Reviews for From Dragonlords to Phoenixes
Karma chapter 1 . 7/3
So I loved the way you presented Merlin and Gwen in the Fic but the ending annoyed me, I can see why you did a sacrifice was needed but it’s so final I can’t really see where the next ones would go unless he himself becomes a wraith. Maybe it’s just the fact I’m childish and hate tragedies but I can’t deny I love and hate this, if you write a second one I will read it if I find it. You should be proud of your work as it was emotional and I’m sure others feel the same.
Merlyn101 chapter 8 . 2/27
This is a well finished, well written perfect story! A rare finished fanfiction masterpiece!
Bananarock509 chapter 5 . 2/6
I just keep imagining the DA bursting out of a portal with Harry directing them, “Ready! All together now!” And as one, “Expecto! Patronum!” Burst of bright light, everyone’s dumbfounded and then the DA leave on their merry way back to the future.
CountofMonteCristo22 chapter 5 . 2/6
This is an amazing story! I really hope you don't give up on it. I think the genuine development early on now will pave the way for some really awesome plot points in the future
Lilkcat785 chapter 2 . 6/12/2019
Please update soon, this is an exceptional story. Your plot is very good and the story is very well written.
Chuda04 chapter 2 . 2/22/2019
It's really an a special story and has a great potential. I wish you would complete it. Your style is amazing, characters very natural and plot interesting. Hope you aren't done with it for good!
PaxAmynta chapter 2 . 11/28/2018
There is so much potential in Merlin/HP crossovers that I really wish there was even more of them, and even though I know in this story it will take a Long time to reach that point in the world, you certainly have a good setup going here :) I like the idea of Fawkes here too btw
kittysiny chapter 1 . 9/29/2018
this is by far incredible! I mean, the way you describe merlin's magic and thoughts is brilliant.
I really believe this story is going to be one of the best I'm going to have the pleasure to read.
Also, I specially loved the words you use to describe each thing that conforms the story, everything is completely interesting and understandable (I can tell as English is not my mother tongue language) I can't wait for next chapter!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/27/2018
Good story have you ever thought of pairing harry with Arthur?
Walker's Annoying Voice chapter 2 . 9/23/2018
Oh man, Kilgharrah's death almost made me cry! Alas, I'm sitting infront of two of my roommates so I held the tears back.
I just love this story. Can't wait to read more!
auryworry chapter 1 . 9/15/2018
Be as slow as the story needs! I love it 3
Random person chapter 1 . 9/11/2018
This is wonderful! I think it really captures how Merlin would act after Arthur is gone
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
I think the first chapter is great! I personally love stories with a lot of detail. I can't wait for the next chapter!:)