Reviews for Guilty
Guest chapter 7 . 4/16/2019
Poor Theo.

Hermione was super selfish.

He did so much for and was definitely the better guy.

Megan G chapter 7 . 4/3/2019
Awesome story! Thanks for writing.
starlite22 chapter 7 . 1/17/2019
Disappointed at how easily she forgave for how badly he treated her, and making out with Ginny in front of her was nasty.
starlite22 chapter 3 . 1/17/2019
Poor poor Hermione Harry and Weasleys have treated her abominably, none of them have looked out for her, checked she’s ok, she needs to tell them wheee to go
Jazzielady76 chapter 7 . 11/21/2018
Amazing! Beautiful story, thank you for sharing!
pawsrule chapter 7 . 11/18/2018
Please write another Harmony story!
dude356 chapter 1 . 9/23/2018
I was actually getting kinda worried after Hermione got together with Theo and moved in with him that there wouldn't be time for her to realize her mistake, break up with him and get into a relationship with Harry and I was right to worry. This was marked Harry/Hermione angst/romance, but there was more angst with Harry and more romance with Theo Nott than the other way around and I felt cheated out of a Harry/Hermione romance story when it was a solid wall of angst interspersed with romance with the wrong person for too much of the story.

I don't begrudge Hermione stepping out of her comfort zone to befriend and date someone other than Ron or Harry for a bit, but she seemed to be going through the motions with Theo after a while and secretly hoping that Harry would come around and confess his love for her and "save" her from going too far with Nott; and it wasn't until Theo started talking about having her mum move in too, albeit fairly unenthusiastically, that she realized that Harry wasn't going to come in and save the day for her and that she had already gone too far with Nott, playing the part of a pureblood hostess. That she came to her senses before she committed to moving her mother in and getting engaged or married to Nott is the only thing that saved this from being really depressing.

Given the title of the fic, I wasn't expecting a fluffy romance fic with Harry and Hermione, but it just took too long to get to romance of any kind with Harry and Hermione and there was too little of it to really be a Harry/Hermione romance story.
Crushcrush12 chapter 7 . 8/27/2018
No puedo respirar.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/25/2018
I think hermione should experience a real relationship with Nott or someone else before she gets with Harry. Its only fair tbh
JuliSt chapter 7 . 8/27/2018
The title was certainly apt for Hermione. She tried and tried, but still couldn't get over her feelings for Harry. You made Theo so lovable that a little part of me was rooting for him, lol. Oh young love and all that... Harry clinging to Ginny and that relationship made sense to me, the Weasley's became the family he never had and Ginny made him a real part of it. Hermione did the right thing by breaking up with Theo, it was not fair to him or herself to allow that to continue. In my mind they are able to become friends again after time and some effort by Hermione. I see Hermione and Harry's past experiences together help them with their future together :)
HavanaClub42 chapter 7 . 8/27/2018
To be honest I don’t like the ending.
She used Theo as Harry replacement and when she was done playing with him Harry ran to her as a loyal dog.
A girl can dream it seems.
Komorebi chapter 7 . 8/27/2018
I would've been more happy if Harry and Hermione had more screen time. And I really didn't like Theo and Hermione's relationship. Nevertheless, it was a good read, Thanks for writing it.
Doctor Doofenshmirtz chapter 7 . 8/26/2018
Seriously? That's it? Kinda disappointing. You do a Harry Hermione moment in half a chaptwr, the rest is just filler. I felt nothing about the whole Theo thing aside from Angst and disgust.
Sunshine-Midnight123 chapter 7 . 8/26/2018
I'm so happy they got together! I literally felt excited when Harry showed up at her doorstep and they finally cleared the air and got together! Like Hermionie, I felt myself feeling sorry for Theo because although he loved her, her heart already belonged to Harry. Hermionie and Theo definitely rushed into their relationship by moving in together albeit temporarily as it would go, but I think it's a nice and actual testament to young love or what we think is love. Hermionie finally deciding to stop living a lie was aspiring. It wouldn't have been fair to either her, Theo, or Harry, hence all of that guilt. Guilt for wanting what you think you can't have and guilt for trying to make something work more for the other's sake than your own. I'm also taking away from this how hard it can be to own up to havingromantic feelings for someone, especially a best friend and how emotional that entire kind of experience can be. All in all, I always love when I can read fiction and can relate to it on a humanistic level. This story is really about a coming of age girl whose rattled with guilt over two men. One she's absolutely in love with and one who she's trying to justify being in love with when she's really not. Being honest and coming to terms with her feelings is ultimately what set her free which no matter how scary it may seem in real life, is a risk always worth taking. Life's too short and you may just end up with the guy ;-) I'll end this review by thanking you for creating an awesome Harmony fic and kindly demand more in the near future lol.
silentfan9 chapter 7 . 8/26/2018
I’ve quite enjoyed the fic, but I have one thing to say about this ending, I feel like I was ripped off. I don’t know why but that’s how I feel, like I was promised something only to never receive it. That’s all I have to say about this
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