Reviews for Past is Prologue
Guest chapter 26 . 5/23
Great story
Guest chapter 26 . 1/11
Really enjoyed the fic, thank you for taking the time to write it.
Annastesia LaFayette chapter 2 . 12/22/2019
2 chapters in and I must say that Trip is one cocky SOB.
Its an intriguing story of how one slight change in the past can reshape the future. Kudos on the story idea.
On a critical note, the 2 chapters I've read so far seem overwhelming with useless filler details. IDK, perhaps the details will become relevant in later chapters?
shamour chapter 26 . 3/9/2019
Very interesting concept of what could happen with a small change in timeline. I only wonder why the Romulans didn't manipulate more if they had the technique. On a more critical side, the name of Hernandez' task force has a bad association from my cultural background. There are quite some typos which make it difficult to read at times. The events were very fast paced, but I don't mind. I loved how you handled the TnT relationship without major problems as in the show, apart from the Kalifee perhaps.;-) They deserve the happiness with all the war going on. I only wish there would have been even more about them. Great story!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/9/2019
Amberlioness chapter 26 . 1/21/2019
Bravo! Really loved this story! Thank you for finishing it. I liked your take on the impact just one small change in history could have on events, while keeping these characters familiar and recognizable. The level of detail you incorporate with the secondary characters makes them feel like far more than filler. (Lots of folks there I wouldn't mind reading more about in the future.) Your story was well constructed and entertaining. Thank you for making Trip and T'Pol's relationship a part of the story, and for handling it very well. In particular your interpretation of the visit Home and the following wedding was very nicely done and felt satisfyingly plausible. And you gave us the Romulan War, if only Enterprise had been able to get so far. Again, a wonderful read and thank you!
Pointy-Eared Hobgoblin chapter 26 . 1/18/2019
Loved the whole story. It was fantastic. I liked how you handled Trip and T'Pol's relationship without her use of Trillium or the Pa'nar syndrome plotline. She seemed much more emotionally mature and likable, even though the relationship was a bit rushed. That was probably down to the Kir'shara being discovered earlier, a touch I appreciated. I also liked the way you portray the other Vulcans-they seem like real people with deep emotions and different interests and family situations. You straddled the line between making them seem like slightly more logical and sedate humans versus the uptight, close-minded automatons they are often portrayed as. I especially liked all the family relationships and clan interactions. I also really enjoyed how you wrote Trip's family, with some supportive, some not, and some gradually coming around. It felt very realistic.

If I had any criticism, it would be how fast everything moves. It seemed liked Trip was engineer for no time at, then XO for no time at all. And Vulcan warmed up and became Earth's allies in no time at all. And Trip and T'Pol's relationship started quickly and progressed quickly. You did set up the plot to make this accelerated timeline more believable, but it did leave me feeling a little like things should be harder for everyone and not resolved so soon. In the same vein, Trip seems to be good at everything. Even martial arts, his weak point, he becomes pretty skilled in. It would be nice to have some flaws and weaknesses highlighted a little more. Although you did a good job of showing his temper.

Another in a line of awesome stories! I read it in one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it.
daryalkami5 chapter 26 . 1/3/2019
Is this the end? I enjoy the story buy other than another comment saying thank you for finishing... it wasn't really clear this was the end ... I do enjoy your new story though, just hope it doesn't take 20 chapters to work out Trip and Tpol
Guest chapter 26 . 12/27/2018
Thanks for finishing the story! I love the enterprise stories. While waiting for this one to finish I read a couple superhero stories that were good from you. More Batman please! I would also love a new NCIS story (about Tony) if the mood ever strikes...that was a good show.
orionastro chapter 26 . 12/26/2018
very good new chapter ,and great epilogue for the story , great new weapons that Starfleet developed , i hope you can waite a sequel to see the peace treaty ,and some exploration , the birth of the UFP and more species joining in , expanding the federation .
Asso chapter 26 . 12/25/2018
A pleasure to read another chapter of this story.
Powerful and enthralling writing, as usual.
The events follow each other, pressing.
Well done.
And ... what an idea!
Malcolm who becomes Harris!
You are really good, my friend!
Calebros chapter 15 . 12/25/2018
"I better arrange for you do have quarters on Mars when the installation begins. That way you won't have to travel back and forth from the Mars and the Utopia Planitia Shipyards."
This makes no sense. If the quarters are on Mars and the ship is in the Utopia Planetia Shipyard, then why wouldn't she need to travel betweeen them?
Calebros chapter 12 . 12/25/2018
"Once the Enterprise is done when a mission they being assigned the ship is returning to Earth."
What the hell is this sentence supposed to mean? You have made plenty of mistakes so far, but this takes the first place.
Naming the First Officer on the Kumari, while you just decribe Shran's clothes is strange.

about the story: it is nice, but there are times when the mistakes make it really hard to enjoy the story.
ad694 chapter 26 . 12/25/2018
Great story. This is now one of my top 2 or 3 favorites. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 26 . 12/24/2018
Love and merry Christmas.
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