Reviews for ChiChi's Journey
Random person chapter 7 . 6/21/2019
Ok. This doc is over 15 years old and you’re probably never gonna see this but I’m writing it anyway.
First, great story. I loved it. And it was interesting. And fit I think.
Second, I agree with what charlatain and his/her points. Somehow, I think that (full-blooded) Saiyans could have trouble when it comes to emotions and may not be good with empathizing and dealing with them. They’re a warrior race, and often times it seems to be viewed that emotions are a weakness in battle because they can blind you.
Third, I thought of the reasons presented here for his leaving, but my question is why couldn’t he just stay home and use instant transmission to go to Uub during the day to train him. He says he gives Uub time to spend with his village and family, so why can’t he go home for a while during those instances too? Chi-Chi asked something like this too. And the question was never answered. Just so you know, I don’t hate Goku (love the guy and all members of his family). And I haven’t really watched Super. I’ve only seen a few clips and the first few episodes. I felt exasperated when I learned he leaves at the end like that and a little mad or annoyed but mostly I’m just confused about why either would have to leave home at all for training cuz instant transmission.
Also, I’m happy you didn’t glean over the fact that he also has selfish reasons for doing this and the reasons aren’t completely altruistic. I still think you made them seem more altruistic than they really are or focused way more on that but at least you still included that part.
Lastly, I don’t like how it’s kinda implied that cuz Goten and Trunks are slacking, Goku has to leave to train someone else. It’s kinda like deflecting at least some of the blame on them. I love Gohan, Goten, and Trunks (as kids and when they’re older. The only thing I have a problem is Goten being girl-crazy or a ladies man or whatever (never watched GT). Maybe if I got some explanation on how that happened, I would have less of a problem with it. I still love him as a character though (even if I’m sad he got lazy writing and wasn’t really developed).) Personally, I feel like it’s kinda as if saying they should train super hard when they’re teens which would take up enjoyment time and being a (lazy) teen myself, I just kinda wanna enjoy life and myself and not really do much usually. And in some sense gave me a vibe that they don’t have a right to be regular teens. I know the whole powerresponsibility (especially being a hero and whatnot (Spider-Man lessons)) thing, but... I think maybe training just doesn’t appeal to them anymore. They seemed to see it as a fun game as kids, so when they got older they got bored of it or they saw how much their dads trained all the time and how that usually led to them leaving at some point or another and didn’t wanna end up with such an obsession with training or something. I don’t know why they don’t really train as much. They do have potential and it’s a waste, and I would like it if they were still fighters. But I think I kinda get not wanting to really use you potential even if you have it cuz I’m kinda like that.
And maybe they’re just focused on other things (obviously). They probably know there’s more to life than training and nd getting stronger too and would like to enjoy it in those aspects more...?
I don’t think I properly explained what it is that I didn’t like. I don’t really know how to put it into words. Same goes for the reasoning so it’s more bias and opinion on my part I guess.
charlatain chapter 7 . 10/16/2018
Your story was recommended on TVTropes, so I thought I’d give this a whirl. I’ve been obsessed with all the stories you have written for the better part of two weeks now, and finally think I’ll leave one rather long comment. This one is a really solid story, and I think the way you handled each persons reaction to Gokus departure was especially thoughtful. Chi Chi ultimately understands Gokus psyche, whereas Goten would be ambivalent, having not really known Goku growing up.

But Gohan... More than anyone, he would feel the most conflicted. Details like how he much he used to revere his father as a child contrasted with how Gokus mistakes have shown him how to be a better father, and that he presently wouldnt be surprised if he were to never see his father again really demonstrate just how jaded he has become with Goku. He even asked Goku if Gohan had kept up with his training, whether Goku would have stayed or not. To me, this is something I think Gohan would be particularly stressed about—the fact that his own father does not believe in him. Granted, Gohan made the personal decision to focus on his family rather than train, but I think he would still be insulted and hurt that Goku has looked elsewhere than his own sons. To Gohan, Goku is ready to discard them when they are no longer useful to them. As a son, that would still incredibly hurt—no matter what—that my father thinks I’m not good enough.

And that’s what still gets me.

(Everything from here on out is me airing my feelings.)

I wonder what your thoughts might be now that DB Super is a thing (and has been completed), where it’s pretty much confirmed that Goku’s motivation for training Uub are probably less altruistic than described in your story. I 100% understand that at SOME point in Dragon Ball, Goku was not this obsessed fighter with the never-ending quest to fight someone stronger than him. He was just a guy who loved to fight. To be honest, I almost feel bad for him sometimes I think that he truly was not informed on what he was getting into with marriage (the expectation from the spouse and the whole bearing children thing). But over the course of events in DBZ, Goku’s entire character arc can be described as self-actualization. He learned that he was a Saiyan, and also about the kind of power that existed in the universe which changed his worldview. With each new foe, he became more and more excited on how he could push his body further and transcend, and less and less concerned with responsibilities that did not align with that goal. He had a few defining moments, like his genuine sacrifice to protect Gohan from Raditz and also the world from Cell (where, in my opinion, the series could have ended). But in terms of his character development, Goku is really the same person he started as: someone who struggles to truly empathize—to understand and consider others’ feelings. And that’s why the end of DBZ is so controversial; whatever little character development Goku got in terms of this flaw was flushed down the toilet. I feel like if his character arc might address overcoming this massive character flaw, then Goku might be redeemable. He is who he is in the end.

Anyways thanks for your take on this amazing story. I know this fic is over 15 years old, but the fact that this fic still stands to the tests of time is a testament to how impressive it is. Enjoy all of your work, all these years later.
Son-AbyGC chapter 7 . 7/4/2016
I loved ! Very good! GoChi
Nadesko chapter 7 . 6/28/2016
It was a really pleasure read this story. I'm glad found this little piece of gold :) I'm a G/C fan, and love this awsome universe you've created around two them. Every single story were surprisely cannon, even with The romantic topic. You're great! And my new favorite writer! Hahaha! Congrats, and hope read you soon! XD
levi chapter 7 . 2/2/2015
Sorry about all that but since people here sometimess obssess over review counts I just wanted to highlight your story for future readers : )

As for my real review, Great story when i was reading i could see it playing in my mind,keep it up and you're a great author!
Guest chapter 7 . 2/2/2015
Guest chapter 6 . 2/2/2015
Guest chapter 5 . 2/2/2015
Guest chapter 4 . 2/2/2015
Guest chapter 3 . 2/1/2015
Guest chapter 2 . 2/1/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
Mew57 chapter 7 . 1/23/2015
Again, its a million times better than all the stories I've come across in this site! A big Thank you for writing this :D
Mew57 chapter 6 . 1/23/2015
I was worried that guy would try to be evil and take away chichi ... thank kami, he understood her and was happy for her :3
Mew57 chapter 5 . 1/23/2015
Loving the story so far! Can't stop reading it! O.O
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