Reviews for Pyrrha Meets a Lich
Just an IsekaI writer chapter 11 . 2/23
Combine117 chapter 28 . 2/20
Complications arise. How will Lich deal with this?

Eh, he'll be fine.
G chapter 28 . 2/16
Yay update. Ohhhh the suspense. What shall happen next. I can’t wait.
Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R chapter 28 . 2/15
Thanks for another chapter.
I hope that the kids aren't going to demand that Lich stop being Lich (so stupid, he's an adult and they are infuriatingly naive and entitled children demanding that the affairs of other be fully revealed to them while they believe their own privacy to be sacred {fuck off Blakes}).

Please don't have him become paragon good guy they are the absolute worst and the quickest way for your story to blow its figurative brains out!
PasiveNox chapter 28 . 2/14
Great great
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 28 . 2/14
Well this fight will certainly be interesting.
merendinoemiliano chapter 28 . 2/14
Pretty nice chapter, the dialogues of various charachters all feel very natural and I hope Sun will soon fit in this little group, he's one of my favorite male charachters, also hoping you enjoyed Volume 7 as much me and that Salem will have a big role there. Keep up the good work and see you soon.
Combine117 chapter 27 . 2/4

Calm before the storm now.
G chapter 27 . 1/19
Yes finally another chapter. I had almost thought it was a goner but I hadn’t given up hope. Good set up chapter and while I understand how much of a bitch college courses can be when it comes to time management (calc based physics2, calculus 3, dynamics’s, and a required for deploma English) please do try to update more often in the future. I love this story and don’t want to have to wait so long between updates.
FL4MING R4VEN chapter 16 . 1/18
Now realizing that you showed this later in the chapter... crap
FL4MING R4VEN chapter 16 . 1/18
H'Cil Mai.
iaM liC'H
Thought you could fool me? guess again
Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R chapter 27 . 1/18
Thanks for another chapter
PasiveNox chapter 27 . 1/18
merendinoemiliano chapter 27 . 1/18
Lovely chapter, charachters feel mostly IC and your lore is interesting. Curious to see then Lich's interactions with Ironwood when he will come. Keep up the good work and happy new year.
ZobbleStone chapter 27 . 1/18
You are correct about worse always being a possibility but you did well continuing the story. I honestly thought you ran out of ideas but I'm glad that I'm wrong, in this case anyway.

I hope the continuation is written as well as this was although you are right about time irl, time is a difficult thing to allocate and manage.
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