Reviews for Cruel Irony
Livan16 chapter 22 . 5/6/2019
Please update soon
painfulldarksoul chapter 18 . 2/23/2019
Why would he consider Gunhead a false hero here? He just tried to protect someone. Granted they were not going to kill Iida and they were stopping them by attacking them, but that would be pretty much a must.
painfulldarksoul chapter 7 . 2/23/2019
Even people who don't seem to be injured, they still could have a concussion or damage to their spine. So it's not an option for someone to take them, especially when they don't identify themself, it really doesn't matter if they claim they are a friend or how angry they are.
Also how did she know they were there and come before the paramedics took him to the hospital, and how did the sound carry all the way to the school through a whole city, over it's noise.
painfulldarksoul chapter 3 . 2/23/2019
Dragons are overrated. As a somewhat more important point, red fire is not very hot compared to other flame colors.
DARCRY1 chapter 22 . 11/14/2018
CanadianBlitz chapter 22 . 11/15/2018
DARCRY1 chapter 20 . 11/7/2018
Well, could you at least have the dragon recognize him? (Ya know, Spiky Hair says “No get back here (Dragon’s name), he will hur ou” and Deku responds “why would I hurt my own creatation?” *takes off mask*)? PLEASE!
BitterSweetWritter26 chapter 21 . 11/8/2018
I love your story 3
It's so perfect and creative
I really want to read what happens next in the second book
drizma chapter 1 . 11/8/2018
Great story
Bonzenz chapter 20 . 11/8/2018
So if this takes place at the same time as the original mall event then this is only the end of their first semester not the year like you stated
SombraTheWeeb chapter 20 . 11/7/2018
What the heck?! the second i finish reading the hole thing the next chapter comes out! thx u so much i love this. also i really hope that stain will get out but it would be cool if Izuku ended up being a hero anyway, or at least make up... also does anyone know izuku is a villain? just stain? that has to change...
CanadianBlitz chapter 20 . 11/7/2018
Oooh boy a challenge! Thanks for the response, it’s always appreciated when the authors give their reasons why instead of just giving short, 1-3 word answers. Hmmm and I would guess Shigaraki either meets Izuku and they have some battle, he meets Kaachan and Izuku plays Urarakas role, or some variation
junior.urbina2001 chapter 20 . 11/6/2018
I really hoped it would ha
SombraTheWeeb chapter 19 . 11/6/2018
do u enjoy making my cinnamon roll suffer? is that something u like? i love this so much definitely my new favorite! 3
DARCRY chapter 18 . 11/4/2018
Cmon man, could you have Mei see the dragon and spend time tracking him down? Finally finding out his identity and telling Kacchan?
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