Reviews for House of Storms: All Seeing Eyes
Lara chapter 32 . 9/10
This is so so so so good! I really miss this story...IT'S THE BEST FF EVER. Can't wait for more :'(
Guest chapter 32 . 5/25
This is so good! I hope there is more to come!
Marie Antonia chapter 32 . 5/7
Alright, I've gotta say that this story is just wonderful, I mean really wonderful. Katsumi is such a dynamic, realistic, three-dimensional character who is so much fun to read about. There's such a genuine camaraderie and love between this Team Seven that I just didn't really get much of in canon; at least not with all three of them. Kakashi is just the best team dad ever, and I LOVELOVELOVE what you did with Sakura! It would've been so easy to either omit her from the story entirely or bash the hell out of her to make your OC look better like so many authors do, but you took her and improved on her character and I just respect the hell out of you for it!

Another thing I love about this story is how you point out all of the not-so-great things about Konoha that are kind of just glossed over in canon. The way Naruto is expected to fight and die for the village that had shunned and abused him his whole life (you know, until he proves useful to them, then they all "love" him -_-), the fact that they basically just left Sasuke all alone after everyone he loved was murdered by his own goddamn brother, not even bothering to get him some desperately needed psychiatric help, the corrupt politics that any shinobi village would realistically have and ESPECIALLY how the Third Hokage just allowed Danzo to do whatever the hell he wanted even though he KNEW how batshit insane the man was.

Sure, I guess Konoha nicer than the other hidden villages (from what we see, anyway), but I just don't really like the conceit the story has about Konoha being "the super awesome, best village ever that all the other lamer villages are totally jealous of!" To me, it just comes across as extremely biased, which is a shame because one of Kishimoto's greatest strengths are his worldbuilding and I wish we could have gotten a better look at the different cultures or the lives of the everyday people of the other villages, but I guess not...

I don't know if this was what you intended while writing the story, but I definitely appreciate it! Yikes, this became less of a review and more of a rant, sorry! XD

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk, and keep up the good work! :)
AnonyMouse chapter 32 . 5/2
Hello :) I was looking through fics to read in this website during the corona lockdown, and I’m glad to have found this fic. Your attention to detail is insane, in such that you describe everything so vividly. Which is good, I guess, since the more information you put out, the more us readers can understand and see through your point of view in the story. I find it very interesting how you mixed up the canon plot. For example, in terms of the Wave Arc, I was just shooketh when you killed off Zabuza and Haku right off the bat, though the follow up plan to beat Gato was a good alternative. Katsumi is also an intriguing OC. I really like her backstory and it’s very Disney Rapunzel-esque (and the low key talk about her hair makes an interesting comparison too, like touching Rapunzel’s hair heals people but touching Katsumi’s hair can potentially bring them to the hospital... or the graveyard hahahaha) In terms of her abilities, I like that she’s quite badass with her techniques and intellect. Although there are times when her capabilities can border on being Mary Sue-ish to some, I think it fits her perfectly because she is the child of a genius shinobi and a Daimyō at that! Plus, the trauma she goes through makes her more human, so it’s interesting how you tackled those issues throughout the fic. I’m really looking forward to her finding out about the truth to her heritage though. Judging by her personality, I think she’s going to be loads angry and feel so betrayed, so it’ll be interesting to see if she decides to seek out Orochimaru. But I have a feeling that whether she does or doesn’t, she might go to Kumo for answers (and meet A and Bee, so excited for this reunion!) during that 3-year time period between OG Naruto and Shipuuden. As for the canon characters, I find their character development interesting. Although it’s a bit jarring to see Naruto be so in-the-know and super intelligent, it’s quite a refreshing take on how a different person in his life’s existence (Katsumi in this case) affected his personality and actions. Kakashi is just precious with him being all overprotective over his students. This part is quite endearing to see because in your story, at least he’s making an effort to help his team survive better compared to canon. As for Sasuke, I actually thought that since Team 7 is closer than ever, he would’ve at least second guessed his ambition of killing Itachi. Although now that he has the curse seal and it’s being (hopefully) effectively taken care of, I wonder if he’ll still decide to join Orochimaru because it feels so 50/50 for now. I find his crush on Katsumi really adorable though. I know people are shipping Katsumi with different characters and some people see them as more of a brother and sister kind of bond, but I think the “Crush Culture” chapter shows that the Sasuke x Katsumi ship works well. I think it’s mostly because Sasuke really does respect her as a person, and they have a strong foundation for their relationship in case it turns romantic. Though it’ll be interesting if they do end up together, because there’s a possibility that Katsumi will return to Kumo as a Daimyō (all hail female Daimyos even if it’s fictional lol) and Sasuke’s the last known Uchiha, so it might turn into a political nightmare. One part of the fic where I’m very iffy about though is Team 9. It’s mostly my bias because I really dislike Sakura with a passion, so anything that’s closely related to her, I just can’t get into to without a 100-metre pole (that means those Team 9 specific chapters and unfortunately, all the people in her team including Hiro). I confess that I did skip a lot of the parts where they appeared in the chapter (no matter how small or big they’re featured in), but because of your detailed writing, it seems that I didn’t really miss anything. As for this chapter, I agree that Jiraiya is not a good person. A lot of people like him and find him funny because we’re the outsider to that Naruto bubble, but as a woman and having experienced dealing with people like him, he’s really not that great no matter how famous or capable he is. Which sucks a lot because him, Tsunade and Orochimaru seem to just get slaps on the wrist just because their former teacher was the Hokage *rolls eyes* Anyway, I’m quite excited to see what will happen during the information gathering on the next chapter!
New Guest chapter 32 . 4/10
I love your story! Can't wait for more! 3 3
Guest chapter 8 . 2/24
Love how you wrote about all the training she and naruto did but in the end changed nothing
5directionalpilots chapter 32 . 2/9
This fic is severely underrated. Can't wait for the next update!
5directionalpilots chapter 29 . 2/7
Loving papa Kakashi
5directionalpilots chapter 22 . 2/5
I'm excited to learn about her doujutsu!
5directionalpilots chapter 18 . 2/4
I haven't read the chapter yet but I'm getting an adrenaline rush already from the warnings aghh
5directionalpilots chapter 17 . 2/4
This is one of those fics where I constantly think about it during class because it's so good! I love the deviations you've made so far and your OC. I'm STILL reeling from the Zabuza fight ughhh
5directionalpilots chapter 15 . 2/3
I love this so far
AkaMizu-chan chapter 32 . 1/6
Iwhejxow9qo i love this story ahhhhh omgggg. I literally can't even rn. Katsumi is fucking great and i know its early but damn do i ship her and sasuke (maybe b/c there are no good sasuke oc fanfics. Idk im not a fan of sasusaku there i said it)

Please continue to be a majorly awesome author. Much love, happy new year!
Reader chapter 32 . 1/2
Thank you for updating! Your writing ability is amazing! I mean you write so good that everytime I read, I get so sucked in the story that I litteraly forget everything around me. It amazes me how you have written this much and just for a fanfic! Thank you for your hard work and dedication and sharig this story with us!
- Happy New Year 2020 btw :)
Valen Goncalvez chapter 32 . 12/20/2019
Very good chapter, i hope you update another soon!
Finally someone who shares my opinion of Jiraiya!
I hope Sasuke doesn't leave with Orochimaru.
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