Reviews for Go Fish
Guest chapter 6 . 5/9/2019
Guest chapter 6 . 11/26/2018
Yo this is sick! Hope you get that fire to create more chapters.
Neyane chapter 5 . 9/10/2018
Huh. This isn't going to end in two parts, obviously. The hell is happening outside... And in that Zen Garden. It's really an odd place, first, it isn't even a physical place!
Neyane chapter 4 . 9/9/2018
Wow, that was good. The last sentence not really a good sign but anyway, that was really interesting! I think I get why it was hard to write but it looks like you've made a pretty good job with this chapter So good luck for the next ones!
FrostyFirebender chapter 4 . 8/31/2018
I just started reading this today and I already love it. Connor and Hank's bromance is amazing without there being any OOCness, and I can't wait to see what happens when the group opens the can of worms that is Amanda and her influence on Connor. All in all, I. Love. This! I'm eager to see what you continue to do with it.

areo 97 chapter 4 . 8/27/2018
Love where this story is going, very interesting to see where amanda is. Poor Connor, he'll learn how to hold a conversation one day
Kata chapter 4 . 8/26/2018
Great story! Can't wait to read what happens next!
Potkanka chapter 4 . 8/26/2018
Seeing the way people write Kamski is always fun! You made him a bit more human than some - or at least with vulnerabilites (that he shows), which was interesting. Also Amanda actually controlling CyberLife is cool and scary, I wonder what the public would do if they knew about that.
Ah, and Connor, struggling with his deviancy as always... Poor guy, and poor Hank, they sure don't have it easy.
Taking Connor apart instead of restraining him really sounds like a good idea, all the reasons were sound, but wow, does it feel wrong anyway. Well, anything to make this whole business as safe as possible, hopefully Connor will come out of it alright.
Neyane chapter 3 . 8/11/2018
That was interesting! Huh, I didn't expect that from Kamski, I must say. For him to take back Cyberlife, huh, why not, but Amanda... No, really. That's odd Connor didn't tell Hank more about her, maybe later I guess.
I noticed there was one Chloe in the pool who seemed to talk more than the other in their one to one discussion, but I didn't really pay attention after Connor and Hank were on the window side of the room. I should pay attention next time, to see if it's the same Chloe who pays attention to the scene. Thanks for the tip! Thanks for this chapter too, of course
Potkanka chapter 3 . 8/11/2018
Wait, did Connor put back all the food he licked? :D Not that Hank is probably going to eat there ever again, but still, eww. (Hey, nothing against Connor licking stuff, but I wouldn't eat anything he licked. Does he brush his teeth? Does he DISINFECT HIS MOUTH?)
I had to go watch that "Kamski test" scene. You're right, one of the Chloes really turns and looks...
So... getting CyberLife back. That doesn't necessarily be a bad thing, depending on what Kamski wants to do with it. But how does he want to take Amanda back? Is she only in Connor's programming? I'm sure Connor wouldn't mind to be rid of her if she's still in there somewhere. And tbh who knows what Amanda's objectives are by now anyway. I'm quite curious what's the catch of getting Amanda out.
You Noticed chapter 3 . 8/10/2018
Finally! Finally someone mentions THAT Chloe!
Guest chapter 3 . 8/10/2018
I did wonder about that one Chloe, she would always turn to look at Connor when he walked by, like she was curious. The whole thing with Amanda being dead was interesting too. I hope that the real Amanda was actually a nice person. I would think she would need to be decent for her to have such an impact on Kamski, enough that he made her into a program, and that Cyberlife messed her programming up. But yeah, the pigeon part was pretty nasty, and we know how much Hank likes pigeons. Ew. I think Mr. Krabs was really feeling it here, as in the BURN.
StellarSpaceStarDust chapter 3 . 8/10/2018
I love how Connor learned how to do the puppy eyes. I can totally see him using it to his advantage.
Neyane chapter 2 . 8/2/2018
Wow wow, calm down, you don't necessarily have to fight, talking would have done it too... Got it Connor? I didn't get everything, but that was an interesting chapter too, so thanks And yes Connor, you can have both. Go back to working with Hank, it should be interesting, especially if you come to his house from time to time. But if he knocked out Gavin in there too... Wonder how Gavin will react to seeing him again.
Neyane chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
That was funny xD
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