Reviews for Doki Doki! A Pink Sugar Love Story!
Hitomiko's Kiss chapter 4 . 9/24/2018
This is literally as good as the actual Bleach episodes, and I don't mean the filler. Main story level. What an awesome fight! No magic powerups, no bs villain plots, just a perfect portrayal of the struggle of life and death in battle, with perfect timing and realistic speeches. This doesn't read like a fanfiction, it reads like the real deal. Consider me impressed.
CloudStrife chapter 5 . 9/24/2018
This would make a phenomenal doujinshi.
Machina46 chapter 5 . 9/24/2018
Ok, how did you make such a random pairing both BELIEVABLE AND ADORABLE? (I won't spoil who she ends up with for the other readers.) I literally never considered this ship, and now I want to read more of it. Which I doubt exists. Because even if there are more than twenty fics in the entire fandom for this pairing (doubtful) the writing quality wouldn't be as amazing as this.
So Holy crap. That was just amazing. These two were meant to be. I especially liked how it didn't seem forced. You developed their relationship believably, while keeping us entertained. It was the little details which really sold me on this fic. (Yachiru's idea of a first date, and why she uses nicknames, and even the cheesy af battle scene which I loved)
I never thought I'd actively enjoy a story titled 'Doki Doki! A Pink Sugar Love Story! I am ashamed to say I was wrong, and I now see that the title sets the 'this story doesn't take itself too seriously' tone you were going for.
For other people thinking of reading this, GO DO IT YOU FOOLS! THIS IS TOP TIER FANFICTION GOLD!
anielsen33326 chapter 4 . 9/22/2018
please update, i really wanna see if they get to go on a date next chapter
Kemious chapter 4 . 8/30/2018
You characterizations and handling of the characters is so wonderfully done, that I have to applaud you for it. You take great care in showing us who these characters are and what kinda people they and evolving them in a natural way.

I especially love how you handled the Hanatarou Rikichii interaction. It was just so artfully done. It would have been easy to make it nothing more than a simple throw away scene, having Rikichii be nothing more than information well that gave Hanatarou the information he need before passing out. Instead you took the time to paint an intimate portrait of the two of them. Rikichi dealing with his shame, regret, pride and shock, Hanatarou gentle, non judging and calming demeanor trying to provide comfort.

How you describe and portray the fourth division preforming their jobs on an active battle field also deserves praise as well.

Your use of language hits that sweet spot of being descriptive and interesting without being overly flowery and needless descriptions without being sparse and dry. The fights scene was wonderfully done and didn't burst out some impossible feat of strength or anything. Though I will say that Hanatarou's declaration during the fight was a bit cheese if I'm being perfectly honest. But then again that's more of a personal issue than anything else.

Altogether I trully enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to see its conclusion
Kemious chapter 3 . 8/28/2018
A really liked your story. Its difficult for me to put in words why I liked it without everything coming as lame or pandering, but I'll try. The story itself is highly entertaining full of good humor, you get alot of what you expect on under the premise your working. It all no time comes off feeling forced or anything like that.

I enjoy how your handling the characters, It'd be easy to make them all single note flat characters that only serve a single purpose, but there's a depth to them that makes them more enjoyable. How Yachiru viewed the fights as a way of gauging her suitors. Kenpachi's reasoning for fighting. Hanatarou's slight snark.

All I have to say is I look forward to more of it.