Reviews for My Hero Academia- A Second Chance
seanmcsherry123 chapter 51 . 2/20
What is going on?
Guest chapter 2 . 5/3/2019
Seeker of Immortality chapter 3 . 5/3/2019
Your story would be so much clearer without the grammar mistakes. Sometimes it's hard to read your intentions. Btw, didn't he agree to a contract stating that he couldn't make changes to his hero costume?
Alrain chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
...what is the Quirk?
Red-Hot Habanero chapter 12 . 1/28/2019
I'm really enjoying this story.

Story time: when Geus was asking Deku to help him train I read the sentence "Geus pulled the cap from one of his filters" as "Geus pulled the cap from one of his feathers" and thought 'what is he yanky doodle' then i reread it and went 'I'm idiot'
Naruffoku chapter 39 . 1/26/2019
The plasma in blood only shares the name in common with the 4th state of matter plasma... this guy feels dumb now
Pokemark17 chapter 11 . 1/2/2019
This is a decent story but how his quirk works is deeply confusing and is never properly explained ie is it acidic, why does it only harm skin and not more, how does he make it explode, what do you mean by solid like ice or concrete?
Guest chapter 30 . 12/3/2018
This was a nice chapter. It's nice to see Geus finally get the freedom he deserves! Can't wait to see his interactions with the class now. If there is one thing I have to critisize though, I find it hard to follow what's happening in the story. Maube one day you could look over some of the previous chapters and make it easier to follow? Just a suggestion, love the story!
Naruffoku chapter 15 . 12/3/2018
I am so bloody confused right now? What is his quirk, you really need to make that clear because all I got was that he breathed out the gas, but he can actually use it from his right side as well?
Darraiter chapter 5 . 10/23/2018
I've only read 5 chapters so far,, so maybe I'm talking too soon, but I need to say it:

I have no idea what the hell is happening

I mean, you started the story without explaining anything or describing anything remotely important, such as why is geus in prison (or why in a prison, considering his a minor. You called it a correctional once, but from there on you referred to it as a prison again), what is his quick (all we know is that is called solidied gas or something like that) , what does it do, how does it work, why there are other kids in that "prison", why most of them are quickness (considering that just a small percentage of the population doesn't have a quick), why the guards apperantly hate him, why the second guard doesn't...
So many questions!
hanalaskaris chapter 17 . 10/3/2018
Hey I just found this fanfic and let me tell you that I read it all in like one sitting this is really good. I hope you keep it up!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/15/2018
it's interesting, but you jump from one scene to the other one way too fast
FallenAcacia chapter 6 . 9/12/2018
Umm, not sure if you've noticed, but chapter 6 still has all the formatting and stuff so you might want to re-upload that. Otherwise, good story so far I guess.
shadowslayer537 chapter 3 . 9/8/2018
Read chapter 1 gettin into it go to chapter 2 and im like ,well that is not correct.
Fan of chapter 1 chapter 2 . 9/5/2018
Hello there,

Not much for me to say so far. From reading chapter 1, I really think this story has potential. Unfortunately, I can’t read chapter 2. Don’t know if it’s because I’m on mobile or anything. Anyway, chapter 2 is all full of fonts and letter sizes and all that stylistic stuff. I don’t know if there’s anything you can do about it, but I thought I’d bring it to your attention. Either way, I’ll keep checking back and read more when this issue is resolved.
All the best to you!
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