Reviews for Harry Potter: Prince of Dragons
The3rdOverlord chapter 12 . 6/26
Make moar pls i needs it
Ashkan Dehno chapter 9 . 6/25
Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so farDamn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so farDamn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far
Nysk chapter 11 . 6/23
Poor Malfroy... I always did enjoy stories where he ended up as a Gryph.
Thanks for writing.
LadyPhoenix68 chapter 12 . 6/23
First extra subject would be occulmancy considering so many of those among the planes are telepathes, protecting your mind would be important and it helps with learning and memory. So what if Snape and Dumbledore might not like it, it makes sense.

Second, they might have advanced flying for those that want to be very good a flying or flying in places with limited space. Harry needs it if he ever has to fly to deal with things in the forbidden forest.
SnowWolf43 chapter 12 . 6/22
Oh dear God this was a funny chapter from begging to end from ch 1 to now I've drawn some looks for laughing out loud while reading
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 12 . 6/21
"Good Kingdom Management"- this includes business, economics, and diplomacy.
"Martial Arts"- taught by Shang Chi, the Master of Kung Fu.
"Dimensional Magick"- class taught once a week by Dr. Strange.
"Elemental Magick"
Ana Luisa chapter 11 . 6/21
Precioso bello muy bien
Ana Luisa chapter 12 . 6/21
Hermoso bello muy bien me fascinó
Furwing Silverclaw chapter 12 . 6/21
Bardic magic, druid magic, d&d style wizardy, and maybe bring one of the masters from the sanctum Sanctorum to teach their type of sorcery. Just a few of many possibilities from around the multiverse personally I think having Linna Inverse being one of Harry's tutors could be hilarious.
klarka11 chapter 11 . 5/24
This is good chapter. Please another
Orochi323 chapter 10 . 5/14
You made a mistake at the Dragon Summit. Faluzure, Chronepsis, are aspects and aliases of Null. You will need to go back and change that.

If you need resources and reference material I recommend that you take a look at TVTropes and the Harry Potter and Forgotten Realms wikis. I would also recommend that you implement MrRhexx and AJ Pickett’s Dungeons and Dragons content as he draws almost extensively from the Forgotten Realms so use the Lore of Dungeons and Dragons and the lore of the Forgotten Realms in the story along side the Harry Potter official Lexicon.

Now I would take a look at the original myths and Folklore that Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons series draw inspiration from mythology so I would do some real research on those topics.

However keep those elements but make it newbie friendly. Maybe in Hogwarts in his school years in his classes. It is a school after all.

Now here is a recommendation, please make sure that Harry Potter learns the abilities of the Wizard, Sorcerer, Summoner, and Druid classes of Dungeons and Dragons and all the abilities of all the Metallic Dragons and Gem Dragons in the franchise at a later date along with his cannon powers and abilities.

But I have to ask will Harry share his skills with whatever friends he makes later down the road? Because if this kid is already a deity maybe you can make him a supporting protagonist at first, as he is already a beast who has trained in many disciplines so why not make him train with others in stead of just curb stomping all his opponents in the ground along with his teachers so as to not short change the entire cast.

Also maybe give some flashbacks on who Harry trained with to gain these skills and so we can see how he got so strong.

Now on the topic of magical history here are my thoughts when Harry goes to Hogwarts and goes down the events of the Books and Movies. First off make sure that Harry goes down classes that covers the Dungeons and Dragons Lore so that people not familiar with Dungeons and Dragons can learn more about it.

However exclude elements of the game that contradict the lore of the games various setting but keep the elements that doesn’t contradict the lore. Check TVTropes and what it calls Gameplay and Story Segregation and Game Play and Story Integration.

Also please keep a fair and balanced approach to both the Dungeons and Dragons and Harry Potter Franchises with both the characters and settings in both.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/14
You have made some mistakes, Faluzure, and Chronepsis are aspects of the Dragon God Null.
Madmagusmax chapter 10 . 5/8
Okay now that my request is sent here is the review.

Am I correct in assuming that Harry is well versed in the magic of ALL species of metallic AND gem dragons?
Madmagusmax chapter 10 . 5/6
I really hope that you remember to Give Harry Potter some defining characteristics and also some flaws. We do not want a Gary Stue!
Intotheunknown chapter 10 . 5/4
I must agree with Ikki. This is interesting. Harry has some actual confidence and has the power to back it up, but has the wisdom of the ages.

But you have to be careful he does not go into Gary Stue territory. He has to have his flaws, such as Harry Potter has to have his problem with controlling his anger like in cannon so he has to work to get that self control.

Second I would recommend that as while Harry has a good upbringing and good morals and a good heart, he is still a kid and has to gain wisdom and experience in dealing with social matters, being a leader, as well as the importance of his social standing and what that position entails.
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