Reviews for Sins of the Forefathers
gogo bananas chapter 14 . 8/6
Deadass bro this story is so fucking good
gogo bananas chapter 14 . 8/6
Dude good fuckin story
gogo bananas chapter 6 . 8/6
“Universally frowned upon”
TheSlySage chapter 14 . 7/22
great story thus far I need moree
Almighty Spartan chapter 14 . 7/17
Certanly original, though its kind of weird that Jacob would not teach Jaune how to fight Grim, its kind of weird to be honest.
TheDragon2000 chapter 14 . 7/16
An incredibly interesting story so far. I look frward to reading more of it.
Cco16 chapter 12 . 2/26
Can’t wait to read more!
mickeysofine chapter 1 . 2/25
I'm not sure I agree with you on Faunus biological superiority.
For one, those with secondary ears must have a different skull shape. Putting more holes in the skull to account for it would weaken the skull.

Soul/aura should be constant between the two species. It's not like humanity would just have innately superior souls.

Depending on the type of faunus I could see them having a biological advantage. Claws or better hearing, for instance.
I don't think Adam's horns are in any way useful beyond a slight strengthening of the skull.
Having something like a cow tail would just be superfluous.
dragongod0117 chapter 12 . 2/24
This story is amazing so far. I greatly appreciate an author who can do good world building but not make it unnecessarily long or boring. The whole splitting up the generic "huntsmen" into different classes and ranks similar to an RPG setting makes it much easier to understand the strengths of characters and their actions and reactions in certain situations. I'm looking forward to the future chapters of this story with bated breath. Also can't wait for more Neo. Absolutely love her. If she ends up betraying Cinder with Jaune, hopefully they'll end up together, or at least be in some sort of relationship with Jaune.
Hiyuusha chapter 12 . 2/24
I'm loving this story. I look forward to seeing where it'll go next.
Dased22 chapter 11 . 2/6
I can't believe Monty Oum is fuckign dead
Guest chapter 11 . 1/29
Juan is super OOC, but the rest of characters seem ok (interactions included), so guess I'll bite
ZenithTempest chapter 11 . 1/28
I’m guessing Grimm ranks in this story are different than canon since ‘normal Beowolves’ get one-shotted by Huntsman in training regularly. And hey, some comedy, wasn’t expecting that: Emerald being so bad at normal human interaction she doesn’t know how to hit on someone.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/16
Oooh, this story is really interesting. It's refreshing to see a Cinder who is not the biggest fish in the pound and who have to compromise. Putting her on more or less egal footing with Jaune was a genius strike as you're developing their relation. The different POV bring new informations and show us that Cinder team is not cohesive at all, with Mercury, Emerald, Roman and Neo (without event counting the White Fang, the Branwen tribe or even big bad Salem). Maybe Jaune could make it explode... And I'm leaning for a Jaune and Neo partnership (but only if it's less homicial or at least one-sided than in other fanfictions).
Another really good thing : Cinder and Jaune (and others) are making wrong assumptions, they're not always right! It's sadly too uncommon in fanfictions...

Normally I don't really like stories in which Jaune takes too much time to go to Beacon because it's more often than not boring and full of OC, but here I love it, surely because all the major antagonists are there. The plot is on the way, even if for now it's more Cinder's with Jaune trying to figuring it.
And Kudos for Blake's development, wonder where you are going with this, hopefully something a bit different than in canon!

Poor Jaune, he wanted to escape his father's life and dark shafow but he can't. Well, at least he has some usefull skills and he's not completely stumbling in the dark! And bravo, he's not a Mary Sue, with the other POV you show us that many people are more powerful or even smarter than him, he does the best with what he gets, sometimes it's enough other times not.
I wonder when he will be able to go to Beacon, if he will be able, and what will be his goal at the time. Will he be fleeing Cinder and allying himself with Ozpin? Will he still be in Cinder team (by choice or by blackmail)? So many possibilities...
But where are the good guys? Jaune could do with a little back up!

Well, I'm excited to discover more. Thank you for sharing your work with us!
hirshja chapter 10 . 12/25/2019
You need to put line breaks or something in whenever you switch perspective. Otherwise it’s really confusing as to who’s POV we’re reading from.
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