Reviews for You Say Run
Bob dylan chapter 1 . 6/19
Yuki's physical appearance is inspired by Donatello Versace from Stone Ocean?
Gamma-X chapter 10 . 11/8/2019
This was an amazing fic. I honestly don't see any reason for you to rewrite, and I would honestly prefer if you didn't. This has the right amount of pacing, drama, comedy, and everything! I'd love to see this be continued, but not as it being rewritten since this is already very good. So, I hope you decide to change your mind on rewriting the story. But anyways, keep up the good work and good luck! I quite love this story. :)
Gamma-X chapter 2 . 11/8/2019
This is a very well written chapter and the comedy in this is absolutely golden! Even the omake! XD
Great job! I'm loving this! XD
Gamma-X chapter 1 . 11/8/2019
This sounds awesome! I'm quite liking this so far, it seems interesting. You also got an interesting quirk. Good thing AFO doesn't know about Yuki and his quirk yet then. Since if he gave that to the USJ Nomu, well... All Might would've gone kablooie. But yeah, also can't wait to see when Jirou comes up! And the lemons! Oh yes! The lemons and romance with Jirou! Fuck Yeah! XD
Well, actually.. are there lemons? I may be misunderstanding your summary. I hope there are, but there's more than likely not any. Am I wrong?
Guest chapter 11 . 10/10/2019
Jiro is now best girl.
TuryA chapter 11 . 7/19/2019
Are you kidding? I'm really excited to it!
I love your history. If you think you can make it BETTER, who am I to disagree?
Anyway. I thought you wouldn't write anymore. So Even if you rewrite this, I will be happy to see more of this history.
TuryA chapter 10 . 12/31/2018
OK, organizando minha linha de pensamento:
Eu realmente estava com saudade dessa fanfic. Os primeiros dias foram os piores, mas já tinha me acostumado. Agora eu lembrei o quanto eu gosto disso aqui!
Depois, temos a beleza do pensamento do Kaminari e a conversa do pessoal, eu ri já ali.
Aí veio todo mundo no Dojo e SVSODBWODVJD Eu amo tanto essa história.
Todos sendo tão legais, e a Nemu-chan sendo tão EU. Mas eu tenho que dizer:
Hueheueheueeheuehey Eu consigo maginar a mãe da Kyouka lançandos o fones com um olhar psicopata contra o pai dela para amarrá-lo na cama. E AS DICAS PARA SE DIVERTIR HUEHEUEHEU

OK, quanto a parte triste. É, são notícias de merda, mas desde que você não desista da história, eu consigo esperar outro mês por um capítulo.
Ah, eu ia esquecendo FELIZ ANO NOVO PORRA.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/1/2018
Lelouch of Zero chapter 9 . 10/21/2018
Tragic as it was, the fight between Yuki and Idai was pretty awesome and anime as all hell. Idai’s kidnapping wasn’t too far from how I imagined it. The belief is that the more righteous you believe yourself to be, the farther you fall should you become corrupted. It’s good for Yuki to finally share this with his friends. Awesome chapter! Happy holidays and see ya next year!
TuryA chapter 9 . 10/21/2018
GIRL, YOU ALMOST LEFT ME CRAZY! I thought you would not post this week, I began to be concerned. Oh, I will check, thank you. For more strange that seems, you are the only person who I talked about it, I don't opened it even with my family. Maybe it's time to discuss this. Hey, the chapter was full of emotions, and great fight, my friends! Great fight! Hey, usually write scenes fight is a pain in the ass, very laborious and hard to keep pace the fight, but this is well written, must be given a lot of work. Ah, by the way, I think never mentioned as I loved the nickname "caterpillar -Sensei" to Aizawa. The last scene was pretty cute, even I wanted to hugg futeki. And I agree that you deserve vacation but ... 2019 ?! Jesus Christ, is to much time! I'll try to me used to the idea.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/20/2018
Waiting for new chapter, awwwwww the cliffhanger
Guest chapter 8 . 10/13/2018
Hey, Is TuryA (for some reason, fanfiction don't let me post with my acount) wonderfull chapter, I freaked out a little at the end, but I got over it! Sorry for be too short. It's... I just lost my Grandma. I'm not too eloquent right now. But I'm glad you post a new one. I could distract my mind a little. By the way, in the last review I don't made myself clear, I was in the hospital, but I was working (as a nurse), I was having a double jorney, taking turns between my job and my grandma.
beenjammin0421 chapter 7 . 10/10/2018
Isn't this the same chapter? Where is chapter 8
Lelouch of Zero chapter 8 . 10/6/2018
That training scene was much better than I imagined, that being said, Yuki’s inner Goku made it much easier for him to focus on the task at hand than Kyoka. I didn’t expect the class president election to end the way it did, it’s kinda funny that Yuki’s “no self voting” rule made it much more complicated. I can also appreciate that you didn’t just make Kyoka VP just to give her and Yuki even more time with eachother, it makes things feel more organic that they aren’t just always conveniently together. Yuki’s back story just gets more interesting with each visit, I can’t help but feel there is more to that villain ambush than Yuki realized. Awesome chapter!
Raphaim chapter 8 . 10/6/2018
really like your story so far. can't wait for more Jackie fluff. keep up the great work
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