Reviews for Perfect Timing: Return of the Storm
heychelseamay chapter 17 . 6/1
In response to the message below:

I did not lose motivation. I’ve just been really busy. Was wrapping up the difficult end of nursing school the last half of 2019 PLUS dealt with a parent with cancer. Started a job as a nurse early this year, and we all know how crappy 2020 has been with the pandemic and current social issues and unrest here in the U.S. Life’s been very busy and demanding for me. I apologize for the long wait.
Casey S chapter 17 . 6/1
"to be continued..." "Updated: july 2019, The date I'm writing this on is almost a year later soooo... Either a hella long chapter, you stopped working on it, you died or you haven't been working on it as much because you lost motivation.
Sandt21 chapter 17 . 9/28/2019
Still here, still reading this lovely AmberField fic, and still loving it!
Avid reader chapter 17 . 8/9/2019
This needs more attention from the readers or people need to know about this story cuz god damn its amazing!
PardonMyValyrian chapter 17 . 7/13/2019
Yay! A new chapter! This was a very scary-turned-touching update! And sick song choice at the end! Totally rocking out to this one! Looking forward to the next chapter! I hope Frank is okay! GAH!
Guest chapter 17 . 7/12/2019
I’m enjoying these random geeky nerdy tidbits in several of these chapters. For example the one random thing about Shadowcat was so good! Hahaha! Plus the music/lyrics you add is awesome. It always fits in with the story and the tone/mood! Looking forward to the next chapter!
OO chapter 16 . 5/28/2019
I've been reading this fic as a guest since your first chapter post. This is my first time commenting and I just wanted to say that that was a well-written sex scene without being disgustingly graphic or cringey and also describing it delicately. The music added a very beautiful touch as well! You do an excellent job picking the right songs for the scenes. How do you do it? For one thing the lyric "I speak to the trees before I sleep, And I can hear you whisper back to me" is totally reminiscent of Rachel "speaking" to nature and being able to control the weather, while at the same time she and Max can "whisper back" to each other. In other words, their bond has grown so strong throughout this story that they are connected through their powers, those moments they feel that electricity, or when they read each other's minds. Anyway, long message. But yes! I read the Life is Strange: Dust comic! It's crazy because the "bonding" aspect between Rachel and Max here is similar to Chloe and Max in the comic!
No one chapter 16 . 5/28/2019
PardonMyValyrian chapter 16 . 5/27/2019
JFC! That was major hot! X I know you meant it to be loving and all that but geezus that was sexy Any way. i never liked Shelton and Peter, but it's good to have villains.
LIS fan chapter 16 . 5/27/2019
You made me spit out my coffee. MY OH MY! What an chapter! Your endnotes say you weren't trying to be explicit with the intimate scene but I think you did an excellent job keeping it non-gratuitous! I look forward for your update!
LIS lover chapter 15 . 5/7/2019
OH! new story pic? love it! very cute AmberField! This story is just so interesting. I'm wondering when's Sheldon and his friend going to come back and the cliffhanger of this chapter is intriging!
Sandt21 chapter 15 . 5/7/2019
I don’t know what makes me happier. The fact that you’ve made a grand return to this story, of the fact that we got our first hint that’s Chloe has given Max and Rachel her blessing. As always, I eagerly await more of this story
PardonMyValyrian chapter 15 . 5/4/2019
YOU TEASE~! ARGH! Great chapter addition, though! LOL!
LIS lover chapter 14 . 4/20/2019
wait! did Chloe ever touch Max while she rewound time? i feel like it's happened before but I'm second guessing myself! all the more reason to replay the game! if she did then Chloe should have been able to see Max rewind time if touching her is the key to witnessing her time rewind powers!
PardonMyValyrian chapter 14 . 4/20/2019
WHOA! Rachel can see Max’s powers! And what is Peter and Sheldon up to?! I AM SHOOKETH!
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