Reviews for Danny Phantom and The Avengers
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
Dude I love The Story So Far. I hope you include the reality Gauntlet to see how it works up to The Infinity Gauntlet. Have Danny fight Thanos. Well that's going on say that he would destroy this gauntlet like I did the other one. Thanos would be like what other one. Danny would think hey if I can win this fight I would use the reality gauntlet has a way to almost even the score with Thanos. Also if Thanos can be Danny in strength and some power make him King of the ghosts that would be kind of fun to see.
Walker's Annoying Voice chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
I like this. Your dialogues between Danny and the various members of the Avengers were especially fun. But why is this titled "epilogue"? Is there more that comes before this? And if yes, where can I find it?
princessbinas chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
I am highly confused. I feel like tons of stuff is missing and I am completely lost despite having seen the Avengers movies are Danny Phantom. So much is just missing.
ThoughtfulPencil chapter 1 . 7/8/2018
This is amazing! You’re too incredible. Never stop writing- too legit to quit. Stay fabulous