Reviews for Ichihime Week 2018
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 4 . 11/12/2018
Oh YES! That’s more like it. You’re not heartless. Please, I want more. I just can’t, with yammy. I can’t wait for what you have in mind with this story. Thanks! c”,)
daianapotter chapter 2 . 11/12/2018
Me encanto n.n kazui es un hermoso bebé n.n y sí, orihime por fin tiene una hermosa familia n.n
Crystal Dawn chapter 4 . 11/12/2018
Ahhhhhhhh I screamed when I saw this! I'm so happy! I love it and can't wait to read more!
Crystal Dawn chapter 1 . 9/7/2018
Out of the three short stories here, the first one stuck with me the most. Not so much because the ending was "bad", but because you obviously put a lot of time and thought into making a medieval AU and I wanted to read more of it! The choice to have Orihime married to Yammy was uniqueI feel like everyone else would've gone for Ulquiorraand I was very interested in it. I would've also liked to see the theme of self-sacrifice for the greater good explored moreis Barragan's kingdom really worth Orihime sacrificing herself for? Really get in there and explore how bad or good her new life would be, along with giving Ichigo a path towards "saving" her (if that's what you wanted). Basically, I hope one day you come back to this short fic and make a whole long AU out of it!
foxfang27 chapter 3 . 9/1/2018
This is my favorite chapter so far! I really loved the first one too and think it would make a great story *wink wink*! I'll be looking forward to more! Your writing is wonderful and very well looked over :)
Guest chapter 3 . 8/31/2018
I meant to say that the hickey Ichigo got was unexpected but love the idea of a wild Orihime.
suzaanoelofse01 chapter 3 . 8/31/2018
This was soo cute haha! I loved it :) Thanks for the update!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/30/2018
Ichigo’s so thoughtful and romantic with the picnic, Shakespear love poem, and promise. The hickey was expected.
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 3 . 8/30/2018
Awwwwfully Sweeet! I absolutely adored this *melting*.
I actually thought of the Sweeper or whatever it was called too while reading this. lol! This part is so cute and funny.
The 'touchy-feely' moments *blushing* lovely!
And the Shakespeare poem, oh man! True love for IchiHime.
Totally love everything! You're 100% forgiven *cheers*
Thank you! c",)
rey-bei chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
lolll you're forgiven if you write a future where ichihime got a happy ending hahaha jk

i like your stories 3
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
Not much forgiven *pouting with arms crossed*
this sweet, lovely, touching and tear-jerking chapter is too short to make up for the long, engaging, awesome, bittersweet last chapter *fixing a broken heart*
with another fluffiness overload ichihimeness story, I might totally forgive you :p
Guest chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
I like how this story touches on Orihime’s sad past and how happy she is now with her own family and friends. Orihime’s explanation about her friends being family was very touching. And Kazui is so adorable with his questions and clear love for his parents.
suzaanoelofse01 chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
Imagine walking into the company's book editors office and seeing her in tears.. cause that was just how my colleagues found me when they came to get me for lunch haha! Poor Orihime.. I was crying in the beginning of the story when he asked her about her parents.

You are most definitely forgiven! :)
Not so much IchiHime but I loved the mother and son bonding moment!It was adorable. I also liked how Orihime helped their son understand that family isn't just blood related people, but people you care about and love.

It was really sweet! Thanks for the update! :) Keep up the amazing work!
Jorvach chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
*melts into a puddle of mush* You are forgiven. This was so wonderfully sweet! So sweet I think I'd better brush my teeth before they rot! :D
Keep it up!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2018
The story was so good even though my heart ached for my poor babies. Orihime did her duty and sacrificed her happiness to ensure the war ended quicker. And Ichigo respected her self sacrifice. Such angst and heartbreak. Thank you for another great Ichihime story.
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