Reviews for The Last Mission
BiazinhaGomes chapter 14 . 4/30
OMG I always forget to comment, and I am sorry for that, but this time I had to leave a comment. I'm literally sobbing. the way you wrote it, it felt like I was reading a journal, so filled with emotion, I can't even find the words to describe it. I'm so thankful for you to share your talent with us, this soty is amazing, the way you write it, describe it, make us feel so close to them, so into theirs heads and feelings. thank you so much, I'm living it
QueenGB chapter 26 . 4/8
Bloody Fantastic! Really and truly. Thank you for leaving them here. I love to revisit this kind of really good, shit on a regular. Bravo.
QueenGB chapter 25 . 4/8
I knew she was going to get pregnant. Yay! I also thought a security company with them training young bucks would be cool. Boom! So cool. And Alice if people come after him he will do what he must no offense but yeah it’s not about you. He and his Bella kick ass. Sorry luv.
QueenGB chapter 23 . 4/8
Yeah. I kind of wanted Bella to end Zoraida is that wrong? I can’t wait to see all loose ends tightened. Peter, Eleazar, Mallory’s, Whitney’s, Biers, Volturi’s and evening Maggie. Also what was with all of JJ’s insistence and veiled threats?
QueenGB chapter 22 . 4/8
OMG this has me on pens and needles in such a good, good way. Cheers!
QueenGB chapter 20 . 4/8
What an EXCELLENT chappy. Eleazar and Zoraida will not see Badass Bella coming! Boom! Hang on Edward.
QueenGB chapter 19 . 4/7
Poor Edward he has to keep his wits about him. His Bella is smart. She has to be careful though because Eleazar has access to her house through security I bet. What a mess. Besides Biers is Peter bad news too?
QueenGB chapter 18 . 4/7
How come his photographic memory is on the fritz this time around? My girlfriend Ana has it...hate her ;-) and she never forgets faces or things she’s seen. Anyway, here we go. Please don’t let TitsMcGee (Zoraida)touch our Edward.
QueenGB chapter 17 . 4/7
“ So if something doesn't feel right, don't just forge ahead. It's ok to pull back from time to time. Be careful."
I wish Edward has listened to Garrett. This is a trap. It’s about to go tits up.

Marcus and Caius were talking about leaving Bella alone cause she’s family and he’s obsessed?
QueenGB chapter 16 . 4/7
So Charles doesn’t trust Biers either. Biers is really novice in this chapter. He was in a big hurry to get to Italy. Edward has a bad feeling but he doesn’t check in. And Mallory her and Claire with all the treats. Why wouldn’t Bella tell Carlisle and Esme about the story that’s coming out via Maggie. Why not prepare the family. Why not tell Garrett or Emmett or Charlie about the treat she laid out. Tangled web.
QueenGB chapter 15 . 4/7
Is Carmen Zoraida? Eleazar said she’s always been there. That was crazy odd. I love this who done it it’s like mental aerobics. Hehe

In the prologue Aro said he wanted to run his organization in the shadows like Jan did but without him keeping him down but it would seem he’s not really one of the big dogs now or is he? Eleazar...
QueenGB chapter 14 . 4/7
You’re right he had to go hence the title but I feel like everything that’s happened since the guy on the beach was to motivate Edward back to his dark killer self. While Bella is very connected by blood Edward is right someone, The Spaniard wants him away from normal life. They want him pissed and maybe even broken so they can use it. I think Eleazar and Zoraida are in this and killing James was because he outgrew his usefulness. Also,I totally do not trust Biers. What a mess. Plus, Carlisle is right they are moving into this unprepared. That’s when you miss things. This is EXCITING! ;-) Thank you!
QueenGB chapter 12 . 4/7
So we’ve got three skanks: Claire, The Blade Runner Babe and Lauren.
We’ve got Eleazar the Spaniard?
We’ve got the Jaguar and his cub. Johan and JJ
And finally grandpa Aro.
And the bit players of course:
Russo,Marcus, Caius, James and Kebi.
Yeah it’s time for Edward to suit up so to speak. Bella’s gonna be pissed. Come on badass Bella. ;-)
QueenGB chapter 9 . 4/7
Wait so was Leah a dancer at the skanky Bronx club where Edward had his hit and killed the 4 guys and one survived to tell his grandfather inside? If so was she being run by the Dracs before Jacob? They need to read those journals. It seems Bella came by her tenacity by way of Nonna not Renee.

I hope we get to see a bad ass Bella. Let’s amp up her training too. ;-)
QueenGB chapter 8 . 4/6
I loved Edward singing to Lucy. Sexy. And why, why would Edward use Eleazar to set up his command center (Danger Will Robinson)and use his satellite it almost feels like he’s inviting this entity into the privacy of his home. Dun, dun, dun...

Even with the Charlie connection I don’t trust Biers.
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