Reviews for Racetrack's Migraine
Trekkiehood chapter 1 . 2/4
*Anything minorly bad happens*
Jack: This is all my fault!

I somehow only managed to have read half of this and can't remember why I would have stopped... but anyway. Loved it!
Phantom Actress chapter 1 . 1/14/2019
After reading this story, I got an add for Migraines! LOL
FEB9503 chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
Man, I am late. Anyways, this was so so good! I love the characterization of everyone and their little family dynamic. Also Crutchie being the sweet and caring friend he always is and taking the blame for Finch was the greatest thing ever. I hope that you eventually write something again because you are very talented.
douvleenvope chapter 1 . 7/12/2018
I liked the sort of chaotic running around feeling to this one. It gives a good impression of the tough choices Jack had to make to help his brother's
xxStarChildxx chapter 1 . 7/10/2018
I loved this! It gave me so many emotions. I would love for this to become a story. Have a great day!
Fluffy Amazon Strawberry chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
Could write more stories about the boys in this 'home'. I think they'd be really interesting to read
Les Phansie chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
Wow, this was really intense and really well written. I'm literally reading this at midnight but it was worth it. :)
SomedayonBroadway chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
This was a really nice concept! I really enjoyed it! Nicely done ;)
brighteyes421 chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
Yay! The spider is gone for good and the boys are all going to be okay. Spot is a good guy and rally came through for Jack and his brothers. Cute story.
selizabethharrisburg chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
Wow. That was one intense ride!

First of all, hooray for migraine representation! Do you get them? You described them absolutely perfectly - the pressure, like your brain is trying to force its way out of your skull. It's horrible, and it's tragic to see Race go through that, but I loved seeing the issue brought to the forefront. You captured it beautifully!

The story was well-crafted (quite fast, but that's certainly not a bad thing). I loved the shape. You certainly took us on an emotional ride and you weaved everything together gently and carefully. It read smoothly and comfortably, and felt like you were always in control of the characters.

My heart was actually pounding during this piece. It shattered into pieces when Snyder started aggravating Race's migraine. That is hell right there. But this story does have a wonderfully happy ending, which is soothing.

I do have one piece of advice for you, though. You tend to be distant from the inside-the-head narration, which is totally fine and actually can make the prose stronger. However, you sometimes veer into be world of telling, not showing. In your case it's a relatively easy fix.

Example: about 1/3 of the way through, you write: "[Race] never was this quiet, even when he had a migraine. Jack was worried. 'Stay here,' he ordered, before he left the room." Okay. That's all right. But the one sentence that I'm not a fan of is, "Jack was worried." We don't need to be hit over the head and told that Jack was worried. With what he's said, what he's done, we know. Heck, with your beautiful descriptions and storyline, we as readers are already worried sick ourselves! You have already SHOWED us *brilliantly* that Jack is worried. You don't need to TELL us. In fact, telling takes some of the power away and can even pull a reader out of the scene. You do this in multiple places, not just here. Just trust the reader; believe us, with how excellently you craft, we WILL know that Jack is worried.

All in all, though, this is a GORGEOUS story. I love it so much. ️. Thank you for bringing migraines to centerstage. You did a brilliant job.

Keep writing!
emmy313 chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
Man I was holding my breath for parts of this it was so intense! I loveeeee how all the boys take care of each other.