Reviews for The Shrine Maiden and the Oni
Ender001 chapter 1 . 1/14've seen Eirin's Shady Drogs haven't you?
Cyberchao X chapter 10 . 7/17/2019
I applaud this fanfiction. I tended to have trouble working with Suika; she kept winding up in minor supporting roles whenever the shrine maidens were needed. (Yes, maidens, plural. My first time knocking up a Touhou character, Sanae just used her ability.)

ed her kissing v8
Cyberchao X chapter 9 . 7/16/2019
Advertiser's Brains? I sense some disdain here.
Cyberchao X chapter 7 . 7/16/2019
Yeah, I make fun of Reimu's ambiguous humanity as well. I at one point have her use the "age 17" meme and then in the very next sentence confirm that she's been the Hakurei miko for at least 20 years, and at one point she references something that Remilia thinks she couldn't possibly have been around to know about first-hand, only to realize that she doesn't know how old Reimu actually is.
Cyberchao X chapter 5 . 7/16/2019
This fic is ADORABLE!
Cyberchao X chapter 2 . 7/16/2019
Ah. That answers my question. I forgot how strange Suika's powers could be; the idea of her generating a penis actually seems...plausible?
Cyberchao X chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
Wow. I love it. I can't help but wonder how, though; the only lesbian conceptions in my Touhouverse used magic that those two don't have access to.
TechnoGalen chapter 1 . 6/4/2019
Another fetish jackass.
Alternet RedSkys chapter 10 . 6/1/2019
Suika is now decently smart and sober now! Sweet!

It's funny how speechless Sakuya was to see how well Suika did her job.

Looking forward to more. I really enjoyed this series so I hope you keep going. Anyways great job on this chapter!
James Birdsong chapter 9 . 11/11/2018
Nice four chapters
Alternet RedSkys chapter 9 . 10/23/2018
Sakuya can be really cruel sometimes but she should really give Suika a chance to explain what happened rather than going crazy on her.

Honestly this chapter was comical in a way. Reimu is getting used to things now.

I just hope Suika manages to complete this hellish task.
Alternet RedSkys chapter 8 . 10/15/2018
I suddenly really don't like Keine right now. Suika is just minding her own business.

Sakuya is going to give her hell after that.

I can say Keine was being insanely rude.
Aluzyre chapter 6 . 9/7/2018
This turned more interesting than I thought. Keep it up!
Alternet RedSkys chapter 6 . 9/4/2018
Things are looking up. This was a nice fluff chapter.

Liking how they are adjusting to living together now or being a couple.

Hmm basic additions I can see them getting some outside help on that front.

LoL she is going to have to take care of two children.
Lusaphira chapter 5 . 8/28/2018
Really lovely !
They make a nice couple.

I like how the story evolve, with their fears and their acts, trying to be good enough for the other. It's a great romance, even if the start is akward between them.

Good luck for the next part.
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