Reviews for Name To Call You By
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
I really like the idea behind the story, how it fleshes out Sonic's world, and also how you wrote it
Just someone chapter 1 . 9/13/2018
I just noticed, Nack the Jerboa
Just Someone chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
I love this. I honestly love this just so much I just- I can’t even. all of this is so sweet, and this whole thing is so wholesome. I love Shadow being curious, and asking about things that most Mobians wouldn’t really question because it was normal to them, and having some knowledge about some things, but not others, because it gives him- but also those - and the worldaround him more depth. It drills home more and more the fact that he was raised isolated from society as a whole, and brings a certain innocence to his mostly jaded and cynical character.

TL;DR: this whole thing is amazing and I love it so much I might explode!
Aurlim Lapalim chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
You know? This makes me question about Amy's and Tails' surnames... Theirs must had comes from ages ago, but in Archie comics suggest that Amy comes from a noble family (I'm not sure, I may be wrong).
But we gotta admit that giving a surname to Sonic would be weird: imagine if they give him a surname like "Sanchez", "Anderson" or "Hudson", it wouldn't be the same. Hope they don't give him one in the movie...
'Sides, I'm stuck with a fruit's name as a surname xD