Reviews for Acceleration
Guest chapter 4 . 5/18
Oh heck naw pleas stop trying to use all might as your hero name it will be embarrassing try Deku it's a better name
LordCharlieJ chapter 5 . 4/5
This was really cool. It's a shame that it's not being updated anymore. Would love to see it come back.
A Simple Library chapter 5 . 3/1
this is probably dropped... but I like his abilty so much... :(
EchizenRyoma chapter 5 . 2/2
what will happen now? will midoriya be strong enough for the L.O.V? please update soon...
Reaper2763 chapter 5 . 1/21
I hope life gets easier for you, and once you have a chance please update this book is amazing and I'd love to read more
I'm-Sirius1412 chapter 1 . 1/3
love it.. hoping for an update!
farrelspiral chapter 1 . 10/22/2019
farrelspiral chapter 1 . 10/22/2019
as index fan I live this fic
CarollWattson chapter 5 . 9/18/2019
please update!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/21/2019
Moreeeeee I need more stuff too good
Zack chapter 2 . 8/18/2019
Awesome story please don't stop
creativesm75 chapter 5 . 7/8/2019
very good
Guest chapter 5 . 6/20/2019
update soon
iwhw chapter 5 . 6/1/2019
This chapter was really good, I wonder when are you updating again?
Kian Xki chapter 2 . 5/26/2019
One For All works not only as stock of streng but also for potency of the main qurik of the individual

if you had gone with Vector Manipulation needeing to grow like a normal ESPer then it would have been useful to reach Level 5, but as i undertand from your writing Vector Manipulation will only need practice to reach Accelerator's level

but giving One For All to this Izuku would be useless as he would use it as nothing more than a fancy troppy on a shelf, there is no need for enhacements when it can already be done by his quirk

the original ability of Vector Manipuation is simple reflection, an automatic counter attack to reflect damage to the source and is always active, it allowed a 10 or so years old Accelerator to match an army and is the main weapon that will defeat most enemies, ergo the Level 5 being considered as part of the militar streng of Academic City

i half expected Katsuki to be the 1st victim and the means to discover this Quirk

Your Izuku does not need One For All unless he wants to fight godzillas

yes, a herd of godzillas

All For One Gives him trouble due to variety but Izuku can not be defeated by All Might, as stated in USJ insident, 'it is force absotion not nullification' ... or something like that.
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