Reviews for Dawn of Pandemonium
Magi Mana chapter 59 . 8/8/2019
Congratulations on finishing this. I like the dynamics you explored with the characters, and the Phantom was definitely creepy. Transforming the Egyptian Gods into the Sacred Beasts was a nice twist, and the battles were definitely intense. And the way you did the Kaiba x Kisara was beautifully done. And I really like Mahad, so it was nice to see something that explores his character after Egypt.

The only criticism I really had overall was that the character seemed a little too willing to use the Orichalcos. After all the pain the Orichalcos caused for them, I feel like Joey, Dark Magician Girl, and Rafael would be a little more resistant to it. Kyo using it was fine since she really didn't know its history.

Overall, once again great job. If you decide to continue it this (either through the tournament or just showing Kyo and Mahad's friendship farther down the road), I would definitely read it. Good luck with whatever you write next.
SkylanderZilla chapter 59 . 8/8/2019
I got into it when I first found out about so I read from the beginning it was an interesting story
Eclipsedog chapter 39 . 4/24/2019
I love this series! I was re-reading it and realized that you had added new chapters, and I'm like "What!? It wasn't finished!? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Keep up the great work!
Artur Henz chapter 38 . 4/16/2019
I am really enjoying this fanfic. You are doing a great work so far. The girls are quite original characters, and it is rare to see Dartz and Raphael so we'll used. Also the duels are great so far. Please keep it up
Romadrox8975 chapter 2 . 2/17/2019
I felt that there something that should fix, duel writting
KingPenguinJG chapter 6 . 9/17/2018
really interesting I got some questions 1. is this going off Darkside of dimensions , Gx or the original dimension in arc v (as there was hints to it being another timeline where some version of the original series and Gx happend) If so will Jaden Yuki have a role ? and sirus wheeler have to watch out for Nightshroud's influence from using the red eyes darkness dragon cards ? will any of the other summoning methods show up ?
Daisythebird chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
I love the characterization in this story! Everyone is lovable, new and old. I specifically liked seeing Kyo think in card game terms. It adds a more interesting touch to reading her thoughts then if she had just said what she was feeling outright. I also liked "Make them suffer... all without ever being caught." Just a hint of old Atem in her. I'm excited to see what happens next.