Reviews for Retrograde
SirenAtlantica chapter 37 . 4/14
Ah. I see. (I really don't.)
Guest chapter 34 . 10/18/2019
icing sugar? a scarecrow? loving this storyline so far. can't wait to see where it goes.
Herooftheages200 chapter 25 . 7/22/2019
Is Will Smiles based of Albert Wesker?
Herooftheages200 chapter 19 . 7/18/2019
The Doctor and Osgood have met before and The Doctor knew she was a fan and still invited her onto The TARDIS, he was not creeped out by her. The Doctor and Osgood are very good friends in fact.
Herooftheages200 chapter 17 . 7/16/2019
I can't but be little intrigued with the story of The Lightening Girl. Will we be seeing more of her? Is she going to interact with The Ghost? and How did you come up with the idea of her?
SirenAtlantica chapter 19 . 7/16/2019
Definitely a fan of "Invasive Species." I like alien plant thingys.
Herooftheages200 chapter 12 . 7/10/2019
I'm a little disappointed none of Classic Who were at the funeral.
Herooftheages200 chapter 9 . 7/8/2019
Why do so many of the human companions have powers? It is very confusing, I mean what's next The Brigadier can shoot fire out of his hands, Amy Pond can turn into a fire breathing dragon, Ace can active super saiyan god mode. It is really confusing and I think you got Clara mixed up with Bill.
Herofortheages20 chapter 3 . 7/1/2019
Since when could Clara move through walls?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/1/2019
Since when could Clara use telekinesis?
A Wistful Writer chapter 25 . 6/23/2019
I live for this mad, entirely bonkers but utterly brilliant series. It's given me so many laughs over the years, and I'm eager to revisit them now that I know it's still ongoing! Thanks for brightening my days with your storytelling!
Guest chapter 22 . 6/1/2019
Happy birthday!
Guest chapter 21 . 5/25/2019
ahhhhhh I love this so much! I've been reading your pics for years and I've been looking forward to this crossover so much!
StoryGirlWrites chapter 12 . 1/9/2019
And, I've finally returned to ff. Did you miss me on here? I loved Nowhere Girl. It solidly set Mattie in with Clara and Thirteen (plus another great alien monster who just wants humans to be happy). Now, they need adventures with Mattie. Or perhaps Mattie's adventures in trying to fit into the world. School, friends...occasional flights in space with Jenny, much to Rose's horror.
StoryGirlWrites chapter 8 . 11/3/2018
Ok, darkness, dead cat and sonic pulses? Trying to add up anything normal, wait, this is Retrograde, it is going to include monsters and craziness. XD I'm sorry you've been miserable, especially when reading it makes me happy. It causes such a conflict in my mind.

btw, I do like the adventure giving Mattie time to bond with Rose and Thirteen. And, Mattie needs a pet...just saying.
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