Reviews for Desperate Measures PLEASE SEE SUMMARY
Norfolk8i8 chapter 6 . 5/21
Oh God please tell me the end of chapter 6 isn't where this is heading. Please please please! Great writing though, I had feelings about certain characters right from the start that are becoming true now and im on the edge of my seat at the end of every chapter! :)
GUEST chapter 13 . 11/11/2018
What is A03 and how do I find it... Please post
argwyn2365 chapter 11 . 10/3/2018
I'm so glad she finally realized what Ryan was doing. I'm so happy that Kathryn and Chakotay were finally together. I hope she can continue to stay strong and do what she needs for her. Great chapter, great story so far.
American Fantasy chapter 11 . 9/25/2018
Everything about this chapter I honestly didn’t expect it to take that turn so quickly and I’m hoping it doesn’t jeopardize their relationship for the future. It was hot and steamy and I absolutely loved how you brought them together finally. Kathryn’s comments concern me though...I really hope she isn’t going to now shut Chakotay out.
TrekDr chapter 11 . 9/22/2018
Ahhh, I just love how you write J/C. it might be hot, but the overwhelming impression is of irrepressible love.
Beth6787 chapter 11 . 9/22/2018
Hope that this encounter results in the JC team joining forces to complete this mission. The best therapy for Kathryn at this point would be to pro-actively bring down the whole corrupt Entera organisation by jining forces with Chakotay’s intelligence team (off the radar, of course).

Love how you’ve weaved a complex plot and allowed Janeway to “screw up big time” with the marriage to Ryan Austin. It rings very true...

Looking forward to the resolution...

Great story with plenty of intrigue and pace to it.
TrekDr chapter 10 . 9/18/2018
I love a janeway fighting. i am very glad that the chakotay nudge opened her eyes enough to let suspicion in and so she could start to get her life back. no idea how it will play out, but cheering her on. A further huzzah to meeting up with chakotay in a seedy dive.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/16/2018
I’m loving this story. Best one I’ve read in ages. I find myself checking in frequently to see if there’s a new chapter. So good.
GSFan01 chapter 10 . 9/16/2018
Yay, ok! Bring it on!
American Fantasy chapter 10 . 9/16/2018
Omg, like Kathryn, I just about dropped my glass when Kjogo said ‘it isn’t good for the baby” you had me sweating there for a second.

“Dress like an expensive tart” LOL. But man did I enjoy that build up to the end when J/C are finally reunited. I love that she has finally put two and two together and is working out that Ryan isn’t who he says he. She needs some more pushing though and I’m hoping Chakotay will be the one to help pull Kathryn out of this mess.

I also loved how you interwove Kathryn overhearing a private conversation and her recalling the conversation she had with Ryan about his behaviour. I can just imagine her mind being split in two different ways.

I’m so excited for the next chapter like you wouldn’t believe.
PixieKayGirl chapter 10 . 9/16/2018
Whew! They're finally in the same place! AUGH, I can hardly wait for the next chapter! Netflix and Amazon PRIME and reading completed fanfics have all spoiled me - I'm not used to waiting between "episodes," as it were. :P
annejoy chapter 10 . 9/16/2018
You are killing me with this story! It’s so great.
Can’t wait for the next chapter. So I’m off to read the first ten chapters again...
WishfulThinker87 chapter 10 . 9/16/2018
I’ve realised that I’ve not yet left a review for this story even though I’ve been hanging on every new chapter notification email! I’m loving this, despite the uncomfortable nature of Kathryn and Ryan’s relationship of course. I said “finally” out loud just now at the end of this chapter. I can’t wait for Kathryn and Chakotay to have a proper conversation! Roll on chapter 11!
PixieKayGirl chapter 9 . 9/12/2018
Augh! She's waking up! She's figuring it out! Oh my gosh, she still said not DURING it! Is she building some sort of immunity to his abilities? She's so strong, she seems like the sort who would be able to resist more when other people couldn't. I could totally see her building up immunity. Though obviously not soon enough! *sigh* Come on, Kathryn, break out of this!

Also, Chakotay, stop playing spy dude and get back here. (Okay, I like his spy-dude-ness, I just don't like Section 31 in general.)
American Fantasy chapter 9 . 9/12/2018
Yes, I’m glad that Kathryn is finally putting two and two together. She doesn’t deserve this, Ryan is a pig and his whole involvement is going to come to light shortly. Kathryn needs to find out soon before he does any more damage to her. I’m intrigued as to how this is going to go down.
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