Reviews for The Rio the Darkness Saga Remastered
Blubirdbloodclot chapter 1 . 6/17
Woah woah i don’t get it. He freaked out because he’s afraid of the dark? What kind of pussy does that? Damn this bird must be a real wimpy bitch. And how the hell did he start flying all of a sudden? Did that voice he said he heard give him like magic powers or something. Oh crap im already confused :( :( :( :(
IlikeFanfictionn chapter 1 . 6/18
Ight so started this story and idk seems a little weird. The way Blu just starts spazzing i mean whoa dude u gave me like a trippy moment lmao. I tell ya I mean da fuck? Holy crap, wonder if it’s gonna be like this the whole time. Wow. How the fuck is Jewel gonna find him now? Unless he’s trailing like some kind of shadow particle behind him. Bro, I tell u. Who the fuck knows? Haha
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 64 . 6/18
Absolutely amazing. This is easily the best Rio story I have ever read. Next story I plan to read is the Dark Robes Remastered. Hopefully its as good, or even better than this. Considering how that is double the length of this story, and this took days of near non-stop reading, I predict Dark Robes will take me almost two weeks to finish reading.

While time travel is something I'm not a fan of, due to the ungodly amount of paradoxes that ensue, this story managed to keep me interested and even presented moral dilemmas I never thought about before in regards to time travel.
Overall, this is absolutely amazing. You sir, deserve a blowjob for this story.
Proffesor Ass Spiders
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 63 . 6/18
This reminds me of Endgame
Aquaman drowns in Endgame lmao
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 55 . 6/17
Damn, that was pretty toxic of Nexus tbh.
In all seriousness, that was a rather dark scene. Although I feel like it doesn't have enough emotional weight to make it truly disturbing. But even then, the fact that Nexus literally wiped out an entire world was incredibly dark.

With the development in the previous chapter, Nexus is shaping up to be an amazing villain. Glad that he has some depth to him, so he isn't a '''Mwuahahaha, I'm so evil'' as he twirls his moustache' kind of villain. Although the fact he killed millions does kind of make him the most evil villain I have seen so far.

He is a lot better than Ivan, who just seemed to be the stupid 'following in x's footsteps because reasons' kind of villain. Angelus was still the best one, as her motivations made her not so much of a villain, and as this story progresses one truly wonders if she was right all along, and if it would've been better if she killed Blu and destroyed the darkness once and for all.
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 51 . 6/16
Wow, Rico didn't die in an arc/story? Amazing!
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 45 . 6/16
Oh, Rico...He's gonna die lol
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 33 . 6/15
Probably not the best song you could've picked, as although the instruments and tone are happy and joyful...The lyrics aren't really, especially after the second verse. I suppose its better than choosing Tainted Love, or Free Bird. (a mistake I made. Free Bird is about giving up someone and being free...I think) Although I thank you for introducing me to Copacabana, I guess.
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 31 . 6/14
Damn, it seems like Rico is the John Hurt/Sean Bean of your stories. How many times has this dude died?
Logan Jindrak X chapter 5 . 4/12
What? This must be a joke! Blu and Jewel broke up with each other? I wasn't expecting to see this: their love is always one of the strong points in Rio stories. But Jewel did thought about reconsidering it, so there's hope.

I must say I like Andre and his overly eccentric personality which is kind of crazy, but in a good way. Wonder what he knows about the Darkness.

This chapter is handled out very well. You keep surprising me with each chapter. First, Blu's new powers, then Rico's death, and now, the breakup. And that's only the 5th chapter. I feel like this story holds a lot of surprises in store for me.
Logan Jindrak X chapter 4 . 4/12
Wow, so Rico got killed already? I would lie if I said I did see that coming. Are you a Game Of Thrones fan too, by simple curiosity?

But if you wanted to get me mad, it worked. I now have a huge grudge against Vadin and his brotherhood for taking away a character who had such potential. And somehow, I have a feeling that Blu's decision to help Kate will come back to bite him later.

Overall, this was a great chapter with lots of drama. Once again, the grammar and spelling are professional and flawless. I'm gonna start the next chapter right away.
Logan Jindrak X chapter 3 . 4/9
First of all, I already like this Rico guy. He's based on your personality, right? Somehow, he reminds me of The Hound in Game Of Thrones: a bit of a jerk with a funny sense of humor, but with his heart in the right place.

I also liked a lot how you introduced the bad guys of the story. In most stories that I read, the authors always give a strong sense of who the bad guy is and immediately make him interesting and threatening. But here, you leave elements in the dark and it makes me wanna know more.

As for the writing, it's very good spelling and grammar are near-flawless, descriptions are great and it kept me interested up to now.

So Blu and his friends are going on a trip to Sao Paulo, huh? Strange, that's what happens in my first Rio story too XD
Logan Jindrak X chapter 2 . 4/9
I'm sorry for the late review, Ricardo, but I had to finish one of my stories first. But now that it's out of the way and that I still have many weeks with nothing to do ahead of me, I can continue where I left off.

First off, I'm gonna start with the grammar. I think I spotted one error or two, but I can't remember where I've seen them. However, they were very minor and didn't broke the fun of reading it at all.

As for the content itself, I like how you hint that something terrible is going to happen. I think it's important to put some build up to a climax.

Overall, this was a great second chapter and I'm gonna read the next one right away.
Logan Jindrak X chapter 1 . 2/11
I've been recommended to read this, so here I go.

First of all, I like the grammar; I did not spot a single mistake. Now, I know it's a remaster, but I haven't read the original, so I cannot make comparisons.

You got me to feel sad for Blu and Jewel here: they thought they could finally be togetehr after their adventure, but Blu gets possessed and ran away from Jewel who must be terribly worried.

This reminds me a bit of a video game I once owned. But so far, I like it. I'll read the next chapter when I get the chance. Amen, brother.
RioloverBardenBellaforlife chapter 64 . 11/1/2019
Wow, well here we are. The end. And yeah, Im internally crying. If it wasn't so late at night I'd be physically shedding tears. Oh no, wait. Yup, they're coming :(

I can't believe it's over. I'm sad that it's done, but it has to end like this. I gotta say that overall as expected, one of the best things I've read in my life. Nobody puts me in my feelings like u and David do. I know u don't think of yourself as his equal but in my eyes u are. I have always believed this and continue to stand firm in saying u two are the pillars of the Rio archive. I loved this arc. I really did. I was mixed at the beginning and thought I might not like it, but these last few chapters changed all that.

Just how everyone was fighting all at once, man I loved it. I will say this though, if there was one thing I actually hated in this chapter it was that Nexus kind of in a way gets a happily ever after. Yeah yeah, the Puro cleansed him and all but Im sorry, I don't forgive that easily and I don't think he deserved to be with her after he literally drove her to her grave. Eventually, I guess I'll get over it but for the longrest time Im going to just pretend in my head that he's burning in Hell and suffering. Bc that will allow me to go to sleep tonight, knowing that motherfucker is suffering.

All Nexus drama aside, I loved the bits of humor at the beginning with the characters who formerly bit the dust. I missed all three of them and it was so nice to see that u brought them back just for the final chapter. Plus, that ending in the club and with Blu's broken wing, to quote Jewel: ending it where it all began. A stroke of genius, it really was.

Naturally I know there was a bit left with the Elite Guards and I know that their story is kind of continued in the Rise of the Zealots so that's why I won't comment on loose ends. I'll get to reading that eventually but I think Im gonna take a break from Rio for a bit and read some fanfics for my other new love, Spyro. I know u don't care but Im writing this anyway XD.

So, as a whole, I loved this saga. It's actually really difficult to admit and i know this is probably an unpopular opinion but this arc is actually not my favorite. It's my second favorite. I liked Arc 2 the best. To me it was by far the most original, emotional, and interesting. If I was ever to go back and reread sections of this saga, I can guarantee you I'd head to Arc 2 first. That I consider a masterpiece all its own. The asylum... loved it! :D

But there we are. That concludes my reviews for Rio the Darkness Remastered. A big thank you Rico for making my first period study halls something to look forward to when I didn't want to wake up and go to school. I loved this story, I love your work, and you're a great person. It always feels like an honor to read your stories and review them just bc I look up to u so much.

And now, goodbye until I get to talk to u again. ;)

Your loyal friend and devoted fan,

P.S. I know he won't listen but at least attempt to advise your black hawk friend that he only gets one liver. Perhaps he should take it a little easier on his booze XD.
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