Reviews for Dinner With Sasuke
NikaTora chapter 22 . 8/3
i'm sad to see an abandoned story, sad that there was so much hate thrown at you, and that you hate your story now. it might be against your principles but it's a good story with an understandable plot reasons. i would sometimes come back to re-read it and imagine the continuation. thanks for a good read
mari00t chapter 21 . 7/27
plz plz plz finish this story...This is awesome
Guest chapter 21 . 7/20
Plsss plsss continue the story..more chapter plsss
Guest chapter 22 . 7/20
T-T wahhh plsss continue the storyyyyyyy...
bet8779 chapter 22 . 7/16
So sad I'll never get to see how this story finished. This is one of my all time favorite fanfics even if it's incomplete. And the people who sent you death threats are horrible people, who should really reflect on themselves. Thank you for and the time and work you put into this great story.
mari00t chapter 1 . 7/12
This was very good story I hope you complete it one day...maybe you are altering it, well that's also ok.

But I really want this show to be completed, this is soo good
HimiBR chapter 22 . 7/9
Oh man, i was enjoying the story so much. I am sad to hear that there will be no more continuation. But I understand your reasons, thanks for everything anyway. 3
Hinata6 chapter 22 . 6/10
Aww, I wish you would continue. It was such a good story...I’m sad to know you won’t update it again
nazarin.ramzan chapter 22 . 5/13
Im sorry for all the troubles you had withthis story. Also all the threats geven to you. I really enjoyed this story but i understand maybe you could alter the story so its still a diner with sasuke. But i wish you all the best and i hope that people wont give you Death threats again. Nobody deserves it to be threaten just over a story. Its a writers imagination on a story...

I hope to read Some more stories of you. All the next time.
vogue.provins chapter 22 . 5/4
I'm reading this in 2020. I hope you come back and finish it. The story, while it might not be ideal to some, is actually very realistic. It happens in real life. I'm fact had Naruto not been made for kids,, I think it would have ended up with this scenario.
kurama123 chapter 22 . 4/24
I'm just siosad, im inlove of this fic, i was waiting for an updte sincr vhapter 9 an now this :(
Slayer6nf chapter 8 . 4/18
Shadow Hokage?

Hokage literally means Fire Shadow...

So Shadow Fire Shadow?
kxsa chapter 22 . 4/17
Wow... I'm disappointing. Not in you of course. I get that hate comments are truly awful, and you can't really let them not get to you. It sucks, and I'm sorry.
I'm disappointed that this story will never be completed.
I truly enjoyed it, and it just got to the good part!
I'm sad, but I wish you nothing but the best.
When looking at flames, try to remember that you are talented and actual people really do enjoy your work. You are more then those people ever will be.
I hope you can regain your spirits.
Much love,
kxsa :)
Van Rae chapter 22 . 4/15
I feel sad that this story is incomplete, but I wanted to let you know that i loved the story and the situations in them give me a little hope on my own ️ you're a talented writer and i love the interactions of the two families functioning together in that manner as a whole,. Especially Sasuke and Boruto i relate so much to Hinata as a single mom myself and you have no idea how much fun i had reading your work keep up the awesome job! Love it
Qurina18 chapter 22 . 4/12
Okay... *takes a deep breath*

Excuse my language, but how fucking dare those ppl send you death threats and slander for writing YOUR IDEA AND STORY.

I just found this story and I havent been in the Naruto fandom since original Naruto, I didnt expect to be hooked on this story so fast that i went and read it all in 3 hours! I generally enjoyed your take on Hinata , who while i loved and looked up to growing up,i was disappointed that she never truly grow into a more independent character. I actually like Sasuke here , hes still a asshole but a loveable one. Again just really enjoyed it overall. So getting to the last update and seeing you write that your getting harassed over this really upset me.

I respect your decision to abandon this fic, if you dont like what you wrote or dont enjoy it, then its always better to stop. Go out there and create more stories,have fun and dont let what others say take away that joy in writing.
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