Reviews for The Eraser's Journey
Guest chapter 8 . 5/25
Please continue! I love your take on Shouta - it is fascinating how various little things about his adult self can be traced back to this complex background you are giving him and start making a whole new sense.
Turannoktonnos chapter 2 . 1/7/2019
I like the story, but what's with all the Star Wars names? They're so obvious XD
rubyxblade chapter 6 . 12/22/2018
I love it! Been awhile since I commented, but I just couldn't help myself! Thank you so much for keeping with it, this was an exciting chapter, and I can't wait for more!
TheExhausted chapter 6 . 12/21/2018
I only just stumbled across this story today, and it is very well written. I look forward to the next installment. :)
Guest chapter 5 . 11/1/2018
Thanks for the good read! I really liked both your characterization and the action/plot
Little max chapter 5 . 10/23/2018
Eraser having siblings that's cool hope you continue this awesome story.
rubyxblade chapter 5 . 10/23/2018
Maa I love this chapter. The kitties made me smile, and I love how Dad-zawa has such a strong quirk. Lovely work!
BunnyRabbit chapter 4 . 10/5/2018
"Had he known this would happen Shota would have stayed in his bed." Awww. That was described so cutely that I could imagine it.
So much to like about this chapter. It was funny how Aizawa just plays it off like the puppets collapsing had nothing to do with him after getting on the bus. Sounds about right.

I think there should be more commas in certain sentences (for example, the one I quoted above). You might want to check in with your beta-reader about that. Other than that, again, this is a pleasure to read.

Looking forward to the next chapters.
JSua chapter 4 . 9/8/2018
Please continue!
SheWalksAtDawn chapter 4 . 9/8/2018
I live the background and the setting you built here for Aizawa! Hizashi is spot on and I laughed while reading his lines! For some reason I imagine this world more gritty and cloudy than in Izuku's time where it's all sparkly. I like that contrast especially with the corporation and government interaction in the heroics department.
BunnyRabbit chapter 3 . 8/30/2018

This fanfic is such a pleasure to read. For someone who's first language isn't English, you sure do a wonderful job with describing things with detail - and without saturating it, too. Your sentences are interesting to read and the dialogue seems believable. I'm actually kind of jealous as a native English writer.

I was blown away by that whole tangent Haraki went into back in Chapter 1 (what initially reeled me in) - his inner thoughts on Steel-Jaq, the detailed explanation of what went on with said hero and what was covered up, the ugly truth behind corporations and the government, and his inner remark towards the principal. I definitely did not see that twist coming in this latest chapter as well. The whole idea of Aizawa overthinking the whole thing and the set up of the entire scenario were executed near-flawlessly. Also, that quote? "[...] all the parameters were printed on a neat spreadsheet. It just hadn't been handed to them." Pure, solid gold. So simple, yet so true.

On top of all of that, I am a person who has not fully seen this anime/read this manga. Just bits and pieces. And yet you caught my interest with this fanfic here. That's quite an accomplishment, I should say.

I can only wonder where this is will go from here... and it's rather exciting. I look forward to reading the next chapters of this wonderful work. Thank you, well done, and keep it up.
WinterYule chapter 3 . 8/26/2018
Oh, the plot twist and only on the third chapter! Haha I love how Aizawa pocket the animal crackers. And he’s really prone to overthinking and it’s being turned against him this time. I wonder how he’s going to get out of this judgement. Maybe the examiner-san will step in again?
FlimFlam3 chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
Great chapter, pace and turning of events. It feels just like UA. You're in trouble, Aizawa.
TinyTiger28 chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
Holy- HOW DID YOU EVEN THINK OF THIS?! This is an insane plot twist! Most people would’ve just had Shota be the best at the exam by just doing well, but you took it a step further by making him actually think about solving the problem and stopping the villains. Not only that, but you went ANOTHER step further, and completely threw everyone who read this for a loop. This is just INSANE (in a good way). Seriously, this is amazing. Keep up the great writing!
JSua chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
What!? Leaving us on a cliffhanger?! This is a really amazing story, the exam had me excited. To Aizawa’s plan of taking out the head villain, please do continue.
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