Reviews for Oops
Haku's Lover18 chapter 1 . 8/27/2019
Please please please update! This was my first ever fanfiction and I would love to finally be able to finish reading it!
Silver Sin of The Cosmos chapter 3 . 12/2/2014
I love the story but why the hell is Yasha-Bae's hair bright blue and his eyes green? His hair is silver and his eyes golden...
Sorry for questioning...
JynxedHeroine chapter 9 . 6/2/2013
I really like this story so far but for some odd reason, it hurts to read it. Like a heavy pressure and ache both in my heart and everywhere else. Though I do know that this was written a while back, and you'll probably never read this message, I just thought someone other than me should know how I feel. :\
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
sounds good so far... I really liked the battle scene, you described it well :)
cursedBunnie108 chapter 25 . 10/9/2011
AWWWWWW- noooooo- it cant end there!- update!- quick!
Salena Knight chapter 25 . 12/17/2010
This is such a great story so far! Please update! _
SavageCub chapter 25 . 10/28/2010
this is such a cool chapter only one coplaint you said a couple of days or weeks its been a couple of years since you last updates :( i hope you write anouther chapter soon xx
kaki112 chapter 25 . 11/16/2008
Great Story.
brakken chapter 25 . 6/4/2008
I'm so sad that this is the where the story, for better or worse, ends. I might have criticized the grammar to no end, but I did enjoy it. I enjoyed it very much-it's just the sort of story I love to read, rife with romance, character development, a dash of action every now and then, and lovely splashes of drama to keep your blood pumping...Thanks for writing as much as you did. Good luck in current endeavors, fanfics or otherwise.
brakken chapter 24 . 6/4/2008
Nice cliffhanger; while it isn't a major one, it's still fun. And a great tie into the next chapter. I can't wait to read it!

And the ears were absolutely adorable, I just wanted to say. Kagome's little spiel was sweet in its own way-I thought it fit wonderfully well with her at that moment and state of mind if any of this makes any sense at all...I can't tell at this time of night...
brakken chapter 23 . 6/4/2008
Very well handled. I like the method of making a scene last longer by splitting it up and separating the parts with other scenes in between. It works so well, especially with stories like these...It's a lot trickier to pull off with action fics, though it is possible...It just fits so well/adds so much to romances. Well done.
brakken chapter 22 . 6/4/2008
I like his confession. VERY Inuyasha. And I think Kagome's wrong about Rini telling him what to say. Just because he isn't that profound all the time doesn't mean he doesn't have it in him-besides, what on earth could ever get him to repeat anything profound, and repeat it right. No, the only way for him to say something deep/poetic and have it make sense is if he actually did it himself. But she just can't accept that he loves her over Kikyou can she...No, I know she believed that to some extent, but you know what I mean: she still couldn't take it at face value.

An interesting theory regarding Sesshomarou's mother. Pity she's actually still alive in the manga, seeing as I've grown fond of your version of events.

And please reread what you've written. And if you do, and don't catch these things, have someone else do it. Because the number of sentences I can't begin to understand even after 10 tries and numerous tricks and methods is scaring me right now.
brakken chapter 21 . 6/3/2008
Hehe I love the last scene of this. It's the most perfectly designed torture for Inuyasha imaginable (not really but you get what I mean-you know, the worst it could be while still funny and not actually detrimental to relationships): talk to him for a long time about things that make his brain hurt (in detail, with examples!) at the same time as refusing to let him see if Kagome is ok after a few hours of ceaseless worry. Poor guy. Great idea anyway. And the discussion was actually fairly interesting to me.
brakken chapter 20 . 6/3/2008
Oh, such a delightful cliffhanger. I do have such a fondness for them you see. Such a very great fondness...I seem to be using the word 'such' quite often. Hmm. Must correct that.

Didn't understand some bits in here (proofreading would be nice)...

But the ending was the best part by far. Absolutely. Thank you for the drama.
brakken chapter 19 . 6/3/2008
I hope you realize that I feel kind of guilty about going on and on about grammar so much...I mean, it's not that I think you're a bad author-I don't. You're wonderfully creative and have delightful diction. I just wish that...that...the writing could be improved I guess? It's good, it's just that there are little mistakes every which way and I can't help but notice them. So I apologize if I've been too hard on that lately.

And I thought I should add that I find the idea of Inuyasha doing math fabulous. And getting his way like that...
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