Reviews for Snowbarry- Season 4
Ted chapter 1 . 8/1
Idk if u didn’t realize it or didn’t know. But it’s actually Cecile. Not Cecil. Cecil is the male version of the name. Other than that tho I really like it ️
Harry Jackson2.0 chapter 8 . 7/23
I can't step crying. There's too many UwUs.
DarkestLight234 chapter 2 . 7/6
Okay this is starting to feel Exactly like season 4 replacing Iris with Caitlyn. Which is kind of stupid. Why? Well people, especially, Barry change when with different people, they start to emulate each other.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/22
Thawne may freak out when learning Nora's lineage and not the one he expected and might to give a rage fit to the fact the timeline has altered... but that won't stop him from becoming in awe and interest of Nora being hybrid frost/speedster.

Be wary of Barry's death glare, Thawne! ;)
Guest chapter 24 . 6/22
I am going to 'jitters' for the 100th episode post! Nora Snow-Allen meet Savitar, Zoom, and Eobard Thawne! (Weird how the first two were in love her mother, wonder if Zoom might see the resemblance). I am eager for Thawne's reaction in meeting Nora, and finding out her mother is not Iris, but actually one of his best prodigy and daughter-like figure.

Can't... wait!
Guest chapter 24 . 6/22
Your Nora Snow-Allen should not be exactly like Nora West-Allen from canon.

I wonder what is her history with her parents. Did Caitlin keep secrets from her about her powers?

I think your Nora should be much serious, since she may have inherited a bit from Killer Frost. She seems to be 10 years younger than the canon counterpart.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/22
I really am excited for your retelling of Season 5 with Nora Snow-Allen!


I can see it fitting, how you will be able to mend both the Flash-daughter main story with the Icicle/Snowpack subplot. Nora helping her mom try to regain Killer Frost and find out about her grandfather. I mean, Icicle will overjoyed that he not only has his daughter, but also a granddaughter with the same powers... if that is the case Nora has both her parents powers (speed and ice powers).

I think it can a struggle she has deal with in her life, her speed not working smoothly with frost powers.

I look forward to the 100th episode and Elseworlds! But I don't mean to rush you. ;)
theflashladbabyfanfictonwriter chapter 23 . 5/30
it's good to know there is still hope for Barry and Caitlin 's baby after all
AmayaBlack chapter 24 . 5/23
I’m glad your continuing the story!
lollypop18092006 chapter 24 . 5/22
buffylovezsupercat chapter 24 . 5/22
So I quite enjoyed this journey. Loved it everytime I got a notification for an update. Even though there where a few mistakes & missteps here and there this was great.

If there was something I'd do differently here would've been keeping any pregnancy away for a very distant future. It was a pretty shocking twist but the whole frozen pregnancy sorta defeat the purpose if it's a speedster kid. Cause speed and cold cancel eachother.

And another would've been keeping the purple lightning so far away from this fic. That purple lightning was chosen specifically for the ep, where iw gets Barry's speed, by candace. And that's why it was a staple for future Nora to have yellow and purple lightning. If you wanted to have made this a Snowbarry kid you should've used their own colors. Gold lightning for Barry and maybe blue or white lightning to represent Cait.

But like I said it was an epic undertaking and you really hit with the angst, happiness, fluff and action. You shouldn't be afraid of completely rewriting certain iris scenes for cait. This is a fic that's semi-canon. It may folow the plot but you made the characters follow different paths.

Also there's one fic out there that did this whole rewrite of the seasons with twists. You've both outdid yourselves and proved that you can write snowbarry and it wouldn't hurt the show. (Dm me if you want to know more the other fic)

Can't wait for your version of s5 and s6.

And again this was an amazing epic fic.
Rosesflowers chapter 24 . 5/22
Thank you for the explanation because in all of your chapters of Snowbarry season 4 you never said anything or I think wrote anything about saying that you were going to do season 5. FYI I wasn't here for the last 4 years of you writing this, I just kinda speed read it in the last month or two, so I wan't here for the long shot but I still support you and I don't want you to feel pressured to write season because trust me it is really hard to write one or maybe its just me but when I attempted to write I only got to 700 words of so and here you are writing 1,000 or 2,000 words per chapter. But I am really grateful that you wrote this because I think I would go crazy with just watching the flash and seeing no Snowbarry. But, that it and I wish you good luck on the long shot and give you some love.
bittersweetcalamity chapter 24 . 5/22
Yayyyyyy. I will see u there and ride the journey I mean im not very patient but I can wait.
SerrinTyr635 chapter 24 . 5/22
I’m not really sure what to say, but I’m happy— really happy! I loved what you did with season 3 (because some of the scenes in that season were just meh) so you only including certain scenes was not only easier on you but more enjoyable to read. I stand by what I have said multiple times over this is the best (and my personal favourite) Snowbarry story that I’ve ever read it’s hard to believe it’s been years now but I’d still do it all over again for how amazing this is. For how amazing you are as a writer. And once again I just want to say Thank You, you keep us informed on what’s going on with the story and if you feel uninspired you tell us, it’s more than a lot of other writers would do and it just reminds me that not only are you an amazing writer but also an amazing person. I wish you all the best and am looking forward to Season 5 when it commences.

- Your old pal, Serrin Tyr
JokerKing7 chapter 24 . 5/22
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