worth the wait as usual hope you update your other fanfic soon too w
CaptainTacoBell chapter 17 . 2/21
So excited to see the update!

I loved the fight school towards the end in particular. It was really well written and easy to follow along. I find some fight scenes I've read people in others works were too complicated and require several reads before I grasped what the writer wanted me to visualise. Definitely didn't have any issues here so you should definetely pat yourself on the back for that!

Keep up the good work.
ThrawnDew chapter 17 . 10/28/2019
Hope to see more updates soon! Don't worry too much about Blakey; if her character doesn't fit then don't sweat trying to create a way to work her in. Keep up the good work on this and your other stories!
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